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  • edited November -1
    maybe she needs an eye exam....or she has glaucoma and was smoking weed?
  • edited November -1

    Today there was a guy walking his dog off leash around the forest area where Nemo and I walk.  They were in the forest, we were on the path, so I thought, whatever.  Well they get to the edge of the preserve and start walking up behind us.  I can tell the dog is an older dog, and totally cool about other dogs, but he is a dog and he wants to come meet Nemo.  The owner of course says classically "Oh he's fine" as I step in front of Nemo and try to hold him back.  I look at him and say "Well he is not!"  Looking at Nemo.  The guy says "Oh he's not?" and I just say "No" while giving him the stink eye and he calls his dog over and off they went.

    Sometimes owners aren't as smart as their dogs.  

  • edited November -1

    She is my next door neighbor.

    Sadly I think she is just stupid. Nice. But stupid. 

  • edited November -1

    At times I wonder about people - when I am asked if Jazz is friendly, my standard answer is, "She loves humans, she just not fond of other dogs" - most people ask, "How would you know?" 

    Here's your sign...

  • edited November -1

    Another favorite...

    "Don't let your dog poop on my lawn"

    To which I reply..

    "I am only carrying this bag of shit as a fashion accessory." 

  • edited November -1
    LOL LJ! I can picture Jazz growling and those people going "Oh, I see that."
  • edited November -1
    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand Jazz's growl - no one (I thought) who heard it could misunderstand it.
  • edited November -1
    Oooh. Nice Jessica. I'm going to have to use that one.
  • edited November -1

    LJ- those pics of jazz are so cute!

    Jessica - I love that one!  I bet you they feel real dumb after hearing that. 



  • edited November -1
    a cat? LMAO!
  • edited November -1

    If I was in the right mood and that happened to me, I might just say yes and probably make up a story about a rare breed of cat from Malaysia or something. I am amazed that the question "Are you sure?" didn't follow the "is that a cat?" one.

    LOL, bags of shit are in this season!

    LJ - Jazz is a doll! 

  • edited November -1

    Here is another good one.

    "Oh does he bite?"

    "Well, he has teeth...."

  • edited November -1

    yesterday at the dog park, this 10 yr old girl was harassing Tsuki -
    who is a social butterfly if you are deserving of her time, but this
    annoying child clearly was not one of those people.

    'i can't get close enough to pet her!' - girl

    'well she's trying to tell you that she'd rather not' - me

    'but she's so cute' - girl

    'yes, but she is also a dog. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to corner a dog??' - me

    'well my dog doesn't care' - girl

    'Tsuki is not your dog' - me

    'why can't my daughter pet your dog? you shouldn't bring them here if they dont like people' - girls mom

    'this is a dog park - dog - park - my dogs are not aggressive to humans or dogs, they just do not enjoy
    a good manhandling. If you don't mind, I love coming to this park, but
    if your daughter keeps cornering my dog, i can't blame my dog for what
    she will have to do.' - me

    'the dog just keeps following its owner' - girl, who wearing flip flops i wanted her to back into a large pile of shit

    'i'm protecting her' - me

    'from what' - girl

    'you' - me

    'well, I never' - mom

    'then you never met a shiba' - me

    then they left. i counted that
    as both a win and an educational experience for myself, the mom and her
    stupid labodomized labrador loving daughter.

  • edited November -1
    OMG that is AWESOME!
  • edited November -1

    That could be in a dictionary by the word Idiocy.

    I think you handled it pretty well.

  • edited November -1

    kudos for you Tsukitsune

    you handled that in a very respectful manner



  • edited November -1
    yea, that was great - well played!
  • edited November -1

    Woooow. xD I just read all of that. I do agree with it all. While theres never unleashed dogs in my area, I do work at a pet store and people are complete f***ing morons.

    The kids -always- ask to hold the puppies and kittens and ask if they bite. Well shit, they're teething, or course they bite! I mean, even if they didn't have teeth -- they sure would be gumming the kids to death. One time, this lady wanted to adopt a cockapoo and forgot to answer a question regarding the spay/neuter contract. Then she said 'I didn't answer cause this dog would be great for breeding!' We didn't adopt the dog out to her. Under the PA law, all dogs 'adopted' must be spayed or neutered by 6 months of age, or the dept of agriculture will literally go after them. Not only that, but breeding designer dogs is so incredibly stupid and careless. People just do it for money and they don't care about the pets.

    Even though this has nothing to do with dogs, its still pet related. We also have a bird room in our store with lots of babies and larger birds. The sign on the door says 'birds will bite, even if your nice' and it also says children need to be accompanied with an adult. Kids always come into the bird room unattended and stick their hands in front of the bird's beaks and tease them. And when they get bit, then the damn parents yell at us. I think people should put their kids on leashes. I can't stand children. >>;

  • edited November -1

    I went to Pet Supplies Plus yesterday and I walked in with Taj, and this little kid like maybe 4 or 5 years old comes RUNNING after me.  I dash around the corner quickly trying to outrun this little tyrant, but he catches up with us with his mom saying "Nononononono, William come back here, you can't chase dogs around the store!"  I turned around and said to the kid "Ohh I'm sorry, she's not friendly" and he stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me with this blank stare like I had a third eye.

    But it's not over yet, I go to the check out counter and the cashier sees her and insists on getting on the floor and trying to pet her.  She came up to him and sniffed him then kind of backed off, clearly wanting him to get out of her bubble.  I said "She's skittish around people she doesn't know," but clearly he wasn't giving up.  And I felt bad because he probably could have given her a treat from the counter and she would have loosened up a bit, but they looked like barbecue sauce covered, grain filled, vomit inducing ones, so I said, "Yeah, let's not give her one of those, she might get sick from it."  He tried petting her until I left the store.  Undecided    

  • edited November -1

    Ok I promise no more stories about evil people.

    I have this co-worker in reception that thinks she has this magical power with dogs.  We are not supposed to touch animals that come in typically, that is left for the techs and doctors to do, we deal more with customer service.  Well, she has this overwhelming need to pet a lot of the dogs that come in, and somehow it always ends up being a dog coming in for the behavior department or a breed that you just shouldn't go up to and try to pet like a Saint Bernard, German Shepherd, Chow, etc.  She even gets down on the floor sometimes and tries to sidle up to them with her back facing them, so she doesn't appear "threatening".  She gives employee pets treats that she brings to work too, without asking first.  I just can't believe she hasn't been bitten yet, at least not when I've been working with her.  She sticks her fingers in cages in the treatment area, and has pet an aggressive dog on the head in front of technicians in the treatment area.  The dog had a muzzle and e-collar on so they could draw blood to send out a sample.  Who does that?  Idiot!       

  • edited November -1
    Kelly-Much better example...Wink
  • edited November -1
    Yep, that sounds like a first class idiot to me. I don't know why, but I am constantly amazed at the number of idiots I encounter on a regular basis. In fact, I've lost two days dealing with one at work and I'm still not finished. Grrrrrr.
  • edited November -1
    Okay - this is more of a vent/annoyance about ignorant people.  Friday night, Jazz and I went to a local Relay of Life walk.  Jazz is geared up in her harness and is ready to love people (her favorite thing).  As we walk in, this lady bars the entrance telling me no dogs are allowed.  I go through my spiel about Jazz being a part of the relay team and we are going to her area.  This lady then tells me that they are no letting any aggressive breeds into the area due to problems last year.  Since when does a shiba qualify as an aggressive breed?  It took me 45 minutes of discussion with her and the other guy at the gate before I could convince them to get the coordinator.  Once they got the coordinator, she recognized Jazz and let us in and we were on our way.  Jazz did really well though, she had only one moment of panic - which was when the percussion team came by us.
  • edited November -1

    LJ - wow... did they know what a Shiba was? Who would think Jazz is aggressive?

    Kelly - they need to fire that chick, she sound like a tard.

  • edited November -1

    Well, according to them she was a husky.  I pulled out the pic in my purse of my husky Gorky (he passed away 4 and a half years ago, but I still carry his pic) and tried to explain the difference (there was just too much).  That's why I wanted the coordinator - she's met Jazz multiple times and she's the one that gave the approval for me to bring her into the Relay tents.  Personally, I think the old biddy was just a dog hater.  Several of my other friends who were bringing their dogs had issues coming through her gate.

  • edited November -1
    LJ - that lady needs a lesson on basic breed recognization. you might not know what a shiba is but you should know what a husky isn't.
  • edited November -1

    Thank you for my validation - I feel better

  • edited November -1
    Wow, how ignorant of them. If I was there, i'd be breaking hell on that lady. If she thinks a Shiba is a Husky, she needs to educate herself on dogs a little more. Its common knowledge. You don't need to be a dog expert to tell the difference. v___v

    As for my wonderful experience today at the dog park ... some little kids decided that they'd be cool and chase Toby at the dog park and tease him and over all be just plain rude, without asking me or anything. He got startled a few times and kept running away. The one girl followed us to the gate and opened the gate while he was still off the lead and was calling her dogs. Her mom simply told her to shut the gate and blahblah. Toby was near the gate when this happened. Besides that, the mother was too busy playing with her dogs to supervise her child. I wish people would just leave their kids home if they're going to be nothing but a nuisance. The rules of the park -clearly- stated that it was not a yard for kids to play in, and they clearly were just being annoying. D; It bothers me soo much. Toby is going into his fearful stage, and I don't need rotten little brats scaring him and making him afraid of kids in general.
  • edited November -1
    I was at a pet shop with Sasha, standing in line for the cash register. Next to me is a kid with his mom. He tries to come up to Sasha, who backs away because she's a bit afraid of kids (and with good reason). But instead of trying to pet her, he tries to kick her! He misses since he's too far away. Then he keeps trying to kick her, again and again. Now I feel like kicking him. I warn him to stop and stand between him and my dog. All this time the mom's been watching and just says to me "He doesn't know any better, he's just a kid. Don't be so mean." As my turn comes up and I'm busy paying for the stuff I bought, he sneaks around me and kicks Sasha in the rear. I hate kids!
  • edited November -1

    Glacier, if a kid tried to kick my dog I'd smack him.  Well maybe not but geeez, his mother could have at least attempted to teach him the difference between right and wrong.  Another reason why I believe people should have permits to have children. 

    LJ, your story reminds me of bringing a dog to an event once.  My friend and I went to the "Downtown Ho-down" in Detroit one year, it's this big country music festival in Hart Plaza.  She has this wonderful natured 8 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier named Intrepid who is just tiny with this adorable blockhead.  We actually decided to bring him with us to this event with thousands of people.  We just decided if they won't let us in then we'll just go home.  We get close to the entrance gates and some cops are on the corner, and the one turns to us and says "They aren't going to let you in with that dog."  We calmly reply "Oh no you see he is a seizure detection dog, and will alert us as to when Rachael here will have an epileptic seizure, and I am then able to contact an ambulance.  He sits at her feet, looks up at her face and puts his paw on her foot when he senses a seizure coming on.   We left his certification at home."  The cops look at us and say, "Well that's a good story, hopefully they will believe you at the gates." 

    Guess what?  They did believe us, and we had multiple cops ask us the whole time we were there how we got in with a dog, telling the same story to every one of them.  They all looked at each other puzzled when we told them the story and I guess felt bad to try and kick us out!!  It was pretty funny.  I guess you could say they were idiots for believing us, or just gullible.    

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