Hokkaido Association of North America (HANA)



  • http://www.isds.org.uk/society/dog_registration/eyetest_informationsheet.htm

    Are you saying it is OK to breed from Carrier dogs?....etc.
    Don't breed R to R and you'll be ok. Seta and Maru seem to be healthy in all other aspects (as far as I know), so it wouldn't make sense to not breed them because of one recessive trait.

    YES, I will breed Seta and Maru of course, just new puppy owners need to do CEA test before breeding !!! 25% risk to get "affected" pup...

    But AT LEAST we know this info of Seta and Maru! If you buy a dog from Japan, you don't know nothing...

    About "affected" dogs, Lindsay wrote:
    "This condition does cause blindness eventually in a percentage of dogs that are affected, but it's important to keep in mind that this isn't a lethal condition and the dogs can lead a quality and useful life."

  • I like this link about CEA because it's easier to understand:

  • I'm very happy!!!
    Seta's hips x-ray is done, result seem HD-B (OFA good)
    but we need to wait the official certificate!
  • About CEA…..I do know that Optigen testing is offered from time to time at regional canine health clinics at reduced cost. The latest one near me is 20% off the regular price with clinic code . I just wanted to note there are health check options for anyone that has or will be caring for a sponsored HANA dog via links to see what is available/closest area to individuals. http://www.optigen.com/opt11_calendar.taf and http://www.optigen.com/opt9_clinicinfo.html

    I would imagine the sooner the better for young pups coming in.

  • @ Krisz: great news!

    Did you happen to get eye check done too? Not sure what is offered on your side of the globe?

  • edited September 2013
    @ StaticNfuzz: yes, genetical tests are done!

    Seta + Maruto: Genotype CEA R/r - CARRIER

    prcd PRA - negative + Maruto has Cataract: negative!
  • My website is updated : CEA INFO!!!

  • I have news from OptiGen :
    September 23, 2013 through October 07, 2013 - September Discount Days

    Enter requests online between the 23rd of September through the 7th of October using the code Dogdays913 for a total of 25% off the cost of testing. This code is valid for online entry this timeframe only, however you may take up to 30 days from the date of entry to get your shipments to OptiGen.
    It could be a good oportunity.

  • MARU's patellas are super, so he got a nice certificate:
    His weight is 19 kg, very strong 8 months old puppy :-)))
  • I heard the NA HANA project just got two Ainu's in the gene pool!
  • I'm really excited! HANA was also generously gifted an amazing Hokkaido text today from Shigeru/HKH. The photos are amazing. It is a good day for us :)
  • That's awesome news…Thanks for the update. Big thanks to Shigeru too!! : )

  • edited September 2013
    Maruto won Puppy Specialty Winner!!! I'm very proud :x

    Mr Kan Sato's blog in Japan :-)

  • I've got these fantastic info from Mr Kan Sato from Japan!
    I was interested: how many % has Maru from the famous Chitose blood?

    Maruto Hokkai Komatsu CHITOSE bloodline 43.8%

    Maru's ancestors:
    Hokkai Hakuyu Sapporo Hirosawa CHITOSE bloodline 62.5%
    Satohime Hokkai Komatsu CHITOSE bloodline 25.0%
    Hakuyu Chitose Kanamori CHITOSE bloodline 50.0%
    Jun Chitoseou Zuryousou Hamada CHITOSE bloodline 100.0%
  • aykayk
    edited September 2013
    I don't understand those numbers. It adds up to over 237.5%...

    edit: Oh, do you mean those four individual ancestors have those %? Not how much of those ancestors are found in Maru?
  • Those are just individual dogs in his pedigree.

    There used to be many lines of Hokkaido from the different Ainu villages. Now they've all blended into what are called 'the mixes', and the only actual line remaining is the Chitose. It's very inbred so it carries a lot of genetic issues (positive and negative), but breeds very true to type. The preferable breeding strategy at the moment is to breed a Chitose stud to a 'mix' female, or vice versa. I have a 100% Chitose female here now.
  • I'm over the moon!
    Seta's official hip result has arrived:
    HD - A (OFA Excellent) !!!
  • I'm VERY HAPPY!!!
    Maruto's preliminary hip dysplasia screening is done:
    HD - A (OFA Excellent) !!!
  • Having fun :-)))

    (you can see a fat shiba lady too, she is Hanaya who eats walnuts all day LOL! )

  • Walnuts.. I have walnuts all over my yard and field and Saya detests walnuts funny how dogs have such different tastes. She loves balls and even if I toss a walnut like one she knows and leaves it alone. haha

    Love the play video between the two! I love how they play.
  • Congrats on the tests! Also, I love the video...it cracks me up, too, to see the Shiba just ignoring them and gnawing away on a walnut!
  • Congrats on great results :)! That shiba is so cool. Just like our oldest schipperke female when she has her ball. Nothing can disturb her when she is with her ball.
  • Seta found a new friend at the show today, he is a very big and very lovely Rhodesian Ridgeback boy!

    ... and Seta won Junior Best in Show!!!

  • It took me an hour, but I finally read this whole thread. Congratulations to all of you!!! I can't wait to meet a Hokkaido in person. Now it looks like I just might be able to.

    @Krisz My Kai female Mika would LOVE your Hokkaido. Playing rough is her favorite thing to do.

    I'm currently unemployed, but will happily donate once I start work again. I commend and support your efforts. This is a very exciting time.
  • I uploaded the new logo Chrys generously made for us, onto the webpage. The page will be changing soon when I switch hosts, and I will make the logo the banner to high-lite it's awesomeness. Our first newsletter is also in the works :)



    Anyone have the email or contact info for the person who made this logo? Or any other artist? Please pm me! Don't want to takeover this thread.

    Thanks guys
  • edited March 2015
    Hey guys! Just a little update, as I've got a huge To Do list to handle by taking the reigns for the majority of HANA's management responsibility. I figure that updating you all on each step of progress will not only motivate myself to stay productive, but also for the dual purpose of maintaining transparency of the club + showing how we are building things.

    We have our Facebook page up! http://www.facebook.com/HokkaidoANA

    This year is going to be an exciting one! The time frame is set to go pick up Katana & Genko from @brada1878 (without whom none of this would be happening), @Krisz has some exciting accomplishments with her kennel and the wonderful Maru & Setal, and Yezo ( @thegela 's brindle boy ) has really come out of his shell and has found his niche with her and Hana (Kai). We're still discussing about the first pairing to be done, but, with fingers crossed, there will be a Genko litter some time in the 2nd half of this year or the first quarter of 2015.

    That being said, we'll be accepting puppy/owner applications through our temporary HANA email of HokkaidoANA@gmail.com

    This will be for a Genko x Yezo or Genko x Katana litter, which will be announced shortly as to which pairing it will be. Hokkaido average 2-3 puppies for each litter, with the 5 being the largest litter that we are aware of. The most simple description of the breed would be a talkative Shiba/Shikoku mixed with an owner-centric Kai. The reason I say Shiba is because they have the problem solving mind of a Shiba mixed with the tendency to be dog reactive, at least with the Hokka that we have in North America so far. Obviously this description will change based upon future dog temperaments, but for the moment, to be safe, we're looking for owners who have the proper mindset for a dog that will need to go to training classes, and ideally owners who have an active lifestyle (hiking, trekking, hunting, enjoys the outdoors). These are working Hokkaido who will absolutely need their exercise and mental stimulation of scents in the outdoors. All three of these dogs come from proven boar/bear hunting parents.

    Potential owners will need to be enthusiastic about being part of growing the breed and want to keep in touch with other owners, plus register for the Nihon Ken forum to both stay in touch and have this important resource for questions :) A potential owner is not expected to whelp litters of puppies, but they must be willing to keep their Hokkaido intact until the age of three, both so that the males will have proper bone development and so that there are options for breeding in the event of pyometra or other unfortunate circumstances with current breeding adults.

    Stay tuned for more as the month progresses :)
  • Update to come in the next 48 hours with the actual form for Puppy/Owner Applications ;)
  • @cezieg That's great! If you ever need help with anything, please let me know. I'd love to help out somehow.
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