Go for it?

So.....Katja has a male pup available from her Kuma and Aiko litter. We were originally planning on waiting until she has her next litter, which would be in March. However, she can't guarantee we'd be able to get one from her next litter, specifically a male from Kuma and Kimi. So, we need to make a decision. I already booked a flight for Saturday, returning the next day. I'm about 99% there, just have a little indecision left in me. The plan was to definitely get one soon, just not this soon. So, as a person who plans things out way in advance, this is throwing me off a little bit. I know we'd give the dog a great home. He'll be loved. And I know our Shiba Sam will love him just as much. I'm just a little nervous. Want to make sure I make the right decision.

Any advice from you Shikoku owners out there?


  • edited November 2010
    wow! nice, well if you understand that shikokus are not shibas and need a lot more exercise then I say go for it.

    Carpe Diem!

    don't forget to post pictures!!!
  • edited November 2010
    Not a Shikoku owner... But this question was brought up by Lisa a few months ago when she was thinking about getting her Akita puppy... And I think it was put best by this quote:

    @dlroberts: "Sometimes it feels good to do something "crazy" like get a puppy last minute. (I may have just done exactly that. ;-))"

    Obtained from this thread:

    If you think you are ready and are both emotionally and financially capable (as are all else who are in your household), then go for it! And I am sure that when you get there and meet him, it will be love at first sight, so you might as well go ahead and make provisions ready to bring him home. :)

    Good luck, and let us know what you decide... And make sure you take your camera to Katja's! :)
  • No, leave him for me!

    Just kidding. I think you should go for it. Consider yourself lucky, a lot of people have to wait months or even years to get their chosen breed.

    I'll be in the area at the same time, visiting my family. I'll be sure to wave in Katja's direction for you. :)
  • @sunyata - Thanks for the attribution!

    I'm similar in that I like to plan things out way in advance---especially when it is as big a commitment as taking on a new dog. But, having gotten Tyson with about 4 days notice, I can say I have no regrets at all. Sometimes you really do have to step outside yourself and do something unplanned. What's the fun if life is 100% predictable anyway?

    Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck. :-)
  • Ehh go for it! If you were already planning on getting a Shikoku what's a few months? I'd do it, but that's me.
  • Go for it, that way you can spam us with tons of pics:)
  • I'd go for it. We have a Aiko daughter and she is a wonderful dog. Can't go wrong.
  • Go for it! I went and got my puppy sooner that I expected, and I am SO glad I did. He is the BEST dog! And in addition, I'd been planning on waiting for a pup from another breeder's litter, and guess what? That bitch had only ONE puppy in the litter, so I wouldn't have got one anyway!

    So I figure if you have the opportunity, go for it! And post lots of pics!
  • After much back and forth last night with my wife.....we decided to wait. It was tormenting to say the least. I emailed Katja last night saying we'd like to go on the waiting list. And this morning, we were both quite sad.

    Pretty much the main reasons we decided to wait is that both my wife and I may be looking for new jobs. My wife is a teacher and may start next fall at a small private school that is down the block from where we live. Also, I may be looking to move to another company that is about a 10 minute walk from home.

    Hopefully there will be on available for us from one of Katja's next litters. I guess we'll leave it in mother nature's hands.

    In the meantime, I am going to enjoy life with my one Shiba. She's such an awesome girl, (not the best listener of course while I was chasing her around the dog run for a half hour last night trying to get her on leash).

    Even though I am seriously doubting myself right now...lol
  • Everything happens for a reason. And I am sure that the puppy that you do get, will be the perfect pup for you and your family. :)

    Good luck with the new jobs, being that close to home would be AWESOME! I would love to be able to walk to work!
  • Yeah, I would have said to "go for it" as well...since you're planning on getting a Shiku pup in the next few months anyways. It's understandable though to wait if you are uncertain about your new job placements. And believe that this may take away some time from your puppy.

    Whenever you do get your pup, you and your wife will be happy! And we'll be waiting for photos =].
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