Military Dogs Being Awesome

edited September 2012 in General
Figured I would share this in case anyone missed it. There's a Dutch Shepherd in here too @brada1878 @ @Sangmort


  • Oh, that was very cool. Thanks for sharing!
  • I am not really a Mal and Dutchie fan... but I do have some interest in Mechelaar dogs... those things can be NASTY.
  • Do I see Malamutes??
  • Very cool! Thanks for sharing @cezieg :)

    There's a retired "war dog" malinois at the Tampa Protection Sports club. ~
  • wow thats awesome! thanks for the link!
  • If I was in the military I would want to train dogs.
  • edited September 2012
    Mal=malinois here I think, Crispy! ;)

    Pretty cool pics! I wonder if they really do train them with positive reinforcement though? I hope so!
  • @shibamistress - I meant in the first picture shown. I know Malamutes were used in WW1 & 2, usually as messengers or freighting dogs, if I'm not mistaken. The dogs in the first picture bear a stong resemblence to Malamutes. :o
  • @shibamistress From my buddies in the military they say that all the dogs they've seen have all been positively reinforced (most didn't know what that meant until I explained it lol). They actually have two voices for the dogs, one is the firm "command" voice for giving instructions etc. Then the "good dog" baby voice for when they've done a good job and the handler is letting the dog know they're a good boy/girl and have done a good job :) Military dog training goes on science, and science shows positive reinforcement is the fastest and most efficient training. Navy dolphins and seals are all positive training too (dolphins for harbor defense, seals for dock/shore defense, both attack hostile divers).
  • holy crap! I ddint know there were LITERALLY Navy Seals! They attack hostile divers? I must learn more...
  • @Crispy..oh yeah! They do kind of look like them! And sorry for jumpint to conclusions....I was just thinking of you saying "mal" for malamutes! :) And funny, I was just having a conversation today, too, with someone and we had the mal confusion (malamutes vs. malinois)

    Glad to hear that about the positive reinforcement, and yeah, it would be pretty hard to use anything else on dolphins, etc!
  • @ brada1878, a mal, malinois is an mechelaar.
    mechelse herder (shepherd)
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