HIMIKO!!!!!!!!(new cute picture 4/11/09)



  • edited November -1
    Alright this is from my phone so no pictures yet. Tomorrow. I promise. Customs actually took 5 minutes. It was remarkably simple. Just tedious. She is a love. Snuggled right up to Ted (she is in his lap as we speak). Piggy was a little guarded at first. We are taking it very slow since the size difference is so considerable. Moto ignored her almost completely. But has taken on the text book middle child roll. Little punk barked at me forever. Everyone is sleeping now. It sucks because of course i want to smother her with love but i need to make sure that Moto and Piggy know she is not a threat. She will be sleeping with Ted (he is loving life right now). Pauls puppy is coming next week. She is fearless. And wonderful. I cant wait to show you guys pictures.
    Sleep now..
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! Laughing I'm glad it is going well! You are officially a Shikoku owner!!!!  yea!!!
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    YAY!!!! Im so happy that everything is going well!!!  Congrats on being a new Shikoku owner!!! I can't wait until you post up pics!!!  For some reason today, all I could really think about is you guys and how you were doing...Im so glad you posted and gave us an update, I was getting a little worried.  CONGRATS AGAIN!!!
  • edited November -1
    OMG! I missed everything! Jess. I'm so happy things went super smoothly. Can't wait to see pix!!!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats!! I'm happy everything went well! We were all curious.
  • edited November -1
    Congrats!  Im so excited for future stories!
  • edited November -1

    Glad to hear that everything is going well so far.  "Shocking" that the Shiba is acting up a bit about it.

  • edited November -1
    Adorable pictures.  She is bigger than I thought she would be.  Looks like she sure was really tired from such a long trip, and was happy to meet a few people who would let her sleep on them.
  • edited November -1
    OMG Jess! OMG! She is just gorgeous! I mean absolutely gorgeous! What sweet face she has? I'm gushing. I'm sooooooo happy for you!
  • edited November -1
    How precious!  My favorite shot is when she's in your lap - upside down & asleep!
  • edited November -1

    Ok, if he goes missing....twasn't me. I live in Jersey.Innocent

    He's beautiful, btw. I am in LOVE with the pix of him sleeping.

  • edited November -1
    Jess. In my excitement I forgot to ask how things are going. We want stories too. Lots of cute adorable stories. So spill it!
  • edited November -1
    Exhaustive face of trusting innocence.
  • edited November -1
    She is really cute! Congrats!
  • edited November -1

    aw!! that face! she's all sleepy in your scarf! its CUTE overload!!! She looks like a little queen!

    how is everyone transitioning? I'm so happy for you and your little Shikoku girl!!!  

  • edited November -1
    Congratulations! She is quite cute!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats Jess!! She is soooooo ADORABLE! Kiss
  • edited November -1
    Ahhhh!!! She is soooooooo cute!!!!!
  • edited November -1

    WOW! She has such a cute face! Congrats Jess!! How is she doing so far? 

    (Now I'm going to rush back to work, I took a small break just to check up up this threadTongue out)

  • edited November -1

    Congratulations Jess - she is gorgeous! Such cute pictures - thank you so much for posting these. Poor little thing - she looks so tired - what a big day for her. I hope you are all doing well and that her first night with you went well. Can't wait to hear more.

     Now I am seriously excited - I need to start a Kitsune thread...

  • edited November -1
    awww how precious.
  • edited November -1
    Magmagal - I LOVE the name Kitsune - how will you be pronouncing it?
  • edited November -1
    I love her Jess!  She is the most gorgeous color!  I cant imagine how busy you are!
  • edited November -1
    we need more Himiko! p.s. how does she like her name??
  • edited November -1
    what is the staus on the new pack mate? hope all is well!
  • edited November -1

    I have SO much catching up to do and still too busy. But I will get back I promise.

    Moto and Himiko have been playing together and it is going really well.

    Piglet let Himiko try to nurse.

    I am going to have to start separating dogs and cats when I am not home. Piglet bit two of them, I think all this change is making her act up a bit. She will also have a leash on for a month or so.

    All in all things are good. I just need some sleep and some free time.


  • edited November -1

    haha Piglet let her try to nurse!! thats too funny!

    hang in there!

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