Raito no Hoshihime 'Sachi'--Spam (10.24)



  • I loved meeting you and seeing Sachi, Cait. Thanks for taking such good care of her. She's such a toon.
  • I'd love to see pics of Nicky and Sachi together! Nicky sounds like an old trooper Shiba! I'm really glad you've taken her in--it must be such a relief to her people, too!
  • Love hearing the updates on Sachi!
  • !!!!!! :-D

    I am so glad that Nicky and Sachi are helping each other! And it was awesome to meet you and Sachi at the Classic. Hopefully when my schedule calms down a bit, we can get together again. :)
  • Love seeing the updates. :) I hope to see pictures of Nicky and Sachi soon.
  • aww~ so awesome Sachi got to have a little reunion! Sounds like she's doing really well and even better with the foster! :) yay!
  • edited October 2013
    Preemptively I apologize for the length of this.

    Sachi continues to amaze me. I would say she is always, and has been, very cautious of "strange", but the more I"ve worked with her the more I see that her responses to "strange" are changing. She is much, much less flighty and more willing to stick around and investigate independently, which is fun to watch her ::poke:: ::poke:: *what is that?* ::poke:: *not hunt-able*...

    We have graduated all three obedience (beginner, intermediate, intermediate +) classes with flying colors, we are going to take a break pre-CGC prep but will be officially starting Agility next spring. As we have continued in classes she has become very willing to approach strangers head on and very occasionally is okay with their petting her, but that will come in time. At night on her 30ft lead I will let her drag it in non-vehicle areas and she is doing very well with recall and heeling. It doesn't have a chance in the day time with all the squirrels in Stupid season.

    She is becoming much more driven as a hunter, has bagged herself a couple of birds and is really trying for those squirrels. She trees them and will follow them as they move from tree to tree and has unsuccessfully attempted to follow them by climbing some of the lower ones. She has started scent tracking more--she dragged to me to one of my roommates who was out for an evening stroll, found a fox, and tracked a cat. I would like, though don't know where to start getting her involved in some type of hunt sport though I know gunshots are out of the question. Maybe Lure coursing? Barn hunt? I don't know what else is out there.

    She is becoming a cuddly monster as well. And wants to, more and more, stay in the same room with her people, whether it be me or one of my roommates. She will nose you in the knee if you aren't paying attention to her and should. If that fails she will just grab your hand with her paw and bring it to her body to force you to pet her. Heh, she's handsy. Her new thing with doing a welcome home greet is she will cat-like twine around you then eventually will shove her body under your arm and lay her head on your neck, chest, or face while you give her belly scratches. My puppy loves me.

    We had to ease off of hikes. Sachi seems very uncomfortable in low canopy high undergrowth forests, she will drag to the very end of the leash, I think it is her lack of visibility? I am trying to find hikes that are more old growth forests with pretty open trails that aren't graveled for the moment, but once real fall hits it should be easier.

    Anyways here is a little spam, mostly from FB:





    Question: Sachi, when I got her almost a year ago, I asked that she be spayed and since then she has put on alittle weight--I assume this is her filling out? When I took her to the vet a month after I got her and she weighed ~27lbs now she is at 30lbs and holding steady. Since I know she periodically steals food from our foster dog and gets treated pretty regularly (not to mention being an accomplished beggar) she could just be getting fat. She gets a total of 1 cup of food a day of a high protein kibble. I am switching her back to a 1-2x a week raw meal as well. She still has a belly tuck and from the top you can tell a slight difference between hips and back but if you feel for her ribs they are pretty well coated. So is it filling out or is she stealing/begging for more food than I know of?
  • Also I totally missed her's and Tomo's birthday on October 13th. They're 2!
  • That's so great to hear how well Sachi is doing! Kudos to you for working to help her get to this point. Love the costume and it's eating her ear lol
  • I would like, though don't know where to start getting her involved in some type of hunt sport though I know gunshots are out of the question. Maybe Lure coursing? Barn hunt? I don't know what else is out there
    Do you have a place that does Nose Work near you? if she likes tracking things, that might be fun.
  • @Tmd thanks! When do you get your pup? Yeah it looks like shes being attacked by dino rather than being one.

    @zandrame I don't know, that's a great idea! Ive only noticed her scent tracking recently so it might be something we could do.
  • I'll be picking him up mid-November, a little later than normal, but it's just under a month wait now!! We're very excited!
  • She's a kai? Purebred kai? I thought there noses were shorter and ears smaller.
  • edited October 2013
    @tarokun She is, youre thinking a shiba? She's from one of the oldest Kai kennels out of Japan
  • No I'm sorry I've never seen a kai ken with her ears she looks like my dog. But no white. Also at the dog park I saw an original Japanese shiba inu! His body was longer , he was taller and he was faster than any shiba inu I've seen. His name was yoshiro, imported from Japan.
  • What's the kennel called by the way, l might want one of her relatives!
  • I don't know why but I always pictured kais bigger than 37 pounds but apparently that's a good weight. Are they submissive, because my dog is an alpha female and I need a submissive dog.
  • Sachi has become a houdini about escaping fenced in areas. I am able to house sit a client's two goldens at his property with Sachi. This has been great because she is in love with his boys, can play rough and be a little minxy tease throwing her butt in their faces and when one finally kind or gets an idea to do some shenannigans she drops to the ground and kicks the hell out of their bellies.

    That being said since teaching herself the doggie door if she goes outside and is bored and if the men-dogs wont play with her she just flats out climbs the 4ft fence to go wander in the field behind his house and hunt birds (thank GOD for a TAGG tracker, the first time I was doing homework inside and watching them through the bay window and saw where she went) I went out whistled and she came back pleased as a pie and let her in through the gate. This was during the first week last day we were there.

    During the second visit she wasn't allowed out by herself at any point. I was in the yard with her and she climbed jumped on their guinea coop (three feet up and set back about a foot and a half from the fence) and just popped over the fence to go in the back field again. Whistled and she comes right back at full speed please to have come. So I keep treating and rewarding everytime she comes ( I yelled at her when she was popping the fence and I was in the yard with her and there was no reaction). It I think became a game then that she would escape and be recalled for treats. So I tried recalling for treats in yard and she couldn't care less. Good news is when she is just off on a lark she will recall 100% so far, knock on wood but I don't know if she is frightened. By the end of the week and multiple escapes with me always out there with her she would recall but might stop on the way to sniff a bush or the outside of the fence, but we kept it a positive recall. She refused to be leashed, as well. In the apartment she is fine will sit quietly for it but at their house you have to chase her around and corner her to get her to sit for it--not the most positive experience and also limiting for me to leash her and keep her safety in the yard.

    But all has been well and I have a plan for next week's sit and pics will come soon of the funsies!

    So the other updated story is her being kicked out of daycare. The daycare said she was showing fear aggression and that she was a biter. I need to overnight board her at the end of April for a two day work trip and decided a good way to become acclimated is try their daycare. After going over and spending my lunch break with her in their lobby she opened up with me and with their staff and I got the full story.

    Despite my warnings that she is more nervous with men and it is worse with tall men they decided to have her runner and "play watcher" be a 6'4" strange man versus the few female staffers she knows there from perusal visits. She didn't bite anyone nor try but was giving some warning growls and eyeing them up nervously, they decided to use caution and just board her for the day until I could pick her up after work, I don't blame them for that. After our break together and hanging out with the staffers she, I was told later, much better and went with them happily, they couldn't put her real collars and leashes on her but were able to slip lead her and she tolerated their presence with out any reactions.

    My goal now is to continue socialization and work on gradually having "strangers", my roomies, leash and unleash her to make the process easier. It is now up for debate as whether or not I am allowed to overnight board her there. They want to try another day of daycare and see how she does, and if I bring her around to just chill in the lobby more. It is a good idea though I dislike the preconceived notion that they are labeling her as dangerous because she picks up on their nervousness AND they keep telling me dogs do better and relax more sans owners when she has now exhibited that this is infact the opposite they keep mouthing this to me, but are good people otherwise. Should I just find a new daycare?
    Or leave her home I guess we leave our dog home ps then again she pooped on the floor,because she ate garder snakes. Facpalm
    Your dog might not like all the dogs swarming around her, plus kais are not that big so maybe 16 80 pounders might have scared her. And there's always that one dog that keeps pissing of other dogs and ignores all the warnings. IMO ask a friend to babysit or leave her home with whatever entertains her. My dog spent 8 hours watching a dang hamster run a wheel, spin, and fall off.
  • SO much like my dog!
  • @tarokun, I saw a pic of yiur dog in the othe theead and she might be a laika mix but in your intro thread yiu never said what you were on here for or fully introduced your pup. If you are looking at adopting Kais in the future I would look at Yamabushi Kennels or Shuteshii kennels in the US and Shigeru can help you import if you want one from Japan.

    Each dog is different regarding submissive dominance. I dont buy into it overly much, I have a crabby shiba who if pushed the wro g way will set a boundary but if she pushes Sachi, Sachi will draw the line. Typically Kais are the most social of the NKs with other dogs. My dog if provoked will defend (snark and bristly walk off) and occasionally will play hump her favorite dogs but otherwise does her own thing. My dog is atypically high strung. Her full brother is an in your facelovemewhoisthatohitsadogsquirrel! So it depends.
  • @tarokun if youre in the area come to our meet and greet there will be at least 2 other kai some shiba and maybe a tweenie that way yiu can see the range of them.
  • We'll as for the introduction there isn't much about me except I'm black I'm American I love dogs beyond belief, I want another dog, I love spitz breeds in particular, and I'm also a mangaka and my 2 upcoming series are about bahnkur dogs and 1 about dire wolves. Also my dog just shart on the floor so excuse me whilst I call her which is "goddammitchelsea!!" AKA guillotine.
  • @tarokun if youre in the area come to our meet and greet there will be at least 2 other kai some shiba and maybe a tweenie that way yiu can see the range of them.
    I'd love that but I'd have to ask my dad.
  • Also if you hear a loud screech that sounds like Satan getting scrutum crucified, that is her.
  • Also also, when's the meet and greet because I've got a dog sled race in december
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