


  • Oh yeah - Sosuke was so sweet at puppy class last night. Those two shy pups are getting better, but are still nervous. So, during free play time, they had the shy pups in a separate enclosure so they weren't overwhelmed, and then the trainer asked some of the gentle, confident pups to go in one at a time and hang out with them, too. Sosuke was in there the longest because he was being so good! He's also really interested in those dogs, which was really good because some of the other puppies aren't rough, but they just ignore the shy pups, so there's no interaction. It's like he's going up to them and saying, "Why don't you guys want to play? It's okay, we can just hang out."
  • If the SAR works out, please keep us posted! I would love to know more about it!
  • I did hear from a SAR trainer over here that they only use toys and no treats because when the dogs were working for food, they'd get distracted more by food scents in search areas.
  • Lovely little guy - I love that brindle!!
  • Sosuke's been swimming a few times, and I keep trying to get a good picture, but I haven't really gotten one. Today, he was swimming in some pretty deep water and that's when my memory card became full. Curses! It was actually a little scary for a second there - he started drifting away with the river (which is going pretty fast this time of year) and I had that moment where I was getting ready to jump in after my dog, and then he just swam back like it was nothing.

    Then, I was trying to get him to swim some more so I could get a picture, so I was throwing a piece of bark into the water (in a calmer place!) and he got it once, then the second time, he just looked at me, and then pulled a branch off a nearby bush and ran off with it. "Ha-ha, got my own stick!"

    Here are some pics anyway, though!


    retrieving the bark

    Also, check out his scrambling skills. I was at the top of this cliff on a really thin ledge, and Rakka was at the bottom (can you spot her?). Sosuke likes to check in with both of us, so he was up and down this cliff a dozen times before we moved on. It was like nothing to him! I thought for sure he'd be tired after that, but he was running circles around Rakka and me all the way back to the car (1/2 mile walk or so).

  • More on digging: Sosuke's way into burying his chews. If I give him a bully stick or something, half the time he chews on it, and half the time he runs around with it and then hides it somewhere. Sometimes in the blankets in his crate. Sometimes in the blankets of on of our beds. Earlier today, he took Isaac's pants (Isaac likes to randomly undress himself, so there's usually an article of clothing lying around somewhere, lol) and carefully draped it over his treat. That was after he tried a few other places, but wasn't able to cover the bully stick sufficiently. It's really cute because he's always so careful and deliberate.
  • Sosuke sounds so cute with hiding stuff. =) Saya will try to hide her raw meal if she's full and have leftovers she'll cover it with her towel.

    I love the water and climbing pictures looks like he had a blast.

    Saya is pretty amazing with climbing up steep hills me, Bella, and saya was climbing up a real steep hill in my forest me and Bella was so slow and Saya climbed it like it was nothing.

    I can imagine a kai ken being much better with climbing than Saya she'd be slow compared to one. lol

    I love reading about the kai ken pups please keep us updated I bet he'll turn out wonderful.
  • This litter really likes water, that's really interesting!

    The last picture took me a second to figure out, but once I realized it was shot looking down the cliff... yea, that's pretty impressive!

  • So, we've been working on toy drive, and it's working out quite well. Yesterday, we were out for a walk, and the treat bag which I thought was full of treats was actually empty, so when Sosuke was a good boy and came when I called him off a strange dog, I didn't have treats for him. So, I played with him with his toy instead. I was worried that he'd find the other dog more interesting and go back over there, but instead, he played with me for a bit, then took the toy in his mouth and tore around the field waving it around. At some point he dropped it, and came back to me, so I told him to get his toy and he went and found it in the tall grass! I was pretty impressed with that. This is really good, because before he would get really distracted outdoors in areas with other dogs and where wild animals have been (in this area, there are always fresh deer tracks). So, pretty darn good.
  • I'm glad Sosuke is doing good with toys. Maybe he was just so distracted still adjusting and stuff who knows.

    I hope he continues to go for his toys.

    Saya loves treats, but she loves her tennis balls and plush toys she'll go right for them.
  • Sosuke sounds really wonderful!!
    Oh and I loooooove the pic of him racing face down that steep cliff! Awesome :D
  • edited June 2011
    We are finally having some real summer weather! Nice hot day, perfect for a swim. I feel kind of stupid, actually, because I was trying to get Sosuke excited about his toy, and then the kids go ahead and start throwing sticks in the river, and he goes crazy over those sticks. Maybe we just need to switch to sticks. This was great exercise for him, too, with the swimming and climbing. He's pooped!





  • Aww great pics, he is so gorgeous. Make sure you tell him that from me ;)

    Swimming is really great, because it's not so hard on bones and joints and yet it really takes their energy ;)
    I used swimming exercise for my GSD, when she was sick and not allowed to move too much...
  • edited June 2011
    how much does sosuke weigh now? I had kyuubi weighed at the vet on friday and he tipped the scales at 24.2 lbs.
  • Looks great! It took me a while to get Ty to enter water confidently. I went swimming with him in the lake today, but he got tired so I ended up putting him on my inflatable and pushing him to shore. He's spoiled. lol.
  • LOL Dave, he IS one spoiled pup! Haha... Well for sure if you want to tire out your dog, a swim is excellent ;)
  • Ok, I need to know how you Kai owners get your pups in the water. Kaiya will not swim. We tried taking her to the beach with her doggy friend that she ADORES a couple of weeks ago and all she would do is race up and down the shore line out of the reach of the little waves and watch him swim and retrieve sticks! She wouldnt even go in after the ducks!
  • Well, I didn't do anything. His first experience with water was when he followed Rakka to the river to get a drink, and he just jumped in and started swimming. And yeah, he just jumps in the water all the time (unless it's cold). On hot days, when he goes to get a drink, he swims around while lapping up the water, which is really cute. I should get a video of that. I once threw a treat in the river (thinking it would float - it didn't) and he not only jumped in after it, but he stuck his head under water to try and get it.

    @MrMcFly - I can't remember how much he weighed at his last vet appointment, but I think it was 13 kg, which is 28 pounds. Which feels about right. He's heavy! And he ought to be, he's eating us out of house and home, lol.
  • Awe Sosuke is very cute. Sorry I've been MIA from this thread, but I have only had enough time to quickly pop in and out of the forum, and I felt Sosuke needed my full attention. Then the thread got so long that I needed like a half hour to read everything.

    Sosuke sounds amazing. You and Sosuke are very lucky to have each other.

    @dlroberts I went swimming with him in the lake today, but he got tired so I ended up putting him on my inflatable and pushing him to shore. He's spoiled. lol.

    Remember how I said that I "compromise" with Koda. That would be one of those compromising times. ha ha ha
  • The brothers are getting big! Juno is only 20 lbs. I love Sosuke! he looks awesome, and lots of fun. Keep his photos coming!
  • Taka is 21lbs today. I agree, ti seems the boys are stating to pull away from the girls.

  • I really like that last pic of Sosuke running up the hill, and I think his coloring is very stunning. :)
  • Thanks for all the compliments on my boy. He's a wonderful addition to our family.
  • Here's Sosuke the Swimming Wonder. We went to a park downtown for the big Canada Day celebration, and he was pulling for the lake the whole time! We had some wonderful socialization opportunities. Sosuke was weirded out by one guy who was busking with his guitar, wearing tie-dyed pants and a straw hat. But then the guy pet Sosuke and that was it. We also walked on the dock which was a new surface bobbing on the water. Saw some boats, and of course, people with face paint and wearing flags and all manner of things. Sosuke also kind of got run over by a kayak. He was out for a swim and as soon as he saw the kayak, he swam right for it and there was a collision. He seemed to like it, though, because he got really excited every time he saw one and kept swimming for them. Maybe I should get a kayak!




  • WOW... I can't get over how this litter loves water so much. He's looking great, Heidi! :o)

  • Souske is completely stunning! His brindle is looking very nice, I can't wait to see him full grown. Dogs that love water are so fun. I've just now gotten Conker to enjoy jumping into the creek. He won't swim yet though, just get all wet and splash around.
  • A swimming dog, huh? What's it like to have one of those? :) My Border Collie loves water from a hose, but that's not the sort of water one can swim in. She's never been interested in swimming, alas.

    Sosuke is very good looking dog and your photos of him are always amazing. I love seeing new Sosuke pics. :)
  • We were at a lake today, and I was throwing a tennis ball in the water for him to fetch. Once I threw it as far as I could and he still swam all the way out there and brought it back! He's like a pointy-eared, brindle labrador. And after that, he was on leash mostly, and he was still pulling toward the water every time he saw it. I kept thinking maybe he's just thirsty, but every time he got down there, he swam. I was taking a lot of pictures, but then I realized there was no card. *face/palm*
  • Love the new pics, he really seems to enjoy the water tremendously :)

    I love how his brindle is develouping. Gorgeous Sosuke!! :D
  • Photo proof! This is really interesting because I've been working on ramping up his toy drive, and it turns out he'll retrieve anything out of the water, and it makes him like retrieving in general better. For instance, after this walk by the lake, he got all revved up and we played fetch the whole walk back. I tried to put his toys away in the wagon a few times, but he kept digging them out and bringing them to me, and he also kept trying to grab the toys out of my hand if I took too long to throw them. Then, we got home and I put all the toys away (or so I had thought) because you're supposed to leave them wanting more, but then he found a tennis ball and brought it to me, and we played fetch for a while longer. Unbelievable! Another trick I've been using is I have a bottle bumper, but instead of putting a bottle in it, I put a bunch of treats in it and every time he brings it back, I give him a treat. Looks like we're getting ready for another SAR evaluation!



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