NIPPO Classic 2013



  • There's a puppy parade! We only have one car and work on Friday. Boo. Is anyone going to videotape this?

    BTW - is non-professional photography allowed? Videotaping? We have one of those flip mino hd cameras (and you can pull great shots from the stills) and it would make sense to bring it if we're allowed to take photos/videos.
  • "Parade"- in the sense that you get to see a lot of puppies at once. :) A lot pf puppies on leashes = parade, puppies free = PARTY!
  • yes you can take photos and video
  • It's pretty much guaranteed that Kurenai will have just blown her coat or be in the middle of coat blow when this event comes around :-/

  • Since puppy sweeps isnt until after lunch on Friday, Im looking up places to hike Friday morning- there's a big, neat-looking park called Oak Openings Preserve not that far with a variety of environments (from sand dunes to marshes) and huge oaks, and it allows dogs on leash. I think my dogs will enjoy a good walk after all that car time. If anyone else will be around Friday morning we can all go together!
  • Since puppy sweeps isnt until after lunch on Friday, Im looking up places to hike Friday morning- there's a big, neat-looking park called Oak Openings Preserve not that far with a variety of environments (from sand dunes to marshes) and huge oaks, and it allows dogs on leash. I think my dogs will enjoy a good walk after all that car time. If anyone else will be around Friday morning we can all go together!
    Ooo @WrylyBrindle that place looks awesome, I'd be up for that hike :)
  • We will not be there until noonish on Friday... So no hiking for us. However, I am quite excited to see the 'puppy parade'! :-D
  • I may be up for hiking, depends on how stressed I think the dogs are after their cross-country trip. I like to get in the day before and let the dogs chillax as much as possible. I have noticed with Gojira, for example, she does much worse on the second day of shows.
  • Hiking is the best thing to do with Conker after a long trip. It really helps him unwind from being stuck in a car for a while. He gets to sniff and piss on everything and move around a lot. Much better than a walk in an urban area IMO.
    If I were going, I'd totally be up for a hike.
  • I'm up for it... assuming I make it there in time. I have a long drive.
  • We might be up for it...but realize we're normally 3 hours that'd be like...a 3-4 a.m. walk for me!

  • I'm up for it I'd we can make the trip before noon
  • edited March 2013
    Beth @Calia They are having a For Exhibition Only class- its not judged but you can shows spays in it- you should show Miyu! Im going to show Juno in FEO...Im emailing you the form...

    actually - anyone bringing NK should show in FEO- it's only $10! @cdenney et al.
  • I got the form in the email... it's long, and it confuses me with all the "showy" termanology. Can someone just tell me what I need to do for Akashi and Kishin?
  • @wrylybrindle yell yeah! I think Sachi has good confirmation in general and a great pace (stacy has seen her and could probably tell me where she would fault other than being small and chronic n butt). Do we need to learn how to stand or have strangers check her teeth?
  • Stacey @sjp051993 will know for sure what the For Exhibition Only dogs have to do- I dont think they are judged so much as paraded. So I'm guessing no teeth checks...
  • For Exhibition only, they judge kinda gives them a quick look over, and then tells you the good and bad about the dog. No placements or anything, just an evaluation from the judge.
  • If anyone has questions about filling out the entry form, feel free to message me. I can answer most questions.
  • @wrylybrindle Juno and Sachi here we go, whom else?
  • I'll be signing up Miyu, though I already have an idea of some of her bigger faults (having extra toes being one of them) but it would be nice to hear a more in-depth explanation of the goods and bads of her structure.
  • @Calia--I still <3 Miyu even with all her "extra toes"
  • I wonder if I should enter Nola... Haha. She would flip out with all those people looking at her. :)
  • Confirmed recently. Bear wil be showing in the seiken shiba class Saturday. Not sure how long we'll be there (need to talk to B) but don't want to pass up the opportunity to check out other nihon ken and meet folk.
  • @wrylybrindle did you do exhibition or evaluation?
  • exhibition. I dont really know the difference, but 'evaluation' sounds more serious and there's no sense evaluating a spayed dog, I figure. :)
  • mm I would like to do both.

    Because Sachi is imported blood I feel very responsible that I had her spayed and therefore limited the gene pool here, but I live in an apartment I work full time and go to school full time for one more semester, I couldn't breed her in this situation and by the time I would be able to she would be almost 4 and I didn't want to risk her with pyometra or uterine cancer with that many empty heats.

    All of that being said I would like to know the how she conforms so I know what she would have brought (though I believe her brother is here too) and also so I better understand the breed standard better even if it is according to NIPPO so when I meet other Kai I can understand the ideal against my own little ambassador. (I had a woman at the dog park ask why she had a Japanese name, when I said she was Kai the woman--a Japanese native--told me that she was much to small and her brindle too diluted, whether or not this woman knows Kai or not it has stuck with me).

    Could I tempt you to eval with me as well??
  • edited April 2013
    Possibly- let's ask Stacey what the difference is- @sjp051993 In FEO, what is the difference between Exhibition and Evaluation?

    I hear you there. I likewise carry some self-inflicted spay guilt. In my case, I wasn't sure how Sensitive Sage would tolerate hormonal drama in his housemate, but I KNEW how he would react if roaming males smelling her started coming round our house, and despite our lifetime of work with reactivity there is no training that will help him overcome a bunch of randy keening dogs in our yard trying to get to her. (This town is not big on dog containment or neutering males.)

    Matsu on the other hand is streets ahead just by virtue of having two proper testicles, and I am keeping him intact as far as it is tolerable to do so.
  • I am so sorry I in no way meant to bring about spay guilt for you! I was just hoping for other altereds to join us to gain better perspective I guess, and so we're not alone in the eval ring! Sorry!
  • Man, good question. We have never really had a lot enter those classes. From what I understand exhibition you just kinda move them around the ring. Evaluation you will actually get feedback from the judge. You probably want evaluation more than exhibition.
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