
edited June 2011 in General
Hey - I got to meet my first Kai!!

Jujee met me at a dog park and I met her amazing little Kyuubi. He is not only a nice looking guy with his beautiful brindle, foxy features, and spotted tongue, but he handled himself very well with all of the dogs at the park - not all of them as well mannered as he is (to say the least).

Now I am even more excited about this great breed!

Thanks, Jujee!! Scratches to Kyuubi!!


  • Lucky!

    Glad you got to meet him and Julie. :)
  • Awesome! :o)
  • Congrats on meeting Kyuubi. =)

    I hope to meet him and Mika one day.. lol
  • Where's my LIKE button? :)
  • LOL I agree.
  • :) Glad you liked him! He definitely loved your scratches! You hit all the right spots!

    I wish I could have brought my little shiba girl along so you can see the difference in their personality, especially with the whole "checking in" with me while we are at the dog park. It might be possible that he's only checking in cause he's still young, but Mika never did that when she was a pup when we went to dog parks.

    maybe @brada1828 can figure out a way to give us a LIKE button ;)
  • Yea, a LIKE button is a good idea.
  • i'm going to teach kyuubi how to sign autographs soon since he's getting such a big fanbase!
  • LOL! You totally should! =p

    Kyuubi is AWESOME!
  • edited June 2011
    The first kai pup I met (and so far the only) was Tina's pup Cody, from Japan, He was also a real charmer, but a bit wary since I met him at his first show. It was all a bit much for the little man, though he took it really well :)

    I am gonna be SOOO bummed if I cannot get a kai...
  • Oh, and WHERE'S the pics, huh? HUH??
  • Haha, Brego - you need proof, huh?

    I am on a business trip, but when I get home I will post the proof of my first encounter of the3rd kind with the magnificent Kyuubi!!

    [note: I only used my primitive cell phone camera, so maybe in this case a picture is worth only 100 words...]
  • Brego - and any other interested parties - my phone (with Kyuubi pics) suddenly died, taking photos with it. He is such a pretty guy, but hopefully Jujee will post lots more photos!!
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