Where is your dog(s) when you're at work?



  • At the moment, I'm not working so Mia's inside with me at home. Once I start working though (a full day rather than just a few hours away), she'll be outside where she's free to roam the backyard. She's 5 and pretty good (doesn't jump on furniture and not destructive) so I want to put a doggie door so she can have access to inside and out if she wants... The only thing is, she's almost like an indoor cat where she doesn't like hanging out outside. I've noticed she wouldn't really sleep and relax whenever she's out there and as soon as we let her back in, she plonks herself on the tile floor and be asleep in minutes - like she's been waiting all day for that nap.

    At night, she sleeps in the living room, and just go to the bedroom to wake us up at 6am for her morning walks. I don't really know how to get rid of the guilt of leaving her alone all day when I start working again. My hubby tells me not all dog-owners stay at home all day and I shouldn't be too worried LoL ... Thing is Mia's not toy-driven and I don't know what can keep her occupied outside.
  • We are fortunate to have good pups. They have free run of the house and backyard. We have a doggie door for them to enter the 6 ft fenced backyard. We have detourents to keep them off the furniture. Pretty rough when Nikka, "the Queen of Shiba's" was a pup. Lots of knawed stuff. Nikka is 2 and Rex is a 6 mos GSD.
  • Kimi has the run of the house; both when we are home, and when we are out. She has excellent manners, and aside from periodically sneaking one of the 3yr olds stuffies out to chew on, there is never a problem when we return. Now; if we could figure out why the little ones stuffies are more fun than any toy we buy for Kimi...we'd really have something. :)
  • My boys are usually with me at work, but I'll leave them at home if my boyfriend is home or if one of them is "too lazy" to get up. They do well free-roaming through the house or outdoors (we have a very large, fenced yard and a breezeway we leave open for the pooches), for the most part. Sometimes London will go through the trash (a habit he picked up from my Lab when he was younger), but I honestly don't remember the last time he did that.
  • I am a petsitter and dog walker so I am home all day or when I go out to walk Kiba comes along with me.

    Kiba has major separation anxiety and cannot be left at home alone, or with people he doesn't know extremely well. Currently the only people Kiba can stay with are myself, my husband and my parents. Anyone else and he will pace, whine and howl. This is entirely my fault (and my stupid neighbours faults) of course for not being able to train him to be left alone when he was young. When we began training with him as a puppy he would howl his little heart out and get so aggravated that he would make himself physically sick. We then got a complaint from the neighbours saying his howling was distressing their dog (they are retired so literally sit at home all day). Because of my business which I run at my house I couldn't have them complaining to the council about noise from the dogs, even if it was just my own dog... So from 16 weeks old Kiba has never ever been left alone.

    The only major problem I've had with this - other than not being able to go on the occasional shopping trip - is when I had him castrated in January this year. He had to stay crated in the car whilst I walked the other dogs and howled the whole time. Usually he will be fine in the car for around 20 minutes but he knew I was going walking without him and he hated it!
  • These days I'm usually at home with the dogs. I'll take everyone out on "field trips" or to training sessions. If I'm out running errands, I usually take a couple of dogs with me and a cat (especially when I have to make a stop at the pet store for something).

    When I work, I normally leave some dogs at home in kennel runs (6ft W x 9ft L and a 4ft W x 6ft L) and take a dog or two with me. It depends on which job. Sometimes I'll take all 4 dogs with me, especially if I'm working long hours at the kennel and/or house and dog sitting for someone. I almost always have a dog or 2 with me, if not the entire pack. I try not to crate them too often except for at night and when traveling in the truck. Though recently I've been rotating "turns" for my dogs (yes, even the ones that get car sick!) to be loose inside the cabin and now I just vaccum more often (I also lay down a sheet or blanket so that any throw up doesn't ruin my seats)!
  • My dogs are usually home and running free in our big garden while I'm at work. I did take Kekko with me to the office at winter for few weeks, when we had more than -25C degrees at daytime and Kekko had just blown coat. I have never left dogs inside the house for the whole day, so I kind of had no choice :). But he was really ok in the office as well, but I prefer leaving dogs home. Sometimes 2 of them are in the kennel (which is about 100m2) and other 2 are loose in the big yard (about 2000 m2). Sometimes all are free.
  • When I leave some go with me and the rest are either in kennels or crates or in one of the outside pens..everyone is safe this way and nothing gets ate while I am gone..
  • When I go places Saya is crated she is pretty well behaved and stuff, but we get wasps and honeybee in the living room they come from the door. =\

    I'd hate for Saya to bite one and if she had bad reaction no one would be around to take her to the vet..

    We did left her loose once in the winter and she decided she was bored so she chewed on spuds Mackenzie's ear.

    Saya loves her crate she moves the fleece blankets around to make her bed and it's roomy enough she can sleep in any way she wants plus she has her kong and antlers.

    If i go downtown, petstore or grocery shopping and weather is nice I bring Saya she loves the pet store and at the grocery I usually just hang out away from the door. She loves walking in the downtown area too they have a few cafe that are fine with dogs in their outside seating..
  • I thought I might add that Panda will be going to a doggy daycare on Tues & Thurs. She loves to play with other dogs, so I think she'll really benefit from having good playtime (8 hrs each of those days).
  • For us it really depends on how my current semester's schedule is. This semester I'm home Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so on Tuesdays and Thursdays Sevuk goes to my grandma's house which is a 2 minute drive. He's completely trustworthy to leave him alone at home but at least this way he doesn't get bored and my grandma has someone to stay with her too :) Basically, whenever we're not home(gone shopping, etc.) he gets dropped off there.
  • I'm thinking of what I'll do with the pups when I go back to school. There are two days where I have a class in the morning, then a four hour gap until the next class, so that's plenty of time for walks and homework. Two days are full 8-hour class days, and then Friday there's only one class. Rakka has been left alone for longer than 8 hours and she's fine. Haven;'t done it with Sosuke, but from what I can tell, he'd be fine, too. So, two days a week of being home all day by themselves is okay.
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