Where is your dog(s) when you're at work?

edited February 2011 in General
Hi all,

Just wanted to ask, where your dog is when you're at work (assuming you work outside of your home)...

Loose in the house?
Crated in the house?
In outside kennel?
Doggy Daycare?
With you at work?

I am currently unemployed, so I am at home all day, but try to always get in sessions where Eowyn is alone, so she is used to the fact that I am not always there. When I get a job I'd like one, where I can bring my dog, but this is very uncommon in Denmark, so I do not dare to hope ;) Eowyn will probably be in an outside kennel...


  • They either go with me in the car, or they're crated in the house.
  • How long time are they in the car then?
  • To my dogs, being in the car means fun. Aside from when the weather is too hot, they could be in the car all day and be quite happy about it. I basically just check on them every few hours to make sure they're alright, and have the car parked in the shade. They guard the car for me which I'm quite happy about.


  • Yes that is actually kinda neat. Your carguards ;)

    How often do you give them potty breaks?
  • My guys are stuck at home since I'm not allowed to bring them to work. Tikaani is crated since he gets bored easily, and boredom equals destruction with him. Miyu is crated since she's still a puppy, but will most likely always be crated since that's the only way to get her to settle down (other than Tikaani falling asleep on top of her). Tetsu is left loose since he just sleeps, and if I crate him he always finds a way out.
  • Autumn sleeps in my bed all day, sometimes under the covers if it is cold :) Ziggy is in his crate in the bedroom with her all day since he is a puppy and am not comfortable with his not pottying in the house yet...
  • If you eventually wind up putting Eowyn in an outside kennel, make sure that it is sturdy and securable. Here in the US, certain breeds of dogs have become sellable commodities and are sometimes stolen out of back yards.
  • Panda stays in a kennel in the garage all day. It would be nice if I could take her to work, but sadly that's not an option :(

    I've actually been contemplating where to put a second dog if I add one to the family. I also have a really nice outdoor kennel with a roof and an insulated doghouse in it but the weather is so cold in the winter and so hot in the summer here in Reno, that I've never actually used it for Panda.
  • All of mine except Kuma are crated when we are not home. We had tried leaving them out, but they would get bored and destructive.
  • @sukoshi's mom
    I have a very solid metal kennel that locks, so they'd have to really work for it, plus my akita barks at strangers as does my GSD A LOT! So guests are always warned, and unless I eventually move out to the middle of nowhere, the nabours would hear it.
  • Rakka is loose in the house when left at home, but like Shigeru, I often bring her in the car. We have a station wagon with a grate keeping her in the back, so it's really just like a portable, roomy crate to her and she is quite comfortable in there. I think she prefers being in the car to being left at home, especially since becoming an only dog.

    I'm going to be replacing the fence here as soon as the weather warms up, and I'm thinking of putting a sectioned-off dog run along the side of the house. My only concern is if I want my dog left outside while I'm not there, especially since I have a psycho neighbour who has already threatened to "beat the s#!t out of" Rakka because she barked at him. The side where the run would be would be on the opposite side, out of view from my neighbour, though. I've also been considering surveillance cameras. It seems there are some that are quite affordable, and that would deter people from trying anything. Then, there's the possibility that I may have to prove that she's NOT a nuisance barker, so the camera would be handy for that, too. Said psycho neighbour has already filed a complaint claiming that my dog was left in the yard barking all hours of the night (total BS, I never leave Rakka outside at night and she's not a nuisance barker). It didn't go anywhere, because it turns out no one else in the neighbourhood knew anything about this mystery nocturnal barking (surprise surprise) and if there had been barking, there are plenty of people who would have heard it, and given his other bogus complaints (whole 'nother story), the cops basically told him to stop lying.

    Doesn't really seem worth it, I guess, but I would like her to be able to hang out outside. Especially when I get another dog, I'd like them to be able to play outside and entertain each other while I'm gone.
  • My pups are free roaming in the yard with Koyuki crated until she is about a year or so. Since my wife works for Petco corporate, she will take sammi or yuki with her to work when she's not too busy.

    Now once I get home and feeding time starts, hana is crated in the garage for the night and taro and sammi stay out on the back porch while koyuki sleeps with either me or my kids, depending on her mood.
  • The dogs are free roaming. Though when they were younger (Ruby is the youngest at 2 years old, Miko is 3, and Hilo will be 4 in March) Miko and Ruby were crated. We do have someone come check on them if we are gone for more than 4 hours.
  • Mika free roams in my bedroom. It's been that way since she was around 6 months. She's never destroyed anything while we are gone. She only tries to destroy stuff in front of us lol.
  • @hondru
    Sounds like a really nasty nabour you've got there... Surveilance cameras would make sure that you can prove your point, but it is rather drastic. At least for me, since almost nobody has surveilance in Denmark... But it is nice to be sure that you are on the safe side, and it sounds to me like your other nabours would support your version of the story.

    But I would also be insecure about leaving my dog outside if my nabour had threatened to beat the cr*p put of her!! Some people are sick in the head!
  • @jujee
    Seems like Mika has got it the wrong way, isn't he supposed to destroy stuff when you can't see him? Haha... Oh well, makes it easier I guess.

    For now at least I cannot leave Eowyn roaming in the house because she will pee or poo anywhere she pleases, when she pleases, she does NOT hold it. And she will chew on anything! XD So it will be crate or kennel with something she is allowed to chew on ;)
  • Outside in the backyard if the weather is good, open up the side garage door if it rains. Crated upstairs in the afternoon when it gets really hot out.
  • Rei and Sage have free run of the house and arent crated, BUT if go to work,I often park Sage in the art studio, where he can only see the forest and I know he is resting and not getting worked up watchdogging. I will bring future youngsters to work at the ski resort and socialize & walk during lunch. I work part time at the Mountain, as well as my art-work from home, so they arent alone for more than 6 hours.
  • Tanja, my dogs are fine with a walk in the morn and at night. If it's a long day I'll usually give them a quick toilet break somewhere. For pups that come through it's usually their age plus one hour (3 months = they're okay for 4 hours). I've gotten the crate training/toilet training down to an art now, it's soooo easy once you've done it a million times. It's just all about consistency, paying attention, timing, and patience.

    I built an outdoor kennel when I moved to this house, and used it for a couple months, but I have a nasty neighbor who complains about everything, so I moved the dogs indoors. The kennel has now become a storage shed lol. All that work for nothing. And now, my house is full of hair. Shedding season is upon us.
  • ^ That's what would happen to me if I built a kennel. Stupid neighbours.
  • Jen and I both work at home, so we are here pretty much home 24/7 with them. When we do leave all but Ahi, Loa, and Masha are put in crates or kennels. Blue used to be out but he started chewing things so he is crated now.

    If we are out running errands or something we will usually take a few dogs, usually pups and an adult like Blue or Ahi.
  • edited February 2011
    Mine are in the house when I'm gone. I don't trust them outside on their own--and I worry someone might open the gate or something, or a coyote might get in, or something like that.

    Toby is in the sunroom, which is an unheated room, but it's warmer than outside. He has his chair in there and a dog bed too, and he doesn't seem to mind it at all. Oskar used to be in his giant cage with Bel free in the house, but since she's been recovering from her surgery, she's in the cage and Oskar has free reign in the house. He hasn't destroyed anything, except for the time I forgot to put my slippers in the closet.

    eta: oh, and I'm a professor, so I only go into to work 2-3 a week, and am rarely gone more than 6 hours at a time, so most of the time, someone is home with them, and they get to rotate between being outside, in the sunroom or upstairs, and in the downstairs with the humans. Oskar sleeps upstairs with us too, and Bel and Toby sleep downstairs, one crated (Bel at the moment)
  • When I lived in Missouri Conker went into the kitchen. I don't have a job here in Oregon yet but when I do, if someone else is home he'll be out but if not he'll go into the kitchen again.
  • @TheWalrus
    By your theory Eowyn should be okay for 6 hours, but I don't think she would be. If she has no water, she wouldn't have anything to pee from ofcourse, but 6 hours in a car without water? Naaaah...
    Her upbringing does make a difference I believe, she lived outdoors till she was 5 months, so she never had to hold it, ever...

    On the way home from her breeder, she did good in the car for 4 hours, but she refused to drink, so that may have something to do with it.
  • The shibas are inside if no one is home (rare) with puppies expenned and adults free to move around. Grym prefers being outside when I'm gone and will do his CO thing if a stranger is at the gates, so woe to those who are unannounced or trying to mess with the smaller dogs.

  • Josephine (Kai) is free to roam the house when we are gone. My husband is home during the day much of the time, so in reality she is rarely alone. She sometimes scolds us when we come back, and sometimes when we come back she just keeps hanging out doing whatever dogs do when they are alone (in her case, resting up in case she gets to chase a bunny when she goes outside!) When she was young she had to be in a crate, due to the chewing. But we did often hear from neighbors that she barked the whole time so we ended that when the "puppy-chewing" got under control. When the weather is permitting and we will be gone for a few hours only, we do take her with in the car. She absolutely loves it! I agree with others, its like having a big crate to roam around in. We have no gates, so we usually come back to the car to find her sitting in the drivers seat keeping surveillance on the parking lot. Same thing when we cared for our son's doggie... Josephine would be in the drivers seat and Frannie would be beside her "riding shotgun". I'm sure nothing escaped their notice!
  • I work from home most of the time. But when I do go out, they are put in a kennel in the barn. Unfortunately, boredom = destructive at my home too.

    I do take Kuma for rides in the car. Even if it is just errands as he loves the car and it is more fun that being at home. Sachi is a bit car phobic because she still gets very car sick. But for short trips she is okay.
  • Bella and Nola have free reign of the house when I am not there. They are quite lazy when no one is home and tend to sleep. However, they are rarely left at home for more than 5 hours at a time. (I go home for lunch during the work week). The only times they are left for longer than that are the nights I pull a 12 hour duty shift (which is overnight 6p - 6a) and if it is not a call after call night, I go home about halfway through the shift to let them out and make sure they have plenty of water.

    Bailey is crated, obviously. He seems to be great about being house trained, but he is ridiculously high energy and I bet would be destructive after a bit of being left alone. Not to mention I would be very afraid that Bella would eat him if unattended. :)
  • Re: car....Toby LOVES the car, and is happy to sit in it for as long as necessary, so I do often take him when I have errands. He also sits in the driver's seat to watch. He is happy to sit in the car even if it is over an hour in the car...no problem for him! There are laws about leaving dogs in cars, though, in some parts of New Mexico (like Santa Fe for sure and possibly in Albuquerque too--my vet says yes though I haven't confirmed it). I understand why they have such laws--some people really are stupid enough to leave their dogs in the car when it is hot--but on the other hand, I only take them when it is not too hot and I leave the windows open a bit, etc., so I do think a blanket "no dogs left in cars ever" is problematic.

    Bel likes to ride but doesn't like to wait in the car, and she doesn't like strangers (in her mind everyone is a stranger) so she doesn't want to get out of the car anywhere either. Oskar hated the car for a long time (I guess the trip from Oregon as a pup traumatized him? *lol*) but now he gets in on his own (finally) and seems to enjoy short rides, but gets a little anxious if he has to wait in the car.
  • Kaiya is crated in the house currently. We are working towards giving her one room that she can have and then will slowly graduate to the whole house. We are on a pretty good schedule though were she is rarely alone for long. Typically for running errands, she comes too or someone stays back with her.
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