Shibas and tabacco

edited December 2012 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Well time has come to post a concern. Miko got into my cigar box and stole a cigar and ripped it to shreds (note to self move cigar box now) doesn't look like she ingested anything. But I'm worried that maybe some residue could get into her system. She's drinking water and fine with a walk all seems normal.


  • Well she probly got a little something in her system from chewing on it, but it doesn't sound like she has any adverse reaction to it. Should just continue to monitor her for any deviations from her regular activity and food/water intake. I've seen dogs come into the vet for eating cigarette butts, but the only bad thing that happened was they pooped out the filters. I wouldn't be too worried so as long as it's not a significant amount (like 1/4 to 1/2 a cigar actually eaten).
  • Thanks @cezig she is doing just normal same activity and intake of food and water.
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