NIPPO Classic 2013



  • Congratulations everyone!

    I was the weird girl with one growling monkey, and one mellow (in their crate for chunks of it) wandering around taking photos with first a camera, then an ipad. Let me know if any of you want the photos of your pups.

    I also won the dvds for the Nihonkenhozonkai 2009 and 2012 (along with a nifty NIPPO leash) from the raffle. Chime in if you want to see any snippets and I can post some clips on youtube (haven't watched them yet).

    @brada1878 - B is in love with Kishin. He's been telling everyone about him and I think Kishin may have foiled my secret kai ken plan.
  • Photos!!!!

    @violet_in_seville - I must have missed you! You should have come up and introduced yourself and your pups!
  • edited May 2013
    @sunyata - I couldn't tell who most of the nihonken folks were except for Beth (@calia) who was wearing her shirt, and Brad. I'm pretty sure I met others, I just don't know exactly who.

    I think I met Jesse (@crimson02) and Kurenai and @kevin and Tuula (unless by coincidence there was another KBD named Tuula hanging at a NIPPO show). I think I met some of the kai and shikoku breeders too (based on number of dogs brought and geography).

    Wish we could have stayed longer but we were out with friends the night before a bit later than anticipated and out the door by 5:30 am so a bit tired. If you saw two shibas looking a lot alike in a wire crate on the short side of the ring on the girl's side, that was my two. Our boy isn't too fond of showing and prefers the crate and our girl is a bit temperamental and slightly reactive with new dogs. As the day wore on and it got crowded we kept them crated and would take them out for brief jaunts.

    I'm on neither Facebook, Flickr, nor other photo sharing accounts so I'm going to try via icloud. I'm slightly uncomfortable posting solo photos of the puppies of others before getting permission so the public one is a bit sparse. PM me and I can add your e-mail to the full stream. Any folks who are ok or not ok with their pups being public, please PM as well.

    [edited to add]

    Apologies to anyone whose pup showed up whom I did not ask first. I didn't want to interrupt ongoing conversations but did want some group shot to capture atmosphere. I hope this was ok.
  • If anyone got pics of my pups, I would love to see them.
  • @sunyata Casey- I dont have permission to view that link- can you let me in?

    @violet_in_seville - add me, please! art@ chryscleary dot com
  • Dangit Violet_in_seville! We did meet! You should've mentioned you were from the NK forum!
  • @WrylyBrindle - I changed the permissions to public, so everyone should be able to see them now. :)
  • @wrylybrindle - I added you. There should be more photos later (from the camera I was using). The stream up is a combo of photos taken by me and B's i-devices. There are about 150 in the private stream. I haven't edited. Unfortunately I was on 4 hours of sleep and dramamine and benadryl addled so my photos are really uneven and waxed and waned with my energy. I meant to take more photos of the other nihon ken, and I totally missed Ghidora (B scolded me since Ghidora was stunning).

    @crimson02 - sorry! B thought I was enough of a creeper running around playing with peoples' dogs (I recieved more kisses at that show than he and I have gotten from our two in our combined lifetime) that I didn't want to do it unless I was certain it was a forum member. Violet was the dog too lazy to move while growling. BTW, I have a short clip of Kurenai playing with another pup. Let me know if you want me send it or post it on youtube. It's pretty cute!

    @sunyata - I realized the next day that I should have asked Beth to introduce me to the other folks! I think you guys met Phil too so I could have asked him. I wasn't thinking very clearly. It also turns out that I got an e-mail from a shibaholic, and there were quite a few in attendance and I should have said hi to them too, so double fail on my end.

    @calia - thanks for letting me interact with and take photos of Miyu and chatting!
  • @violet_in_seville - Next time!!! There were a bunch of Shibaholics there, but since I am not that active in the group and really do not know many of them, I hung out with the non-Shibas... :)

    B&N were in their Ruffwear harnesses, but on Saturday, Nola was in her crate most of the afternoon (she was a bit overwhelmed). Bella, was out walking around, but spent most of the afternoon hanging with Dane. I was trying to take photos, but failing miserably while trying to plot how to sneak Ritsu home with me. Haha.
  • edited May 2013
    I seem to have too old a technology to see your photostream...Im a few OS's behind... :(
  • @violet_in_seville - Did he see Kishin in the ring? He may reconsider if he didn't. lol
  • @violet_in_seville - It was cool meeting you, if you can add me to the private stream: young_serenity @ yahoo dot com. If you want, feel free to make public any pics of me or my pups.
  • @brada1878 - he took some photos of Kishin in the ring and has repeatedly told the story of Kishin getting his testicles checked and how cute he thought it was. Seriously, he really loves Kishin :-)

    @calia - added. My photos of Miyu are some that will be added to the stream later since I took those with a normal camera. thanks for the permission too. Miyu is very loving and quite beautiful! Too bad I only got to see your other two from a distance in the morning.
  • I'm creepy in love with Kishin and all of his litter. I'll have a Kishu one day!
  • Great pics @sunyata - thanks for sharing!! I think I'd go crazy oogling every dog if I attended!
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