Share Stories about Idiots.

edited April 2008 in General

I'm starting this thread as a place where you can come and bitch/vent about the stupid things that people say or do related to dogs. 

So I'll start things off. 

This past Saturday I was walking Nemo on a trail that goes next to a Forrest preserve and then behind some people's houses as you come out near a school.  There is a fenced yard where the dog always barks at everything that goes by.  This poor dog is always out in his chain link kennel.  The dog was barking as usual and out comes the owner onto the porch (it's elevated so I can see him).  What does he do to get the dog to be quiet?  SPRAYS IT WITH THE HOSE! And then goes back inside.  It was about 40º out at the time, I'm sure it's even worse for the dog in the winter.  Also, this man had no pants on.  I feel awful for the dog, but there's nothing you can even do.  He provides food and shelter (dog house).  In Wisconsin that is all you need to own a dog.  I just wonder why people have dogs if they don't like them.

Another story.  My wife just e-mailed me.  She was getting her teeth cleaned this afternoon and the hygienist started talking about dogs.  The hygienist started talking about Cockapoos and how they are so great.  They are great because they NEVER shed and their poop dissolves.  Now I've heard the NEVER shed thing before, but their poop dissolves?  I mean is that magically, or instantly, or what?  I mean if you leave poop long enough it does eventually dissolve or whatever you might want to call it.  But apparently Cockapoo poop is magical.  Jennifer had hands in her mouth so she couldn't respond.  By the end of it I think she was just to dumbfounded to know where to start with the lady.


So don't be shy, share some stories about idiots you have seen around.



  • edited November -1
    RFLMAO to what shouldn't be funny, but the magical thing got me.
  • edited November -1

    magical poo??? that makes a cockapoo that much more marketable.

    news to me!  

  • edited April 2008

    LOL Brandon! Great way to start a discussion!  When I saw the Discussion Topic, I knew it was you! 

    Dissolving poop...yeah never heard of that one.  I think your wife needs a new hygienist because clearly the one she's going to now is on crack.

    So here's something that has been pissing me off like crazy!  I've been working from home, therefor being able to take the dogs for an extra walk during the daytime.  I swear, 4 out of the 7 days in a week on our walk, there will be an off leash dog.  It really makes me angry when I see an off-leash dog, especially one that I do not know or know who the owners are.  I mean, its not like we live in a gated community or like our neighborhood is enclosed.  Basically, to get to my neighborhood, you go down a major street, turn left and thats my neighborhood, there is one street to go into my neighborhood and there are houses on the left side and right side and then a dead end about half a mile down.  Its like...ok...your dog is outside, and you're not.  There is a busy street half a mile down and you aren't worried your dog will run and get hit by a car? 

    Anyways, besides that.  As you all know, Ninja is not too fond of strange dogs.  Of course when these off leash dogs see us, they immediately come towards us.  There was one incident when John was walking Portia alone, and a chihuahua and pomeranian were off leash and the chihuahua snapped at portia and the owner said nothing, just picked up her dogs and walked away. Anyways, there was this unfamilliar dog, no one in sight.  Came up to us, so I picked up Ninja.  He was smelling Portia and then the owner came out and started calling him back by his name.  He kept on sniffing.  He started to sniff Ninja and then he jumped up on me.  And I was like OMG, WTF!  Its like...ok, Im holding a dog in my arms, that should be a sign that either my dog is aggressive or fearful and you take your sweet ass time to call your dog back.  Finally she started walking towards us and she got her dog.  Didn't say anything, just got her dog a walked back to her house.  It fucking irritates the shit out of me.  What if Ninja was bigger and I couldn't hold him in my arms, what if a fight were to break out?  Who would she blame?  Its so annoying, I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I get really nervous when we go on walks now because i get scared that there will be an off-leash dog roaming around.  UGH!  Im not sure if new people have been moving in with dogs or what, but I've been seeing more new dogs and people that I haven't seen before.  Most of the dog owners in my neighborhood I know and they all know Ninja's personality so they know not to approach and whatever.  But for the new people and their dogs, its kind of like...what is the reason to have your dog off leash?  Are you that lazy to not be able to put a collar on to walk the dog yourself that you would risk having your dog hit by a car or possibly get into a fight with another dog on the street?  Sure your dog is a great dog and is harmless but what about all the other dogs in the neighborhood? Seems kind of selfish to me.



  • edited November -1
    UGH, same off leash dog came out 20 minutes into our walk.  I heard his tags jingling before I saw him, so I immediately picked up Ninja and started walking towards my house.  He ran out and went the other direction, so I thought he didn't see us.  His owner looked at me walking fast back to my house with ninja in my arms and resumed to get her mail.  I got into my front yard and closed the gate.  The dog followed me and came to the gate, I put Ninja down and still had him on his leash so I made him sit next to me.  The dog just stood there, looking at us, quiet.  Like he was looking at a prey he was about to go after.  The owner started calling his name, "Scrappy".  I could see her across the street, looking around, having no idea where he was, just kept calling and calling his name.  Then after about 3 minutes or so, he went back across the street to his owner.  WTF, SERIOUSLY.  This is really getting on my nerves.  Is there anything I can do, maybe complain to the association about this?  Why the hell should I have to fear off-leash dogs in my own friggen neighborhood while taking my dogs for a walk.  This is getting really annoying.
  • edited November -1
    Are there leash laws in your area Romi? In the greater Atlanta area all dogs are required to be on leash while outside unless they are in an enclosed area. If there is a leash law, you at least have a legal leg to stand on.
  • edited November -1

    Having a leash/fence law doesn't really mean anything - unless a dog attacks a human.  Walton County, GA where I live is a joke when you call animal control.  I can give dates, times, locations, and offending dog and they'll do nothing.  I have a neighbor who has a boxer puppy that about 6 months old.  Every weekend when I take Jazz on her early walk(my brother does this during the week), the dog is outside without a leash.  The times that an owner is actually out with the dog has been very few.  Each time that the owner has been present, the owner says, "Wow!  He nevers runs/charges/jumps when I bring him out" or  "I never bring him without the leash on and the one time, I do..."  Apparently, the owner can't remember that he's given me this story before. 

     I don't mind the puppy (quite cute), but the puppy is getting no training (doesn't respond to it's name) so it'll be real fun in a couple of months when the dog is even bigger.  Thankfully, there's only one other dog on my road (I live in a more rural area) that isn't leased/fenced and he's very old.  All he does is give a gentle woof when you walk past his place. 

  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1

    My next-door neighbor has a 2-yr old Maltese-Yorkie mix who absolutely HATES Ryu. Everytime we are outside and my neighbor opens her front door, Zeek will bolt (unleashed of course) and come straight for Ryu. One time, we were at the END of our street (probably about 1000 feet from our house) and we hear Zeek barking from their front door and runs straight for us. I think it's a territorial thing because before Ryu, he was the only dog on our street. The worse is when I open our porch door so Ryu can sit in the warm breeze (mind you, Ryu is still inside) and you can hear Zeek going crazy upstairs INSIDE their house!

    Side note: Being unleashed is the most un-safe thing you can do for your dog! Last year, (in another neigborhood), I was driving our pickup truck around a corner and a Pitbull puppy ran out of his yard just as I was passing his house. I ended up running him over (at this point, I still didn't know what I hit) and he suffered a broken leg and needed surgery. All this because the owner opened his gate without securing his leash first.

  • edited November -1
    I emailed the association about this, so hopefully they will send out a letter to all the home owners or soemthing.  Orange County, CA Leash Law: Dogs must be on a leash

    “No person owning or having charge, care, custody, or control of any dog shall cause or permit, either willfully or through failure to exercise due care or control, any such dog to be upon any public property unless such dog be restrained by a substantial chain, or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length, and is under the charge of a person competent to exercise care, custody, and control over such dog” (OCCO 4-1-45). You must keep your dog leashed anytime your dog is off your property. Your dog must be on a leash no longer then six (6) feet in length and in the care of a competent adult. There are designated ‘dog parks’ throughout Orange County that lawfully allow the absence of a leash.
  • edited November -1
    I'm terrified of my dogs getting loose. The doggie play area in my community is a single gate. Luckily its not very heavily used so most of the time we don't have to deal with dogs escaping. I was in there a few days ago with Lucy and Joey and they were playing with two of their friends. Another neighbor came over and went to let his dog in. I asked him to wait while I stood guard to make sure nobody bolted out. Before I was ready, he opened the gate to let his dog in and after his dog came in, he stood there with the gate open for at least 30 more seconds. I did my best to stop all four dogs from getting out, but Lucy and two others managed to get out. Lucy in the lead of course. She bolted directly toward the street just as a FedEx truck came barreling around the cul de sac. My heart stopped. Luckily she diverted just as she reached the street and circled back around. I go after the three dogs running away and what does this moron do? He continues to hold the gate open! WTF? Out comes Joey. Now I'm pissed. I round up Joey cause he's easier right now and luckily the two other dogs follow him back in. I shoved my neighbor out of the way and closed the gate. Lucy ran into some bushes near by and was sniffing around. After about two minutes, she realized she was cutoff from the fun and ran back toward the gate. My friend opened the gate just long enough for her to run back in. At that point I realized I had been holding my breath the whole time.
  • edited November -1
    Hitting a dog with a car is the absolute worst feeling ever.  The one I hit did not live.  
  • edited November -1
    I agree - I hit a puppy once with my whole family in the car.  I was 16 - I cried for days.
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Ok, now you guys are making me not want to get my license again.
  • edited November -1
    That was 19 years ago for me and other than the random kamikaze squirrels we have in Georgia, I've not hit another animal.
  • edited November -1
    I've been driving for 10 years and other than hitting two birds and a squirrel all on one long drive through the NY countryside and then a deer (which totaled my car) a few months later, I've never hit anything else. (knocks on wood). I can't even imagine how bad I would feel if I ran over a dog. Not that I don't care about other animals, I did feel horrible, but I have a soft spot for dogs.
  • edited November -1
    Really, honestly, I don't think I've EVER felt worse then when it happened.  Especially since I knew whose dog it was and had to go knock on their door.  I think I'd rather cut my arm off than go through that again.
  • edited November -1

    My dad went up to the door for me because he couldn't get me to stop crying.

    I think the reason that it is so painful when it's someone's pet is because we think about how we would feel if it were our dog/cat and that makes it worse.

  • edited November -1
    I hit a cat w/ my jeep when I was in high school... It depressed me for a year. It was horrible. I picked it up and drove to a local vet but unfortunately she didn't live. I did everything I possible could, with the exception of just running my jeep into a lake, not to hit that cat... looking back I wish I would have just totalled my jeep to save the cat. Frown
  • edited November -1

    Brad has feelings towards cats!!  EVERYBODY save this thread! LMAO

    i hit a squirrel and freaked out.  I think a dog ran into me but when I went to look for him he was gone. 

  • edited November -1
    Rachael - LMAO screen shot!
  • edited November -1

    I hit a bunny once. Totally my fault. I did stop and wait for him to cross for like 15 minutes!!! Then I decided to go....but so did the bunny. Looking back. I should have turned off my headlights!!! I was 16 or so. I still think about it. But the worst was the ducklings!!! My father was driving in the left lane on a busy highway. I see these two little ducklings trying to get to it's mother who was hit by a car and dead in our lane.

    I was SCREAMING for my daddy to stop, but he wouldn't. I couldn't look and he wouldn't pull over afterwards! MEAN DADDY. He said they weren't hit, but I don't believe him. Even if we didn't hit them, someone must have. They kept running back and forth. And they were too small to fly. Poor babies. I still feel absolutely terrible that we didn't try to save them. 

    Oh, and another time, I was in the express lane on the Parkway. In the local lane I see two large dogs in the slow lane both facing off with a kitty!!! Poor things. Luckily, it wasn't very busy and a truck stopped to help, but I have no idea what happened.


    A few weeks ago, I went to take the dogs for a walk. I got 50 feet or so when Keigo turns around quickly. My neighbors across the street has a young boxer. They leave the dog outside regularly, but the pup is now nearing full size and is quite agile. The dog climbs the stairs and jumps out of the driveway! Of course, it doesn't have a tag on it, so I didn't hear the dog coming. To make matters wrose, it was like 10am on a weekday, so noone was around.

    Then from nowhere, the owners come towards me. I'm thinking the girl (probably 16) is going to get her dog. But no, she wants to play. How the F___ does she not see my dogs going insane???? I had to tell her twice to get her dog. She's slowly walking towards us, taking her time. So then I threaten her.,,,,'If you don't get your f'ing dog, I'm going to release my dogs and then we'll see how cute you think it is'. 

    She thankfully calls her dog, but now she's following me and wants to pet my dogs. IDIOT. The boxer did reach us, and it was very sweet. Mika wasn't growling, but she was jumping and whining in the hopes of getting near the dog. The problem is, if I let her near the dog and then she decides she doesn't like it's smell, it becomes more difficult to control her. 

  • edited November -1
    I was walking Lucy and Joey on Sunday morning at about 7:30 and I went down a side street to add a little extra distance to our walk. We stopped so Lucy could do #2 and this wicked proper southern lady who must have been in her sixties rolls by on the main street slowly and then turns down toward us. She pulls up, rolls down her window and says "You let they go pa-poo down dere?" I was a bit taken aback since it was still early and I had never seen this women before so my response was "WHAT?" Mind you, turds are falling out of Lucy's but at this point. She looks at the bag in my hand and says, "Is that a sack to pick up they pa-poo?" Again, still somewhat off-kilter I responded with "WHAT?" Disgusted, she says "Make sure you do" and drives away. WTF? I've never seen this women before and I haven't seen her since. I wasn't on her property because I know the owners of the property I was on. Old people can be so weird sometimes.
  • edited November -1
    I gotta be on her side man, when we walk our neighborhood and go to the
    dog park, I swear we must be the only idiots with bags of poo in our
    hands - it.. is.. EVERYWHERE!
  • edited November -1
    Yup, same here. We have to dodge all the poop bombs on our street, let alone the park or the route along our walk. People are so friggin rude.
  • edited November -1
    yes they are barbara!!
  • edited November -1
    I don't disagree, but she was a b**ch. I wasn't anywhere near her property. She doesn't walk where we do. And I *always* pick up after my dogs. I usually carry three or four bags whenever we go for a walk and I have two dogs!
  • edited November -1
    your dogs do the double and triple squat too, huh?? Smile
  • edited November -1
    I've never had a triple, but double is a very regular occurrence.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, Dave, I didn't mean for you to think I was disagreeing. She sounded really weird and bitchy, just agreeing to the fact that people aren't very responsible.
  • edited November -1
    Gah I would understand saying something if you were walking away not picking up after your dogs but to just assume you were gonna leave it when you had a bag with you is just rude.
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