Kai Ken Imports - Round V: Introducing Akashi & Eleanor!!!



  • Thats so coo, I wish I had that much room for my pups. They seem so happy playing together.
  • Oh man, they're adorable! I wish I could tell them apart. lol. :-)
  • They are so cute! Poor Kaia =[ Was that Chocho out there with them? If so she was hilarious taking away the piece of wood (i think) that they were trying to play with haha.
  • Yea, Kaia is recovering. And yes that is Cho Cho.
  • KAIA! :-D Glad to see her out and about.

    The new pups are quite cute... And since Dave can not tell them apart, I think you should just send Eleanor to me. :-D
  • Awesome videos, funny to see how Cho Cho can be a persistent little brat like her sister. I'm loving those kai though, they are so rolly polly.
  • Here ya go Dave, your girl...

    And Akashi (He's a badass, check out his thrashing)...

  • OMG, plastic bottles!!!!! The best part is that thing is as big as she is. :-) Thanks for the videos!
  • What is Kaia recovering from? Maybe I missed it???

    Really enjoyed the videos. I can see how one could easily get lost in 'puppy play" all day.
  • He is such a little brute. I love it.
  • edited February 2011
    sukoshi's mom - Kaia dislocated her left hip a few moths ago. She's recovering from an FHO now. If you recall, she did the same thing to her right side early last year too. Poor girl, she is doing well tho. Water therapy makes a HUGE difference in recovery!

  • The little girl is a feisty little thing!

  • Wow, Dave is gonna have his hands full with this little devil :P Haha...
    She's great!
  • Haha, Dave is going to have lots of fun with her!
  • she is going to be a handful.
  • She is beautiful. Seems likely she might have a good bit of play drive and if she is mouthy one can use that to their advantage with beginning retrieves i.e get her a practice ducky or something that rolls soon : ) She appears pretty attentive already..... all good stuff and a sign of great things to come!

  • Oh little Ele you have a big surprise awaiting you...
  • Oh man. She does look feisty!

    I must say, I've fallen for the little gal in videos and pictures. But, after some serious soul searching, I've decided that Ela will have a better home with someone else. I'll let them reveal themselves to the forum when they are ready. I've been agonizing over the decision for a while now, but I know that my heart is in bird dogs right now and I can't own more than 4 dogs. So I'd rather Ela get a home with someone who's entire heart is behind the 12+ year commitment.
  • What?! Darn, I was so looking forward to meeting her! Oh well, guess I will just have to visit whomever is lucky enough to get her. :)
  • Ok so I'm gonna spill the beans. I been chatting with Dave a bit and since he ran into this issue, I asked ny brother if he would take little Ele. Boy my brother was ecstatic! He's been looking for a kai for a long time and now that he has the place and time for a new dog he agreed before I could finish asking him.

    Nice thing is that Ele will be hunted by me with my kishus and my brother will be caring for her. My brother should soon sign on here to intro him self. I'm hoping Ele will be one of the first hunting kais in NA. I think she has tons of potential so stay tuned.

    I know it was a hard decision for Dave but I definitely understand what he went through and you know Ele will be going to a great home with tons of yard space and she gets to do what she was born to do....hunt.
  • edited February 2011
    Wow! Grats to you Gen and your brother! Hopefully he gets on here soon! :]

    Dave, you did what you felt is right and I'm sure Gen's brother will definitely give Ela a great home!

    @sunyata, casey I guess I'll be seeing you in Southern CA then to visit Ela! lol :)
  • Way cool!
  • That's cool! See, that's why this forum is such a great community. There was a less-than-ideal situation involving a puppy, and look how nicely it turned out! Just imagine if we didn't have each other.

    Okay, I'm done my sappy gushing.
  • Yay! Glad she will stay in the forum family and we will still get to keep tabs on her!
  • I'm glad we'll still get to hear about her too....And it sounds like a good plan all around. She sure is a great looking pup!
  • Great solution! Looking forward to hearing from your brother Gen :) Like the others I'm glad Ela will still be with a member of the forum ;)
  • @shishiinu If she doesn't work out as a hunting dog. I'll come down and get her! teee hee hee.

    Seriously though, congratulations to your brother and to you! I'm really excited to see a Kai here trained on some hogs!!!!
  • Thanks guys, I' going to be definately putting on a detailed how to thing with photos on training a hog dog soon and Koyuki and Ele will be perfect for doing this. Now just waiting for my brother to log on...
  • I am definitely looking forwards to that write up! I'm really starting to get interested in hog hunting and anything that pertains to training boar dogs will be huge!
  • I'm going to be building a decent sized bay pen in may and we'll start the pups on a small hog and gradually increase the size. My brother has the same strong belief on continuing the hunting tradition within the NK.
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