Akuma (Update 8-16-14)



  • @lindsayt He was all right pretty quick. He just lay there like on his side like "Oooo man I ate way too much" while we were eating dinner. Usually he stares at us with I'm-such-a-good-boy eyes and is quite interested in the fact we're eating...especially chicken. Not that night ha, after some of the food was digested he perked up. He's doing well with his leash training. We're keeping up working on heeling. When he's hungry and focused he'll do anything you ask for (or everything he knows how to do until he gets the right one ha) He gets excited and unfocused sometimes but that's expected. He's doing really well overall.
    Hahaha @cezieg...yes these sneaky Kai. Does Ren try to trick you?
  • Wellll there's only one situation that comes to mind, then again I've only had her since August and there's plenty of time for her to pull sneaky moves.

    At the point in this "occurence" I had only had her for two months and she wasn't eating as much as I wanted her to. So I was always encouraging her to eat more and giving her small amounts of chicken and other dog appropriate "people food". So I made a beef and bean burrito and had decided to sit on the couch to eat while watching some tv. Ren wasn't eating as much as I'd have liked at this point in time so I scooped a little beef from inside the burrito to see if she would want it. She sniffed it and then pretended to not be interested in it whatsoever, which I thought was a little weird but whatever. So I eat half of it then set it down on the coffee table, figuring she wasn't interested, and went to get a glass of water from the kitchen. After about 30 seconds I get back... and there's an empty plate with no burrito. I look over at Ren and she's just sitting on her bed licking her chops and wagging her tail at me like "I ate it! Aren't you proud?" haha. What a little brat.
  • @cezieg HAHAHA! That's a good story! Funny Ren!
    We had fun running around a nature preserve today...





  • Ren learned that from her mom. Tora will do that any chance she gets. You cannot leave a plate of food within her reach.
  • @sjp051993 Yeahhh learned that one through experience lol. She doesn't jump up or counter surf which I'm happy about. It's just things that are left at face level which can't be left unattended, it's the only unpolished spot in her food manners.
  • These are very high quality pictures (and I love the subject!) Nicely done, he looks in his element
  • I commented a bunch on FB, but these pics are nice and large here on the forum. He has a really handsome and well structured face! Really digging the choice of red for the harness too, these Kai look great in them :) He seems to have found his heaven with you guys
  • Akuma and Ryan went out on the trails today and Akuma stirred up a big buck! Well it was big for the suburbs haha but it had a full rack. Anyways poor Akuma is so loud when he gets exited and digging around for things in the tall grass that he didn't notice until the buck took off. I'm pretty sure that even in the tall grass Akuma could catch up to a deer if I let go of his lead. The question is if he would ever come back or get hurt by the deer. I also got Akuma to climb up fallen trees with me. He is such a BA dog.
  • @rafatturi - These pics are great. Do you mind if I use them on our site?
  • @brada1878 Thanks Brad and sure, you can always use any of Akuma's pics.

    @cezieg I agree, I think the red looks great with them too. And thanks so much, your comments are always so nice!
  • edited November 2012
    So I climbed up this big tree that had fallen and was leaning against another tree and guess who came up behind me...Akuma! Haha he looked at me when I stopped like "hey why did you stop" He is so BA. Even parts of the tree that were really tight to get around he did just fine. He is like a cat on his feet but way cooler.
  • That's awesome! He got the climbing Kai gene after all. I guess all he needed was the right inspiration :)
  • edited November 2012
    Love his face brindling. :) Tree climbing picture would be so cool. :)

    Saya my shiba loves to climb fallen trees it's funny. Her breeder also has kai ken so maybe she learned from them. haha

    He sounds like a fun tree climbing dog Love how kai ken are so agile.

    Saya has chased a deer not something I encourage the dogs as most all states it's illegal to use dog on deer and I'd be afraid of a farmer or hunter shooting my dog over them chasing the deer.

    It came running after I gotten Bella back and Saya went for it she ran down the ravine or hill area whatever it's called she gave up the chase to look for squirrels or rabbits. Deer are too fast for her.

    Bella has gone after a deer, but came back after calling her few times.

    It was scary.. we were walking then the deer came out from the bushes my guess was resting or sleeping..

    "The question is if he would ever come back or get hurt by the deer."

    Depends on the dog and training some dogs do well off leash and range out some and come back to check in some won't do that..

    I know WrylyBrindle takes Juno and Reilly on off leash hikes so maybe she can help with info..

    It depends on the dog kai ken can be bit flighty so I dunno.

    Saya is a shiba and people say they're horrible off leash, but she does fine in my un fenced yard and in the field, but I'm always with her coarse she is never alone in the yard.

    I have couple bandana on her and bell on her collar so I can hear her movement and the bandana helps me spot her if she wanders into the woods.. Bright green and other one is orange.

    NK are generally not good for off leash work..

    Either way working on good solid recall and commands like drop it and leave it is good thing to work on.

    Long leash is helpful with working on recall. Yummy reward or fun toy is good too to reinforce recall.. Saya goes nuts over fish fudge, string cheese and cooked meat, or tiny bit of hot dog I try rotate it.
  • @saya Thanks :) We'll try to get some tree climbing pics. Last time we only had our phones and they're just lame flip phones so no good pics. Saya sounds like a fun dog and I like her coloring.
    We are working with a long lead too and he seems like he has the potential to do well off leash as he ranges and will come back to check on us. Being younger he has some focus issues and we still have to find that irresistible treat for him as he wasn't into hot dogs or cheese and his favorite dog treats if it's early in the walk and he's super excited we can stick right in front of his nose and he doesn't care. Other times he's been able to focus really well. So we're figuring it out. He's stumbled across deer a few times and he'll want to chase but being on the lead he can't get far. We do run with him though with squirrels as he enjoys treeing them.
    Yes, we seen off leash Juno and she does great! Maybe one day we can get there with him, we haven't had him for quite a month yet so long lead training is I think our best training tool right now.
    What is fish fudge? Sounds smelly which is good for a distracted dog ;)
  • This recipe
    2 small tins tuna in water OR 1 large can salmon in
    2 eggs
    1 tsp garlic powder (optional)
    1.5 cups flour (all purpose, whole wheat, and oat all
    work well)

    Put fish (with canning water), eggs, and garlic in a
    blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into bowl and add
    flour, mix well. Press into a greased 9x9 baking dish
    and bake at 350F for half hour. Half way through baking,
    cut into squares and continue baking. When done, allow
    to cool, remove from pan and break into pre cut squares.
    Store in the fridge in an airtight container.

    This site has this recipe, but mine always come out more flat, but still soft and breakable.

    I put them in small ziplock bags and then freeze them so I just need take the bag out and use for training and put back in freezer when done.

    I wouldn't leave them out of fridge or freeze for few days as they might spoil. Mom did that and set it on shelf.. Got bit fuzzy.

    It's fine on training sessions or walks.

    Saya and Bella likes the treat.

    I sometimes cook meat, liver and grind it and add it with the fish. I mostly use either sardines, salmon and mackerel.
  • Thanks @saya

    Here are some climbing pics




    First big snowfall
  • Akuma is such a stud! I've had a Nio pup for about three weeks now and he's pretty awesome. Although they have different moms, I can see some similarities...especially in their coloring. Nice pics!
  • edited December 2012
    @MontanaKai thanks :) We can see similarities between him and his other half brothers and sisters physically and with characteristics so it's not surprising you can pick some stuff out. So you have an Ayu & Nio pup? That's pretty exciting! How's it going?
  • @rafatturi Yes, we have one of the males from the Nio x Ayu litter (his name's Orry). It's going really well. I was expecting total puppy chaos (chewing, accidents, etc) for awhile but so far he's been really good. We've had spurts of the typical puppy stuff but he's adapted very well overall...couldn't ask for more. We love his temperament. He's definitely a character, and especially love's playfully irritating much bigger dogs....it's hilarious. Maybe that's a Nio thing.

    Looking forward to following Akuma on the forum.
  • Ooh akuma is so handsome and atheletic! I want to draw a heart around his face in the second to last pic!. His brindle is pretty
  • @ttdinh Thanks we like him a lot! That's awesome he loves to play with bigger dogs. Get him around other dogs in a positive setting as much as possible. We will be doing some work with Akuma to get him a little more comfortable around other dogs or to trust us more so he doesn't feel the need to be aggressive. That's so awesome that Orry is doing so well do you have a discussion about him with some photos yet?
  • Yeah we definitely plan on lots of socialization work with Orry! Yes, I did start a thread and just updated it last night with some pics. It's in the Kai Ken category, called "Yamabushi no Orry (Updated 12-9-12)."
  • Agree! Akuma is a stud muffin :)
  • Thanks @Hinata23 We think he's quite the stud muffin too :)

    Another Snow Pic
  • Wow it's so beautiful with all the snow falling! I could look on facebook, but where do you live again?
  • Love the pictures! He's such a athletic tree climber. :)
  • @cezieg We're in Minnesota
  • My brother lives in Minnesota. I wish we had some of that snow here.
  • @Saya Do you have any of Saya climbing?

    @sjp051993 Does he? What area? You're in Ohio, right? Do you usually get snow by now?
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