Happy Girl’s Day!

edited March 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
In case you didn’t know, today there is a festival in Japan called Hina Matsuri where they give it up for all the sisters. Even here girls get candy and dolls, and the ladies in the office also get small presents.  And check out what Mochi got for girl's day; a real live girl! By chance we hooked up with a breeder from the big island who had a bitch that should have colors very similar to ours. My wife had wanted a girl, and they’re a lot harder to get a hold of. Although she wanted it, she was still riding the fence; so she left the decision to me. Needless to say, I suck at playing “good cop/bad cop”. We haven’t named this seven week old ball of fluff yet (Gemma wants it to be called “Muffin”).Embarassed Moach is great with the little one, he thinks he got a puppy of his own and he is very gentle when he plays with her. I was actually amazed how willing he was to have another animal invade his space. Obviously they’re going to have to be supervised when they’re together and separated when we’re out until she gets to be a bit bigger. I already have a feeling that she is going to wind up the alpha of our tiny pack. The obvious question is did we get a mating pair in hopes of breeding the dogs. The truth is that we may, but the animal’s temperament is ultimately going to determine if that happens or not. Mochi is a great dog, and at some point we may put him out to stud. This new girl could be a different story; it’s still way too early to know what we’ve gotten ourselves into.







  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1

    AWWWWW!!!! They look so adorable together! She's a doll :)


  • edited November -1
    So, so cute!!!
  • edited March 2008

    OMG she is absolutely gorgeous! They look great together. Congrats on the new addition to the pack!!!!!!

    This gives me hope that Lucy will tolerate the male puppy coming in a few weeks.

  • edited November -1
    OMG!!! She is the cutest Shiba I have ever seen!!! Congrats Diggah, shes beautiful!!! Her eyes are soooo sweet! Ah, I want to eat her up!!!  Im glad they are getting along!  Hope to hear some stories about your 2 trouble makers and see some more pics of her growing up!
  • edited November -1
    congrats! - she is so cute!
  • edited November -1
    She's very cute!
  • edited November -1
    I want another Shiba.
  • edited November -1
    awww <3 so cute. congrats!
  • edited November -1
    aah those pretty eyes!Kiss
  • edited November -1

    It is official; the fluff ball has been dubbed “Koda”, apparently after a bear in one of the lamer Disney movies. The good news is that the name also means “friend” or “ally” in Dakota Sioux, so we could have done worse.

    The only problem is that Koda can scream like a banshee. We were aware that some shibas are famous for this, but Mochi has always been fairly laid back. It’s always awkward when your neighbors and tenants start to politely drop hints that howler monkeys don’t make the best pets.Smile I haven’t gotten around to borrowing my brother in law’s spl meter, but when I do I’ll post the results.

    She is settling in for the most part and has come to terms with the fact that she has to spend the night in the kennel, but she still isn’t very happy when we all have to leave for work in the morning (then again, who is?).

    Moach is a prince; he even lets her stick her face in his bowl while he is eating (we’re obviously trying to discourage that). The only time she seems intimidated is when he starts to run around at full bore (I’ve heard it referred to elsewhere in these forums as “the zoomies”). At that point she already knows she can’t keep up and she gets out of the way.

  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1

    Congratulations to Koda on her name! I'm still trying to convince Tim to let me rename Ryu.... (Ryu is his second name by the way)... Maybe it's the military brat in me but I just can't seem to commit to one name! :) (Seriously, we won't change his name but wouldn't that theoretically be kinda fun? A new name for a new year!)

     How fun for Koda to witness the Shiba 500 first hand at such a young age!

  • edited November -1

    She is adorable. 

    It seems like we should see the devil, or not, in their cute little eyes, but it just isn't possible.  I think we just have to love our little devils for being so cute.  Now if only we can make them grow up more slowly.  It seems just the other day I had a little tiny pup in my arms; now I get a muscle just trying to hold him. 

     Congrats on Koda.  I do like her name. 

    Happy Puppy Days, Ron

  • edited November -1
    I love the name! It was one of the names we considered.
  • edited November -1
    Yay KODA!  She is so cute!  Ninja just started doing the Shiba Scream, it startles me all the time.  Good to hear that she's getting along with Mochi well.  Once she grows up a bit, she'll be doing the Shiba 500 with him! 
  • edited November -1

    I think Hina Matsuri is a wonderful festival and that we should promote it hereKiss.

    Your dogs look like they were meant for one another.  They are both adorable. Congrats on your ever expanding pack.

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