For those who feed green tripe

I recently tried to feed Bea (shiba) green tripe but she did not want to have anything to do with it. In fact, she tried to rub herself in it. The Mr. slaughters meat once in awhile and so we decided to give her the tripe from a goat. I cut it up in small pieces. How do you guys get it or prepare it? Do you mince it?


  • I usually get mine grinded from the butcher (creston valley meats) and just feed it to them like that.

    She might be trying to rub herself in it cuz of the way it smells lol. I never had a problem trying to get the dogs to eat tripe. :( sorry no suggestions on it.
  • I know someone with a klee kai who doesn't like tripe luckily her two other dogs love it.. hehe

    Maybe offer it by hand so Bea can't rub in it? Saya loves tripe, but some dogs take time to like things some don't like it though.

    Sounds like Bea is scent rolling in some smelly stuff Bella has rolled into coyote poop once. :(

    Saya had it ground I got a 2lb of it to see how she liked it hope to get it in pieces next time and some in ground up.

    Maybe try mixing a bit in the kibble or ground meat?
  • When I feed tripe, I usually get it in a can from the feed store. :) Solid Gold makes it and both of my girls LOVE it.

    I am not quite brave enough to feed fresh tripe. The canned stuff smells bad enough, I can only imagine what it would smell like if it were fresh. Ick!
  • we get it minced, athena hated it at first wouldn't touch it at all, to be honest she gets 30mins to eat and then its lifted i just kept putting it down at meal times till she was so hungry she ate it. now she likes it not as much as beef but she likes it more than her chicken meals.
  • Minced raw, semi frozen seems to deter the desire to role, or the Solid Gold canned.
  • I've given my other two the Solid Gold canned tripe, but I did not like it since there were a lot of potato chunks in it. Conker can't have potatoes like that so that's out for him.

    There's another brand of canned tripe called Tripett I'd like to try but I have yet to find it around here, and raw tripe. Shipping raw materials to me is a pain since my location automatically adds another day to the shipping price and that usually includes a $20 increase.
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