Kai puppies

edited October 2010 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
Snapped a few pictures of the 2 pups that I just picked up the other day from Yamanashi. They're settling in well and not giving me too much trouble... yet.




This one's out of focus, but so cute I had to upload it. Pups love my sandals.



  • Shigeru are you going to breed kais or are these shipping off?

    Keep the Kai puppy spam coming. I love them all. That first one looks like Koda did.
  • my gosh, they're adorable :)
  • Send me one! :) haha, they are too cute!
  • Aaaw they are SO cute! Is the kuro for your dansih buyer??
    Loooove the pic with the sandal, too cute! :oD
  • Adorable! Thanks for sharing the pics, Shigeru.
  • What pair of good looking Kais. I have room for one!
  • That picture of the puppy with your sandal us absolutely adorable! It looks bigger than she is.
  • Too cute! :o)

    I'm guessing the Kuro-tora is a female and the Chu-tora is a male? Nice looking Chu and the Kuro is super cute!

  • Adorable!!! I'd be glad to take one off your hands for you ;) ~
  • Wow! they look great! So cute!
  • Kai puppies are the cutest!

    I love the picture with the shoe. :)

    Next time you get some Kai pups, send them on to Virginia... I will definitely take a female off your hands. Hehe.
  • These two are cute, and surprisingly little trouble. Maybe it's just that I have a more puppy friendly environment now, but it's been a lot easier taking care of these little guys.

    The kuro-tora is a female, and the chu-tora is a male. The male might be going to Denmark, but he's got a medical issue that needs to be cleared up first.
  • Aww, lovely pups! Very cute pictures!
  • I dont get to check in too often, but I love seeing a thread of Kai Puppies when I do. :)
    ahhh...thanks for sharing these cuties!
  • Cute puppies! I love looking at pictures of pups. =)

    Saya used to love my sandals I got the same kind except blue luckily she stopped carrying them around.. lol
  • Hi everybody.

    Now we must just tell you all, that we are the very proud owners of this cho-tora male, named Cody, nearly 7 months now.
    Shigeru found this wonderful dog for us, and was a great help, making this dream come true. Thank you so much. ;-)
    Today Cody is doing great, and developing fine. A little bit of a troublemaker, but in the funny way. Like to tease our cat, and if Cody (not often) takes a nap, our cat teases him, they love to run after a each other.
    Cody likes people, and get fine along with other dogs. He loves our other Kai, Mokii, a lovely Kuro-tora, we imported from Peggy in the US, also a lot of thanks to Peggy. Last summer Mokii became Danish Champion, but shows is not her favorite, like it better, when making trips to the woods, and then a nap in mom's bed.
    Will take some new pictures of our wonderful Kai kens.

  • Hey! I spent a lot of time with your pup in Japan, he was a cutie. Congrats! We called him "JKC", but Cody is a much better name for him. LOL

    I remember he was a very assertive pup, is he still kinda bossy with you? I liked his character.

  • Congratulations on your 2 Kai. I am sure you will have a lot of fun with them!
  • @Tina
    Is he 7 months already? Time flies by! Seems like yesterday I met His Fluffyness at a show, but no, it's almost 3 months ago now. Can't wait to see him again!
  • Thank you so much.
    Cody is still a very assertive dog, not afraid of anything, but at 7 months, Mokii is starting bringing him up. It's so funny to see, her telling him, that it's no more allowed just to take a bone or a toy from her. He stops stares at her, and you can se him wondering what happened. Yes he's still, trying to be the boss, but we almost agreed, that when we are training, and you don't like to concentrate on the work, you do not bite. Always happy.
  • Hey Tanja. Yes times go by. Are you coming to the show in Hårlev, looking forward to se your new pup?
  • @Tina
    Haha, this one made me laugh hard: "Yes he's still, trying to be the boss, but we almost agreed, that when we are training, and you don't like to concentrate on the work, you do not bite." XD

    I hope to come as a spectator in Hårlev, but I was unfortunately too late to enter. I still don't have Eowyn's pedigree so couldn't enter in time...
  • Yeah, more Japanese Kais to Europe!
  • Congrats on your new pup
  • Hey Tina, so happy to hear Cody is doing well. Would love to see pictures of him when you get a chance!
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