Akuma (Update 8-16-14)



  • With animals that will have a higher survival rate if chased like, adult squirrels and flight birds, I make sachi sit and if she can sit for a few seconds I will release her to chase. Now that we've done that she has to wait for the leash to go slack and I give a verbal release then she can chase. However if she just is going ballistic I just pull her with me as we walk on by. Her behavior has gotten better less lunging tugging trying to get out of her collar and whining she will sit and look at me for the release.

    I think if he is stressed more gradual exposure with training will overcome. But
  • Akuma went on his first real hike. Well a real hike in Minnesota, not up a big mountain or anything. Overall he did really well, the bugs were ridiculous and it was pretty muggy so he got hot in his harness. I think I'm going to buy him a pack so he can carry his own water and treats for next time though. Akuma is really agile but like I said before he is not big on water for some reason. For example, if there is a little stream of water he will plop down and doesn't want to cross it. I have to pick him up and carry him over it even when I tempt him with his favorite treats. It's weird, it's like he doesn't realize that it's just water and it won't hurt him. At one point in the hike I got tired of carrying him while balancing on rocks so I set him down in the water and he was fine walking back to shore. The water was only six inches or so deep. He's fine once he's in the water just wouldn't choose to go in it in the first place. It was cool to watch him climb up the steep hills and balance on top of random things he would jump on but at one point he got scared of a decline and whined a little. It was the first time that I have ever seen him get scared. I think it was his first time or at least the first time in a while that he has been in some tricky areas to navigate and didn't quite know what to do.. One thing that is hard is having him on a leash while trying to go up and down on the trail either the leash gets caught on something or it keeps him back from being able to fully conquer the part of the trail he is on. There was an area that Akuma couldn't run off anywhere to far so I let him off leash and he did much better running around. I think if he were super great off lead he would enjoy the trip much more but there's always the chance he could chase something so the leash stays on. Plus the leash is a safety line for him. If he were ever to go off an edge or something I could pull him back up since his harness clips on the back of him. Like I said it was fun and he did really well we both need more practice with each other to continue to grow the confidence especially in tricky spots.

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    Mid slurp haha
  • Great pics! And silly boy with the water!

    Yeah, I know a lot of people are able to let their Kai off leash, but I think I'd be like you--pretty cautious, and only do it in certain areas. Leo tracked a coyote last week and went nuts, and if he'd been off leash, I'd never have seen him again, as he was utterly crazily focused on that coyote, whining, pulling like crazy, etc. So I'd be worried he'd come across something and not come back.
  • Awwe great pictures :)! He's so cute...it's a little ridiculous. :P I'm glad you guys are figuring out what works best for you all on trail...I love hearing about him always!! I have a feeling one day he'll get used to water and be able to at least wade in it! <3
  • Damn, he is so nice looking! :)

    Trail looks pretty too!
  • @shibamistress Akuma is the same with tracking. He'd be off and where I do believe he'd come back to us there are roads he might cross chasing something or if we're far away he can't circle back and just come home eventually. We just want to keep him safe even if that means a little less freedom unless he's in an area he's fine to run around (such as there is peninsula behind us surrounded mostly by a lake except a little bridge to get there) They definitely are made to chase/hunt though :)

    @mdokic Thanks! Kona is pretty ridiculously cute herself! We hope he gets more used to water as time goes on. He can swim just fine, I think he's just a bit of a prince about having to get his paws wet haha

    @brada1878 His parents did good!
  • edited August 2014
    Akuma got his new Ruffwear harness today so we went on a walk to try it out.

    For an update, we still love him and he's still a handsome guy. He has a girlfriend now who lives right by us and they have fun together. We found he can meet other dogs and interacts well with them. It's just on leash he really doesn't like meeting dogs he doesn't know. But he did meet a golden puppy girl on leash and loved her. He has been a travel buddy this year, we went to Chicago and Oklahoma with him. He did great in both the city and country environments. He also does well with people of all ages. We continue to have fun together and just enjoy the love and laughs he brings to our lives :)

    New Harness Walk
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    With his girlfriend playing inside and then playing outside on the 4th of July
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    With my nephew
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  • Aww! I love seeing Akuma! He looks fantastic- nice shots! That harness is on my list too. I'm happy he has a nice golden friend, too. He's a good boy and a happy guy!
  • Akuma is one handsome guy. Love him. :) And....I'm so jealous of that harness. The color is beautiful, and Akuma is an awesome model for it. What is the name of that harness? Maybe I should get one of Meitou. :P

    Akuma and his girlfriend are cute together, but I really love that shot of him with your nephew.
  • @WhoBitMe It's called the front range harness by ruffwear. Here is a link.

  • @rafatturi Thanks! Out of curiosity, was there any particular reason you went with the front range harness instead of one of the other Ruffwear harnesses?
  • edited August 2014
    @whobitme. We went with that one because we already have a webmaster and its a little too big for Akuma. It also covers much more of his back and has an extra strap that is close to his groin that he sometimes pees on. That strap also sometimes uncomfortable for him. So this one doesn't have that extra strap and does not cover his whole back so it's cooler for him. It does have the leash attachments on his back and on his neck too. Its really well made.
  • @rafatturi I see. I like the sound of that harness. Meitou seems really uncomfortable with other Ruffwear harnesses the couple times I've tried some on him in stores. I think he would handle the front range style much better.
  • Good find on the harness! Looks like it's a new product! I've always thought the Ruffwear gear was really obtrusive, but this one looks pretty good! 4-way adjustable, plus easy on/off. Thanks for sharing!

    And Akuma looks great by the way! ;)
  • Oh my goodness, Akuma, you are TOO cute! ESP with your gf (i see you like the taller ladies) ;)

    He's lucky to have you guys and able to go on so many adventures with you all! Lots of love to the girls' half-bro :)
  • He looks great, and looks like he's have a fabulous time! I love the orange too--I'd like to get one of those harnesses, and that's the color we'd get too!

  • Akuma is so handsome! Also, thank you for the link and info about that harness, we also have issues with the Webmaster harness because it is just too big and bulky for Kira.
  • Thanks for all the comments guys! Akuma is a great companion. The harness continues to work out well. He always acts upset when you go to put it on and freezes a bit but then you go outside and he forgets it's there. I think he enjoys not having the pressure around his neck like a traditional collar and he even took a nap in it yesterday after a walk. :)
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