Lucy's wave

edited February 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)

I know you've all been waiting, so without further delay here are a few videos of Lucy waving. She generally does it on her own when she is excited about something---a treat, meeting a new person, seeing someone she hasn't seen in a while, etc. The videos are of her doing it for a treat though.





This last video is Lucy throwing a temper tantrum. She is usually very calm during feeding time; however, her friend Sasha (a cream Shiba) is visiting and she gets a little frustrated that there is another dog around at dinner time. The whole tantrum lasted more than 15 minutes. I didn't catch it all on camera, and I edited down to 3 and half minutes the parts that I did get. At around 1:40 seconds, she rolls onto her back and waves. This is also a pretty common behavior for her if she is playing with me or with a toy. 



Lucy hopes you enjoyed it!


  • edited November -1

    LOL. I have the sound on and Lucy throwing a tantrum is turning their heads in sync. So funny.

    Poor lucy. She's so genuinely distraught! I love the wave. That's super cute.   

  • edited November -1

    heheheheh, very cute!


  • edited November -1
    Awww Dave, I LOVE LUCY!  That is so adorable!  She really expresses herself.
  • edited November -1
    I love it.  Lucy waved to me today...makes me feel so special.  The tantrum is better than I could have imagined!!!!!  I wish you got video of Sasha's reaction!
  • edited November -1
    I had to turn the temper tantrum off. Piglet was so concerned for Lucy she started to cry kind of frantically.
  • edited November -1
    Niko and Sasha ran up.  Sasha thought it was Niko.  Lucy and Niko sound so much alike.
  • edited November -1

    Those are great, the wave is REALLY cute!

    The tantrum is just like Maui, he does that same type of cry - its so sad. When we played that clip all our dogs ran into the office, Maui got concerned that it was Kaia - she sounds like that when her back hurts.

    Poor Lucy - Dave what are you doing to her! She even did the wave - like "Dad, I'm doing the wave thing, you love the wave thing... please, please, please let me in!" Smile


  • edited November -1

    The shiba wave is the best, not enough of them do it.  Nemo's brother does it like a maniac (like Lucy).  When he is on the end of a leash it's really furios because he pulls forward at the same time.

    That tantrum is pretty hilarious. 

  • edited November -1

    Lucy usually gets what she wants from most people when she does the wave. Who can resists it? I know I have a really hard time. I often find myself giggling at her when I should be ignoring her just because she's waving or doing something else cute.

    One of the amusing things about editing the video together, is that Sasha (our visitor), actually reacted more strongly to the video than to the event. I have some footage of her just going about her business laying around, sniffing things, taking a bite or two of her kibble but that got cut out so make it a more watchable length. When I was doing the editing, Sasha would come running over and give my computer a close inspection what that tilted head confusion pose that they do. It was pretty funny. I wish I had video taped her reaction to the video tape for comparison purposes!


    Romi: Lucy is super expressive. She never hesitates to let me know if she happy with me, sad about something, frustrated, and especially upset at me about something.  

    Jessica: My sincere apologies to Piglet. I hope she recovered quickly after you turned it off.


    Its been an interesting weekend. Lucy and Sasha have been having a great time. Lucy is, without a doubt, the dominant personality of the two, but not by much. She gives up 2.5 inches and more than 2 pounds to Sasha so its a pretty even match between Lucy's dominant will and Sasha's superior physique. Sasha, however, can be a little instigator. I have seen her on more than one occasion walk up to Lucy, rub up against her as the walks by, then turn and give her a look. Lucy, of course, can't resist taking the bait and gives chase. I wouldn't be surprised if Sasha was making Lucy's tantrum worse by standing behind me and (metaphorically) sticking her tongue out.

    I can't wait for Joey to get here!!!!!!!! 

  • edited November -1
    At least you Lucy has a guardian if she is ever in Providence. Piggy has her back 100%Wink
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