The Hokkaido



  • Maybe this is old news for anyone other than me, but through the Hokkaido Ken Hozonkai(?) website ( I came across a link to the following website:

    It looks like from the 'Link' page on this site there are several links to other Hokkaido websites. Some of the websites are pretty neat (not that I can really read anything, but Google translate helps a little and I'm mostly browsing for pictures anyway). I don't remember which site I went to, but one of them on the Links page seems like there was a picture of what was maybe brindle Hokkaido puppies? But don't quote me on that. :) (Oh, here we go. Maybe the puppies on the main page are brindle Hokkas? ---> Be careful when you bring up this site if your volume is on high. There is music playing. Sure surprised me. :)

    Also, I was wondering, as I was browsing the Hokaido Ken Hozonkai website I came across a page that I think is the Hokkaido standards, and at the bottom of the page there are several illustrations for structure (I think) that I thought were interesting. I'm not positive what exactly they're all about. I figure they're all about proper structure though. I was wondering if someone could explain the illustrations where there are multiple illustrations of tails and the sets of hind legs, etc. Are those showing all the accepted possibilities of those body parts, or are they more of a "this is what is good, these others are bad" sort of thing?

    The webpage :

  • ooohhh! nice brindle pups!!
  • That last link is to the Hokkaido Ken Hozonkai website. There's a lot to translate there in the illustrations, maybe someone with some time will get around to it. Basically the top three illustrations are a glossary of body parts, and showing proper proportions. Illustration 4 is showing correct and incorrect head angles, top two drawings show correct angles/spacing, bottom left shows faults with the middle drawing of the three being correct angulation, bottom right showing faults ie apple head.

    In illustrations 6, 7, and 8, all the correct types are on the far left, with everything to the right of them showing faults. Illustration 9 shows how the dog should look in different movements, bottom of the illustration shows the different tail types and their names.
  • Thank you for explaining that to me. I really appreciate it!
  • I'm interested in the comment about Hokkaido Ken possibly being used in the recreation of the Akita after WW II; is there any literature on that or is it more an oral tradition? I can see there could easily be crosses between dogs from Akita Prefecture and nearby areas and Hokkaido. I'm also interested in any literature on breeding between Japanese breeds and the Karafuto dog.
    Thanks for any info!
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