@Brad - They are but you got to remember that they were less than 2 days old when I took those. I felt that they were slightly bigger than Ayame's puppies -and Hoshi from the litter is a brick S-house.
Ha ha I am really liking the JA, but I need to meet more in person. Turns out the only JA I really know well is a Tween. Not sure how that changes their temperment. He looks all JA, but alas isn't.
@Shibamistress - they are AkihoLA Club JAs. However Ben takes care of our club breeding program. For the most part the club dogs are sold to future members who want to breed. If we still have dogs then we sell to future members. After that we sell the pet quality(if any). We also try to place the dogs in Southern California first, then the rest of california, then branch out from there. Other liters don't have those restrictions.
@tjbart17 - the two from the last liter are up in the bay area now. They are 6 month old brothers to Hoshi. Riki
Great pups! Are they from the Texas breeders (I'm forgetting the name of the kennel right now...)
@tjbart17 - the two from the last liter are up in the bay area now. They are 6 month old brothers to Hoshi.