The people you meet with your Nihon Ken



  • New addition...intriguing!
  • This is fun, whit Raiden people doesn't mention other breeds but they say ;
    "is that the dog that makes people cry?"

    At firts i was like O_o ?????... Then i understood they was talking about Hachiko ...LOL

    And this happens almost evrytime i take him out for a walk.

    Instead, with the Collie people usally calls him Lassie, but also;

    A Husky mix
    A German shepherd (?)
    A Wolf
    A tiny-Collie (at 3 months old people often asked if i had shaved him, and why he was so small)
    Uh, and he HAS to be a female because "Lassies" are female.

    How many patience is needed ;)
  • Just had to share these jems from today on a long walk and a trip to the pet shop with Keiko (red brindle JA) I lost count of how many times I was told she looks like a wolf!

    I was also asked by a man who owns two huskies who were both with him if she was a husky and I was also asked if she was an akita cross because 'they only come in white don't they?' /:)
  • We have been taking our Hokkaido to puppy day care at petsmart and everyone calls him a Shiba, even after I correct them. Or the ones that actually ask instead of assume always act like they know what they are or have seen one before, it weird

    To me the faces are quite different and Hokkaido's are thicker.

    It's really funny to read thru all of these, especially when people argue with you on the breed of your own dog!
  • I hate when people argue the breed of other people's dogs. We took Yucca to the vet for shots one day & first the vet assistant was like "oh I have a shiba too!". Once I told her Yucca is a Kai she was nice about it and interested in knowing more but when the vet came in it was a different story. She kept telling me "this is what you should expect in shiba inu" "your shiba will get about this big as an adult" "shiba this" "shiba that". I corrected her numerous times but every time she would look at me like I didn't know what I was talking about & would continue to call her a shiba. I think she just has that mentality that "I'm a vet, I know everything about every dog. If I haven't heard of it, it doesn't exist". Needless to say we requested a different vet for next time.
  • @laurenmarie, they totally do look different! and @NavyDog, that's so frustrating. -_-
  • I can see the Shiba/Hokka mix up at least. I think the differences are a bit too subtle for most non NK knowledgeable people to figure out, and sometimes in photos, I've mixed up cream Shiba and Hokkas.....(I mean, I have very large Shibas, as some people do, so the size difference is not noticeable either!)

    But I don't get the Kai/Shiba mix up (though people have asked me that too). They don't look anything alike!

    I brought my vets a copy of the Kai Ken article in the dog magazine that came out a year or so ago, so it's in Leo's file! :)
  • Our Shiba is a bit on the bigger side also so the Hokka is only a tad bit bigger.

    That's very true though, if you don't know the breeds then they look alike.

    But to me, a Kai looks nothin like a Shiba!
  • When Raye was in first grade, she had teacher she really tried to like. Mrs Riley made the class do Journal writing every morning while she did the administrative morning things like counting hot lunches, and sorting notices and permission slips and stuff. The stipulation was that the kids had to write about their real life, no fiction. Raye really struggled with this- My life is boring, I want to write about dragons! At home she was writing a hilarious story about our dog Reilly, her real friend Hobie (another dog) and their team of chocolate-bar knights.

    In an effort to write about Real Life, Raye wrote in her journal about a friend's dog that stayed with us for a few days. His name was Scout and he was a Catahoula. No, her teacher said, and circled "Catahoola Dog" with her red pen. "You mean 'Cattle Herding Dog'." No, said Raye- Catahoola- in a battle of wills. Raye came home with a note, she was mad. I sent her back to school with an article we printed about Catahoula dogs. The teacher then called me to explain that she can't possibly be expected to know every kind of dog.

    Well, why not give the kid the benefit of the doubt? If she's right, you learn something new, if she;s making it up - well, what's so important about real life anyway? The point is either that the kids are busy, or (hopefully) that they practice writing and learn to enjoy writing. was freakinfirst grade!
  • I've been known to start reciting website URLs...
  • @WrylyBrindle at a young age I learned how to get around the "you must write non-fiction" bullshit by writing about dreams. The fact that you had the dream isn't fiction. ;)

  • I brought my vets a copy of the Kai Ken article in the dog magazine that came out a year or so ago, so it's in Leo's file! :)

    That is a great idea! Ill print off a fact sheet to take in with me
  • I get "husky" a lot for Meeko (Laika X Shikoku).
    When I took her in to get fixed the vet tech said "She looks like a mix." I replied "She is..." but before I could finish saying what she was mixed with she was like "Husky with what?". I can kinda see how she could be mistaken for a husky mix though.
    I've also been told she looks like a coyote.

    On the subject of rescues - I feel like certain dogs that are overly populating shelters shouldn't be bought as puppies, even if you get them from a reputable breeder (like pitbulls). There are just so many in need of homes...
    I do volunteer at my local Humane Society though, so maybe I'm a little biased on the rescue side of things. There is one dog in particular that I really want to adopt, but Kiyomi (Shiba) is picky about what dogs she decides to like, and they also have "no cats" in his adoption file. So it probably wouldn't work out. I so badly want to see him get out of that cement jail though.
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