Clan and Pack Adventures - Short Video Clip

I know! I am really bad about spamming you all with updated photos! I kinda just "lurk" in the shadows. I see my crew every day so it's more fun to look at everyone else's spam, lol. I'll try my best to provide quality spam to you all.
Perhaps this should be my New Year's resolution for 2012? Hmm...well, I'll reserve this thread for that. Once the winds die down a bit in Southern California...I plan on going for another hike. I swear, I'll take photos this next time! I always bring my camera but hardly ever use it. Pointless indeed.

Anyways, here is an updated photo of Miss Kotomi (and Aislyn, our cat). We went out to lunch today. Unfortunely, for them, I was the one who ate. Kotomi and Aislyn just watched. Well, Kotomi was very good but Aislyn kept climbing up on my lap and begging for food! Silly kitty.




  • Cat on a leash! I love cats on leashes, that's like, the coolest thing ever XD
  • I think Aislyn stole the show on this one. Cat on a leash is awesome!!!
  • edited December 2011
    Hahah, really? It just seems so normal to me.

    Pam & Tara - Thanks!

    You might also be interested in this past encounter with my friend, Diana:

    Me: "Fiskars, sit!"
    Fiskars, my eldest cat, sat on command. I gave her a treat.
    Diana: "Wow, that's AMAZING!"
    Me: "You think so? Hey, check this dog can sit too!"
    Lynx sat on command. I gave her a treat.
    Diana: "..."
    My friend was unamused. LOL
  • Lol. Glad to see you are finally posting pics! I think the only pics ppl have been seeing of your dogs is when we see each other and have a puppy playdate =P

  • Yes, definitely Aislyn stole the on a leash...amazing... As usual, Miss Kotomi is so cute!
  • I guess you guys haven't watched Corina's videos on youtube. I believe that she has one with ShouShou and Aislyn walking around in a pet food store. :-) Pretty funny indeed!
  • Awesome! I love it that Aislyn gets to go out and about with the dogs. :)
  • edited December 2011
    Since Aislyn seems to be a hit, lol. Here are some old videos of her and our outings:

    *** Aisy doesn't like things with wheels on them and so she FREAKED when an angry shopping cart roared down the aisle, lol ***
  • Aislyn is so cool! (So is your Shokoku but you don't see many cats on leashes) Does she walk well on the leash or do you just kinda have to follow her around?

    Conker is like that in stores. He's comfortable as long as there aren't any people or carts nearby but he'd rather just walk slowly and sniff everything really good and try to sneak crumbs off the floor, so I generally take a long time if I've got Conker with me.

    The other day I was at the pet store down the street from my house and one of the employees (who is trying really hard to be Conker's friend) comes RUNNING around the corner and freaked Conker out real bad. Conker tried to run but he had no grip on the floor and since I had the leash shorter than I normally do he didn't go anywhere and was doing burnouts in an attempt to escape. He didn't find a little cubby like Aislyn did to hide in and instead smashed into a pile of dog food bags.
  • I am interested too on how well she walks on a leash or do you just follow her around? How did you leash train her? :D
    I remember when I was about 10-ish, I wanted to put a harness on my cat and take her outside but she forbid it to ever happen, and my dreams of walking a cat on a leash were crushed :(
  • I have seen cats on leashed before, and I have a friend who trains her cats. They can sit, lie down, heel and high five amongst other things ;) But I still find it impressive when people can do this with their cats. But then again, we sometimes compare our NK to cats, and we seem to be able to teach the NK tricks (and walking on a leash :P ) so why not cats? ;)

    Anyways, gorgeous cat, is she a norwegian forest cat?
  • edited December 2011
    ( @Brego_mellon_nin ) Aislyn is just a domestic longhair mix. However, the other cat in the baseball video is a Norwegian. =]

    ( @jellyfart ) - I just toss on the harness and leash. Eventually the cat will get use to it and ignore it later on. Here is a video of one of my rescue kits and his very first time on harness and leash:

    Here he is again. This time he goes shopping with Kotomi-chan:

    Orangekit - 11 weeks

    ******* ( @Losech ) Oh, sometimes I follow Aislyn and other times I call her to follow me. Starting off with a kitten...I always follow where ever the kitten walks. Orangekit I started harness and leash at 11 weeks. I started Aislyn at 7 weeks. *******
  • Love the pics, Corina. I managed to harness train my cat but he hates going out of the house... it freaks him out to no end.

    He will also sit and stand on his hind legs for a treat. When we have company I use it to impress them, lol.

    Kotomi is gorgeous.
  • edited December 2011
    A few Hiking photos from earlier today. I can only manage 3 dogs at the same time so I took Lynxiene, Shoushuu and Kotomi. Yeah, Shuran missed out on this hike. I took him for a walk around the neighborhood when I got home though.

    Hike with the Doggies - December 5th 2011

    Hike - Flooded Path - December 5th 2011

    Hike - Praying Mantis - December 5th 2011

    Hike - Tied up Dogs - December 5th 2011

    **** This was a tame hike and it was super windy. I'll take better photos next time but least I took some photos, lol. ****
  • Aaaaah that is so CUTE! I want a cat just so I can walk it on a leash now XD
    Orangekit is a neat name. I had a little kitten that looked a bit like that one who had about 10 names, but the most commonly used one was Minicat.
  • edited December 2011
    i heart you shoushuu!!!1 I love his big's so adorable!

    wow...lynxiene looks very muscular!
  • Kotomi and your kitty is so cute together!

    My black cat Fig would fetch toys, and I eventually got her to sit on command it took a long time, but eventually she got it sitting got her yummy stuff.

    Awesome new pictures I love the Mantis and the picture of the three is nice too.
  • Lovely pics :) I have problems handling 2 dogs at once, I dunno how you can manage 3! LOL
  • I'm excited to annouce that I have 2 new CGC's within my pack. Both Kotomi and Shoushuu PASSED their Canine Good Citizenship test today (January 8th, 2012). They are now known as Yamato Kotomihime go YamatoClub - CGC and Shoushuu go Iyo Matsukasasou - CGC.

    I was surprised that Kotomi actually held her down during the testing, yay! And Shoushuu somehow made it through the testing without jumping up on anyone, lol.
  • Nice, way to go Corina, Kotomi and Shoushuu!!!
  • Congrats! I was happy when Sasha passed the CGC, I'll be excited when Juneau does but ecstatic if Conker can pull it off. I can't see him passing the friendly stranger or handling exercises anytime soon.
  • Congrats Corina! :]

    When will it be Shuran's turn?
  • Congratulations!
  • congrats!!!
  • Very exciting Corina! Congratulations and treats to both Kotomi and Shoushuu!
  • Congratulations on getting the CGC for the 2 pups. You may be getting the training bug and want to start taking them to try different doggie sports. That's what happened to me after I got my dogs passing CGC. We first started in Rally-O, then Nosework, then Agility. It is a lot of fun to train/play/work with the NKs.
  • edited January 2012
    Thanks everyone! =(^-^)=

    @jujee - I've been too focused on getting Lynx ready for her next trial (main priority). So I haven't really made time to do much training with the pup. So he doesn't have a down stay or a reliable recall under distraction (for trial or testing). Otherwise I would have gotten a CGC on him too! Right now I'm just working with the adults. The pup is enjoying being a puppy and growing up. I'll work more with him later. Maybe later this year or next year I'll put a CGC on him. I know he can pass...I just need to work positions, recall and the walk by with a strange dog. Hey...maybe Shuran AND Kyuubi can do the test together (on the same day)!

    @sandrat888 - Training is fun! I started out training my German Shepherd in Schutzhund and Agility back in 2004. Since I got my Malinois I've trained in other venues, aside from Schutzhund and Agility, such as AKC Rally, AKC Obedience, Herding and French Ring. It's not a sport but we've done some Conformation classes as well. My Malinois has her AKC RN & Schutzhund BH titles. We are currently working towards re-trialing for our French Ring Brevet (failed her last trial) and the first leg of our French Ring 1.

    The Shikoku are a lot of fun, a bit more challenging then training a Malinois or a GSD (which is what I wanted when I got into Nihon Ken - a challenge). I've been doing mostly obedience work, tracking and some agility with them. Though, I did put my adult male (Shoushuu) on sheep a couple of times when he was a pup, lol. We plan on hunting too but just for "fun" and food. The training bug is contagious! I've always wanted to do Nosework. I know my Mali girl would enjoy it. It would be interesting to do with the Shiku as well.
  • Honestly, I think Kyuubi has a better chance of getting it than Mika Lol. Only thing i'm afraid of is the whole touching his paws for nail trim thing. He will finally let me trim his dew claws, but when I ask him to shake or touch his paws, he still flips out or barely puts his paws in my hand for half a second before he takes it back haha
  • Congrats Corina!! ~
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