Shelby and Friends! Updated 4/2/15!



  • So, no pictures this time, but a quick update on Shelby. I'm trying to get my desk top up and running after our move.

    Shelby is a big girl, but still a tad thin at 33 pound. She needs to gain about 5 pounds according to the vet, but she just isn't big on eating. I found a brand she likes and she doesn't hide her uneaten food from me anymore.

    Our little chihuahua Sophie passed away in October and, to ease the pain of our loss, we brought home another chi shortly after, named Rosie. Shelby has fallen in love and has adopted Rosie as her own puppy. If Rosie cries, Shelby is right there to comfort her. It's adorable to see them interact. I'll post videos of them later.

    We finally found a house here in Wyoming, so Shelby and Mya have a yard to play in again. They love chasing each other and hiding under the porch (scaring me in the process).

    Shelby has become rather protective of me lately and will stand guard if someone she doesn't like gets too close. If they move too fast, she will growl like a big dog. We are working on that.

    All in all, Shelby has turned out to be an amazing dog and I don't know how I ever lived without her.:)
  • Awweee yay sis!!! So happy to hear she's doing well...sorry for your loss <3 I'm happy she loves the new addition like her own :) And congrats on the new place with a yard! I'm trying so hard to find a place asap so kona and kimber can have their own place to do their zoomies together, rather than our community dog park...

    I want more pics of shelby (once you get all settled in) :)
  • I'll upload some pics probably next month. I'm in baton rouge right now helping my parents. I have some great pics of Shelby on my computer and, once I get everything settled, I can post them. :)

    Our loss was devastating, but Rosie is so good for all of us. Shelby will lay on the floor and let that little 3 pound dog run all over her!

    The yard is great for zoomies! Ours is just dirt now and the ladies kick up some serious dust when they run, but they've been much happier since we got the house.
  • Awesome to hear. :)
  • I'm sorry about your loss. I'm glad you've found another pup to ease the pain and that Shelby has taken a shine to her. I miss hearing updates about your pups and look forward to when you get a chance to post more. And of course pics, pics, pics!
  • Aww... I've missed being on here, but it was so hard after losing Sophie so suddenly and then tying to buy our house was a nightmare! I have a ton of pics that I'll upload as soon as I get home. Shelby is finally letting me take her picture without looking too scared, so I've gotten some pretty decent shots lately.
  • edited May 2014
    Looking forward to more pics of your canine crew. And I totally understand the whole issue of a dog looking scared in pictures. My older dog often looks mildly traumatized when I try to take pictures of her when she isn't distracted. Or extraordinarily pathetic like I must not feed her or something. ;)
  • Lol! I understand. I am going to have to post my failed attempt at family pictures. None of my dogs are looking and two are trying to escape like their hair is on fire.
  • Lol, that sounds cute :)! Taking pics of dogs is funny, it's like they KNOW the camera is out, so they make it extra difficult!
  • Good to hear Shelby is doing well!

    With the guarding thing, just abruptly walk away from her and turn your back when she does that. She will start to associate her guarding you = you go away, and she will stop.
  • Thanks Brad! My dad is going to visit for a couple of days and I didn't know what we were going to do.
  • edited June 2014
    I'm still working on getting pictures to load... I have lots from today... :/
  • edited June 2014
    So after many headaches and a few temper tantrums, I finally am able to post new pictures of the ladies (including the new Chihuahua)!! Sorry the pictures are so huge... I had a lot of trouble even getting them to post. :(

    This is Mya, Jefferson, and our new baby Rosie

    Mya and Jefferson photo DSC02902_zpsa23be526.jpg

    Shelby still hates having her picture taken

    photo DSC03094_zpse3c42fcd.jpg

    All three ladies hanging out

    photo DSC04087_zps7d4bf610.jpg

    We got a new house that has a dirt yard... perfect for laying down and playing

    Shelby photo 0609141708_zps1scqn08r.jpg

    Shelby was playing with a new toy and Mya and Rosie had to check it out

    All 3 ladies photo 0609141708a_zpsc9h8hy0x.jpg

    Pretty Mya

    photo 0609141711i_zpsadfg7zki.jpg

    Shelby and her shadow

    photo 0609141713d_zps5ulaiblw.jpg

    Rosie is checking out Shelby's stick

    photo 0609141713g_zpsatvb0dbl.jpg

    Happy girl

    photo 0609141714c_zpsipk6buqk.jpg

    Sticking her nose through the porch rails

    happy Shelby photo 0609141715_zpsspij3n72.jpg

    Shelby photo 0609141717_zpsr3n62hv5.jpg

    Mya again

    Mya photo 0609141718_zpshmjsnvil.jpg

    Rosie and her Momma Shelby

    Rosie and her momma Shelby photo 0609141719_zpssw5ehl4k.jpg

    Shelby and Rosie photo 0609141720d_zpsn7icb8bm.jpg

    Shelby checking out the dog next door

    Shelby photo 0609141720f_zpsutoydm09.jpg

    That's all I have for now. I'm so glad I can finally update the pictures again!!
  • Those are some cute photos of your pups. :) I love Shelby's airplane ears in the one with the three of them on/by the couch.
  • Haha! Airplane ears! I always thought they made her look like Yoda. ;)
  • Such a cutieeee!!! She's TALL and long! I love the airplane ears...awe, give her some kisses for me!! :D
  • She is a big girl... and I will definitely give her kisses!! :)
  • Your ladies are looking great! Good to see the new addition Rosie, she's so dainty =)

    My Hanzo looks a lot like Shelby. I guess it makes sense since they are half-siblings by way of Ayu. With a little deeper chest, a little more fluff in her tail and a little less brindle they could be twins.
  • edited June 2014
    Rosie is definitely dainty. Full grown and 3 pounds! Shelby is so good with her... always gentle and patient. Does anyone else see the resemblance Rosie has to Dobby from Harry potter? She looks just like a house elf!

    I think all the siblings and half siblings look like they were run of a copy machine. Ayu must have some strong genes!!
  • LOL Dobby. So one dog is Yoda and one one is Dobby? That's so cute! What about Mya? ;)
  • I don't know what Mya looks like... I'm all ears if anyone has suggestions. :)
  • Hey, Shelby! You look good, sis! (I also think Mya has the cutest ears up there on top of her head.) Shelby seems like she's on the bigger end for kaigirls?
  • She is looking good! :) (All three of them are!)
  • Shelby is rather large. She is still skinny under all that fur and we put her back on puppy food to get her weight where it needs to be. She's at 36 pounds now and I'm going to measure her as soon as her royal highness wakes up.

    Mya's ears are a trip! She's so mechanical in her movements too. I need to get a video of her tail wagging... it's like a curly metronome!

    Thanks for all the compliments! They really are a bunch of good girls. :)
  • Love the pictures such beautiful dogs. :)
  • Great pics. I wish my cats were as tolerant of Nero. They still eye him cautiously with a bit of the WTF is THAT glare. But we are getting there. Baby steps.
  • Well, we are just glad Jefferson is declawed... he has a slapping problem. If Shelby sniffs him the wrong way, he slaps her. He also does these drive by slappings where he runs by Rosie and smacks her in the face. He doesn't mess with Mya... I think he knows she's just as crazy as he is.
  • @myabee09 Sounds familiar. Max does some slapping but never with claws. Nero wants him to play so bad he will actually bring him toys as a peace offering.
  • @Myabee09 - When Nola was a puppy, Bella would randomly walk up to her and smack her on the head and then just walk away. Poor Nola was always baffled, but it was actually pretty hilarious to watch.

    Luckily, as Nola grew up, Bella stopped smacking her around.
  • Shelby loves it... he slaps her and she licks him. I think she thinks it's a game. Rosie runs away, but she's so small that everything scares her. Mya protects Rosie though, she runs him off and checks on Rosie. She's a Shiba bodyguard.
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