NIPPO Classic Cancelled

Since I had spoken about caravaning with or transporting dogs for people on this board, I figured I should let everyone know that the NIPPO Classic in May has been cancelled. The three women who do all of the organizational work had an unresolvable scheduling conflict. I am extremely disappointed. I was really looking forward to the show, meeting more folks on this board, getting to know more about the medium sized breeds, the road trip itself, and even staying at the hotel in Maumee.

@brada1878 - I will be driving to Texas in early June (possibly the weekend of the 1st or 8th) to breed my girl, Gojira. I would love to make a detour to see you and your dogs if possible.


  • Oh, wow, ok. Well, I guess I don't need to continue worrying about getting the dogs ready then, huh? Thanks for posting about this!

    @poeticdragon - Sure! You are welcome to visit anytime! :o)

    @ttddinh - Just making sure you see this.

  • That really sucks :( I was hoping to go this year and observe, as well as show Miyu off to her breeder.
  • Just out of curiosity or as a thought experiment, how much do you think it'll be to set up a "NIPPO Classic II" in soCal?

  • @ayk, I think it'd be considerable. We should establish a club to be recognized by NIPPO to show affiliation with NIPPO first right? Beikoku Shiba Aikikai is this weekend. I'll approach the SCSC officers and get a feel for the efforts of putting something on like that.

    In all honesty (and in my humble and uninformed opinion), I am hoping and would rather try to form and improve a relationship with the SCSC group so that the NIPPO judge that gets flown out for Beikoku Shiba Aikikai also does a mini-Shikoku judging (maybe on the Saturday of or after the Shiba judging on the day of).

    That's just my wishful thinking. I am ignorant of any politics involved of such a feat.

  • I know that at worst there'll be...

    judge's round trip ticket
    judge's food & lodging
    judge's gift & entertainment (usually a tour to Yosemite and such)

    field rental
    publicity in Japantown

    I can see the first three costs being split with the Beikoku Shiba club. I don't think they'll go for show days shared though. Also, I think the entry into Beikoku show is limited to members of Beikoku and their NIPPO registered dogs only. So maybe it's best not to use them as an exact model to copy.

    The NIPPO Classic, in contrast, is open to all.
  • It would be a location issue also. South Gardena Park plays soccer on Saturday's. So same day or different location.
  • @ayk, that's what I mean about the politics of it. Because I thought the NIPPO judge that's flown in doesn't care whether the dogs he judges are members of Beikoku or not. I thought that to participate in the show, you have to be an SCSC member with a NIPPO registered dog (unless Beikoku and SCSC are synonymous?).

    I have heard that the judge that gets flown in for Beikoku is quite old-school and isn't really fond of even seeing non-Nippo standard Shibas around in the dog show.

    While I can definitely see the cost-savings in consolidating NIPPO-sactioned shows where NIPPO judges are flown in, I am starting to remember how the logistics/politics might come into play such that it may not be worth the hassle.

    Though the yen is killing the U.S. dollar right now (>_<).

  • edited March 2012
    @CrimsonO2 - Could probably be easier for the shikoku people to bring in the judge themselves and invite those of the SCSC to participate if they want, as well as other NK fanciers. If kindness is given, kindness may be received in the future.
  • edited March 2012
    My dogs are not NIPPO registered, but that did not seem to be a problem at the Classic last year. Supposedly they earned some kind of points too, but I am still fuzzy on how that works.

    I realize there will always be more Shiba than anything else, but I'd really like to see most if not all of the breeds represented at a show - and with some competition. I realize how unlikely it is to have Hokkaido there, but we should have enough of the other five breeds to make a real good show. Just need to get people motivated to go. I have tried to convince the Japanese Akita people I know but they were basically having none of it. When I later found out that the AKC assistant judge was anti-split, maybe that is why... lol.

    I am actually against having another show in the Gardena park. I think more Japanese Akita related events need to occur *outside* of our neck of the woods. San Diego or San Francisco would be okay if it must be Cali, but I would prefer to bring the JA to other parts of the country for a change. It seems like the other breeds are much less concentrated than ours.
  • You know, if people are serious about putting on another NIPPO Classic, rather than starting from scratch or modeling after Beikoku, why not work with the Colonial Shiba Club (who re responsible for the NIPPO Classic)? They have the infrastructure, contacts, exhibitors, and experience. The reason it was cancelled was due to scheduling problems of the people organizing it. Maybe they could use the help.
  • @crimson02 @ayk--that is really nice you want to put this together. I fully support it! But it really is a bummer that it's cancelled. :(
  • Yup crappy judge kinda turned me off the nippo classic. Sadly she is a UKC judge too.
  • @ttddinh, I'm only following Corina's lead:-).
  • aykayk
    edited March 2012
    I have no idea what AKC/UKC judge you guys are talking about as the judge *should* be sent by NIPPO in Japan? (I think I'll have to ask you guys during the Pet Expo to get the details.)

    The judges for Beikoku and the Classic *should* be judging by NIPPO standards. Complaining about them not liking AKC-standard dogs is baffling. The AKC standard is the standard that's still messed up. (ie. Heights.) Even if the AKC standard was corrected to match NIPPO, there's still the issue of intepreting the standard.

    Having NIPPO events in the US is a way to make corrections if AKC dogs are starting to veer too far off from NIPPO dogs in Japan.
  • I'm sorry too. I was looking forward to meeting you all and your dogs.
    Seems monumental to recreate another kind of Nippo.
  • edited March 2012
    Hey people don't forget the Kais in all of this. *wink wink*
  • edited March 2012
    @ayk The judge was Mr. Yoshiyuki Mizuko, Grand National Judge of Nihon-Ken Hozonkai. He came with a translator and did a very nice (3+ hour) seminar the night before the show. There was packets and print-outs he distributed to everyone. The judge answered many questions and drew diagrams on the white board (I attempted to redraw some of them in my notes). I think it was a significantly better learning experience than our official AKIHO show or really any other show I have been to. However, he clearly knew very little about Japanese Akitas due to some comments he made (eg. that owners of red Akitas with white muzzles should "just go home.")

    However, whom Sean and I refer to is Ms. Rita Biddle. She was the assistant judge from the AKC. We didn't talk much at the show after I accidentally found out (by opening my mouth) that she is vehemently anti-split. I was somewhat dismayed when later Mr. Mizuko was relying heavily on Ms. Biddle for the Akita judging. What's funny is that Ms. Biddle even said that when in the ring she judges the American and Japanese Akitas against different standards.... Sounds like two breeds to me... haha
  • That's pretty wierd, isn't it? To be antisplit and then judging Nippo, and then saying she judges them against different standards? Insert eye rolling here!
  • Bummer that the Classic is cancelled. -sighs-

    Well...I was going to wait a bit longer until I had a chance to speak with the NIPPO President again before I annouced anything but I'll go ahead and make a blog about it later.

    Short version:

    I spoke with NIPPO President back in 2008 about approving us (Shikoku Ken Club in U.S.) as a "sister club" so that we may barrow their judges for annual conformation shows. He gave me some requirements before he would give his approval. Those requirements have since been fullfilled. So now I just need to get in touch with him concerning our approval status.


    This year is too soon for a Shikoku Ken Specialty Show (all Nihon Ken breeds will be accepted though). Dogs need to be NIPPO registered in ordered to gain any titles. Non-NIPPO registered dogs can show in a separate ring against other non-NIPPO registered dogs but cannot gain any titles through NIPPO. Instead, I suppose ribbons and a certificate could be awared in place of titles that could have been earned (make sense?). Those who do not wish to show their dogs (registered or not) can still have their dog or dogs evaluated by a NIPPO judge outside the show ring.

    Once we gain approval we can start planning for a NIPPO show in Southern California for 2013. We have 2 locations/fields available for our use. There is a field in Riverside and there is a field in Escondido.

  • Sometimes shows are held at Prado dam in the inland empire.
  • Not sure if they rent out their facilities, but have you tried asking Orange Empire Dog Club? They have a clubhouse with a kitchen, indoor restrooms, and a seminar room.
  • I was very bummed to find out the classic was cancelled for this year. They do plan to be back in 2013.
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