Snow Dogs

edited April 2008 in General

Here are some older videos from the last big snowstorm in OH before we left.

The first is of the dogs playing


Second is the dogs chasing a ball

Last, is Sora chasing Stokes around in the snow.




  • edited November -1
    Wow Jen!!! thats so awesome!!!  They look like they looooveee the snow!!! I really like the last video!  They are like thigh high in snow trying to chase eachother.  SO CUTE!!!  You have a wonderful pack!
  • edited November -1

    So cool! They are really enjoying it! You have a very cool pack!

    Snow seems to be fun for everyone, dogs and people, unless it starts melting.

  • edited November -1
    Aww they're gonna miss the snow
  • edited November -1

    HEY! That white stuff on the ground looks like something we used to get here before global warming kick in...LOL.

    LOVE the videos. I wish we had a yard like that to run around in  

  • edited November -1
    Seriously. They must have LOVED that yard! Hell, I would have loved that yard. ;-)
  • edited November -1

    I love how Sora had snow all over her face - co cute!

    Your BCs are super smart too... It looks like one of them hides behind the tree with he ball! Cool!

  • edited November -1

    Here are some more pictures of the snow.  It was pretty deep for southwest OH. I'm sure Peggy gets a ton more snow up in Cleveland. As for missing the snow, they might, but they gain a beach and ocean with the move, so it all equals out maybe?


    Stokes waiting for something 


    Jack sticking his tongue out 


    Sora tasting snow 


    Jack chasing Tag 


    Sora chasing Stokes 



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