Kai Ken Imports - Round IV: Introducing Ritsu!!!

edited December 2010 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
Well, I don't really feel very good about making this post with Mochi being lost and all, but these import plans were in motion before that happened... So, let me introduce you guys to Ritsu, our latest Kai Ken import.

Ritsu is from the same kennel as Ayu & Tora, he was 4 weeks old when I was in Japan. He made it safely here thanks to Corina! Actually Corina and Tara drove him to us here in Taos, so we got to hang out for a few days with them too, it was great!

Here is Ritsu...

I'll try to get some better pics of him over the weekend. I also have some video of him and the other Kai, but it's still uploading.



  • He's gorgeous and seems to strongly build. Could you send him to me? Just kidding.

    The truth is that you have to live you life despite of Mochi, even it feels awful. It's not helping Mochi or yourself if you just mourn. I'm still quite confident that this will end fine :), she's a Kai.
  • that is one stocky looking kai :)
  • Wow, what a beefy boy...I kind of like the floppy ears, but hopefully they both stand eventually
  • Very cute! He looks like a real slugger :p
  • That pup's a beefcake. Very good-looking dog!
  • Nice looking pup. Don't feel bad about posting these. We know how much you and Jen love Mochi and have been working on finding her.
  • Dude, he's a haas! I love it. :-)
  • Wow, he is a beefy boy!
  • Beth Ritsu is a young pup. His ears will go up.

    I adore little rolly polly Ritsu. He's such a little tank!
  • Thanks all! Ritsu is pretty thick, with a nice coat and head. I think he will be a really nice adult. He's only 9 weeks old, so his ears will go up with time, I'm not worried about that. I think he's gonna be pretty big as he has a lot of extra skin. lol
  • What thick bones he has! Don't know about the medium-sized breeds, but I've heard that it's easier to lose bone than to regain it in a breeding program, so dogs like Ritsu and Nio are already going to be an asset to a breeding program. :-)

    I'm curious, do you have pics of his parents?
  • Yes I do, his father is Eshin, same as Ayu and Tora, and I don't remember his mother's name but I have a picture of her...

    Sire (Eshin):


  • He IS a beefy boy! Is this the little Kai that Kaiju was torturing?

    And like everyone else has said, life can not pause because miss Mochi is out adventuring. I have high hopes that she will be caught very soon. But in the meantime, nothing keeps our hopes alive like Kai puppies! :)
  • I think Eshin is my new favorite Kai. I may have said this before.
  • What a little tank! And a cute one too!
  • A little video of Ritsu...

  • Looks like you're trying to stack your chances of successfully establishing Eshin (or Tone No Isshin) bloodline in the States. It'll be a wonderful dilemna to have if all the imports related to Eshin grow up to be breeding quality. :-)
  • Yes, with the last few rounds it certainly seems that way, but I think it's safer to say we are stacking our chances on the work Inoue-san and Okabe-san have done with their programs. Since our goal is diversification of the North American lines, we will be adding some choice out-crossing here and there too (like Nio, Kibou, and Chibi).

    For sure we have brought over some nice Eshin progeny with these last few rounds, but there are more surprises to come...

  • ha ha ha it's good to see Ritsu get the best of Kaiju. He's really coming into his own and becoming more confident since he's been there. Good show Ritsu!
  • "but there are more surprises to come..." You kill me Brad, lol!
  • Oooh! Surprises? I LOVE surprises!
  • He's so cute! and yes, Eshin, is super handsome.

    Sigh. all this is making me want a Kai! :)
  • Oh get a Kai! I promise you Kais are the best dogs. They are so loyal and wise.

    Looking at Eshin again, he is built like Koda. How big is he?
  • Pics please?
  • I need to take some new ones. :oT I'll try to get some soon.
  • Are his ears standing? I was looking at the pics on the updated Yamabushi Kennel site and the last pic his ears are up!!
  • Nope... lol. In that one pick he was running toward me so the wind pushed them up. ;o)

    They are starting to left tho. We still have time...

  • So what happens if his ears don't go up?
  • edited March 2011
    Brad can send him to me ;o)

    Lovin the new signature pic too by the way!
  • Ritsu kun is looking great Brad! I also took photos of Taro with is ears up.... during a strong wind.
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