NIPPO Classic 2013



  • Yes, the dates are correct. Puppies and seminar with judge on Friday, regular classes, banquet, and auction on Saturday, individual evaluations on Sunday.
  • Yes, the dates are correct. Puppy sweeps and symposium are always on Friday. Regular classes and banquet Saturday. Usually the Nippo judge goes to a local AKC show to watch on Sunday.
  • Mom came through for us- we'll be there! :)

    I dont think Im going to the symposium, but i hope we all gather for supper somewhere. Hang on to your hats, kai fans! Mighty Matsu will be in the house...
  • see you there!! :) @brada1878 @sjp051993 @poeticdragon @crimson02 @Calia @sunyata @MApleTwinkie @violet_in_seville and anyone else who can make it! We're already pulling our road trip mix tape together...
  • We should wear our tshirts there!
  • ooh, I wonder if we can get Dave @dlroberts to come with Tyson? ... :)
  • @wrylybrindle - oh my god are all of us confirmed already? That's a lot!
  • Im booking my room all *better* be there, because im not driving all the way to ohio to hang out in a corner by myself with a lot of STRANGERS :)
  • @WrylyBrindle, I'd like to be there. I'll run it by Dr. C and see if we can make it. That is a hectic time of year for us, and we have a TON of travel this summer.

    We may be up in your neck of the woods in June/July though. :-)
  • This is awesome! Love to see numbers growing for the non-Shibas!!! Can't wait to meet everyone and their dogs!
  • Oh, Dave, I hope you and "Ecidnac" :) can make it, but if not- meeting up in the summer will make up for it. I will make time for you guys...
  • I'm going, I paid for my travel, reserved the room, etc!
  • I may try to make a stealth campaign to convince B we need a kai. Right now he wants a GSD as the next dog (abandoning the shibas because they're not affectionate enough!). I expect you all to help ;-)

    Anyway, we're less likely to participate in evening stuff and will be there Saturday. I think it's a 2.5 hour drive for us. But our schedule may change depending on what our breeder wants to do with Bear and depending on if he'll stay in our guest bedroom.
  • my kai are quite kissy and curious and will be happy to oblige in the affection dept., or at least happy to show off how affectionate they feel to Jeff and I. :)
  • Like I said before, I wish I could go. But I'm not gonna be on that side of the country in time. I wanna meet me some Kai. Meh.
  • B&N and I should be there... I just need to verify with everyone involved and book a room if necessary. :-D I am excited!!!
  • Well my flight is booked. Now I just need to get the rental car and hotel squared away...oh and forms to sign up for the Shiba Classic:P

  • I will reserve my room as soon as I figure out what class Matsu will show in. the website says (for Kai and Shikoku) Yoken on Friday is 5-7 months in the puppy sweeps, but Waka Inu on Saturday is 8-14 months. It should be either 5-8 Yoken/8-14 Waka or 5-7 Yoken/7-14 Waka Inu- the cutoff number should be the same month number. So I have an email in to them...

    Should I have Matsu professionally washed/groomed before we go?
    Should he wear a fancy or plain collar?
    Do *I* have to dress up?
    Will Juno make fun of him? ;)
    Will I need his pedigree or any papers?
    What if we get in the ring and he wants to sit and look at me, like we are in training class? Do I need to train him to stand a certain way?
  • aykayk
    edited March 2013
    Lynda, a professional dog photographer, is usually taking ring side pictures. I'd suggest business casual with good gripping shoes (sneakers) since you might be running in wet grass. Not black pants since Matsu will disappear against it.

    Edit: Here are some pics from 2011 so you can see what other people wore. There are jeans to business. Some traditionalists think it's respecting the judge to dress nice, others think the focus should be on the dog.
  • I want to go... but I'd have to camp out in my car for the weekend because I'll be essentially broke after a drive down. That's what adults do, right? Camp in their car? Y/Y?

    (I'll cheer for Matsu!)
  • @Crispy - Dog people visit the people who have rooms. ;)
  • When I get home I will type up some stuff for everyone.
  • I'd really like to go, but I think that's the weekend I'm likely going to have to go pick up a puppy (NOT for me!) in Arizona, so probably not. :( Would have liked to go with Leo though!
  • Dave was the only Shikoku representative? Whaaaat?

  • @brada1878 - I'm guessing you'll need kishin's Nippo paparrs before this. I will 2day it tomorrow AM.
  • @shishiinu - I think he only needs it if he wants to earn points towards Kishin's NIPPO championship. They are not necessary to generally compete.
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