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  • edited November -1
    Seriously. Teaching a dog to chase a car is like teaching a child to reach for an open flame. What a moron. That guy clearly is special alright.
  • edited November -1
    Gotta love those idiots!
  • edited November -1
    wow - thanx Mr. "Specialist". lol. He specializes in being an idiot. lol.

  • edited November -1
    LOL Brad - Seriously though...he really is an idiot.
  • edited November -1
    that man was an idiot. Poor dog, having to chase a car for exercise..


    I'm so past the dog park scene around here - at the dog park today, this lady with a yorkshire terrier (?) under her arm offered to buy someone's dachshund right there on the spot. who the hell does that???!?!
    I'm glad she thought my dogs looked 'too wild' because had she offered me money for one of them, I would have had to slap her.
  • edited November -1
    LOL! Someone asked us if they could buy Hilo once when we were eating at a bagel place... I was so shocked by it I had no idea how to react. I just looked at her like "What?". So strange.

  • edited November -1
    If the person had kids I might just say "Yes, I'll trade him for your son/daughter"
  • edited November -1
    I'll buy Ahi from you!
  • edited November -1
    rui - lol!
    I guess that'd be the best way to signify the dog's importance to me.. I just was shocked at this lady! She spent 20 mins telling me that her dog was $1000 and she wanted her to have a playmate because the carrier she bought could hold two dogs and then wastes no time offering some poor older woman money for her dog!
    - - - - -
    they were going to buy hilo on the spot? that's just plain rude. what did they offer you??!
  • edited November -1
    I have had so many people as to buy Moto and Piglet. With Miko people always ask how much we paid for her. Now call me old fashioned but there are some things that I was raised to believe is not polite conversation with strangers, money/cost of items, bodily functions, religion, politics, (especially with women) hair color (and it's origin) /age/ and most especially weight/

    When people ask to buy my dogs, my response has always be "You would have to kill me, and I assure you far better have tried" generally that shuts them up. If it doesn't I follow with, "I'll make you a deal...give me your first born son, and the souls of all your other children and perhaps we can talk" keep in mind, I am a tall, muscular, heavily tattooed woman. At this point most people run.

    When they ask how much my dogs cost, I either say "My mother raised me that it was rude to discuss financial matters with people" or especially with Miko I make up a bullsh*t story about how she is part of a breed preservation project and we are merely her guardians.

    BRAD-I don't have to buy Hilo but I will gladly rent him some time.
  • edited November -1
    No one has ever asked to buy Nemo, but a lot of people have asked how much I paid for him.
  • edited November -1
    no one has ever offered to buy my dogs either.. yet.
    those topics are hot buttons that I do not like to partake in with random people! and that is a very rude question to ask, how much you paid for your dogs. especially the shikoku!! I think if we ever got a breeder dog, especially a nihon ken, I wouldn't even tell my own mother how much it was!!!
    I've only been asked that (how much, where they came from) a few times, and I respond that a search for a shiba inu should help shed light on the matter.
  • edited November -1
    I've been asked multiple times on price for Jazz. My standard answer is, "If you have to ask, you can't afford her." Thankfully, I've never had anyone to offer to buy Jazz. Going with Rui's thought, I'd probably ask how much would they sell their child for?

    JessicaRabbit - lol "souls of all your other children "
  • edited November -1
    What can I say? Anything to scare the ignorant.
  • edited November -1
    I offered Jake for sale on the forum when I was pissed at him and got no offers and realized I was stuck. Too bad.. all of his antics are now almostly completely fixed after headaches, trials and tribulations. Guess now I'm stuck w/the perfect Shiba.. eat your hearts out :-P
  • edited June 2008
    The person that offered to buy Hilo was a young kid - but she was constructed by her dad to come over and ask if they could buy him because she liked him so much. It went like this [after several visits from her to pet him]:

    Girl: "Hi, um, my dad... he told me to ask... how much is your dog?"
    Me: "Um, he cost a lot, I would rather not say..."
    Girl: "NO, we want to buy him! We will give you anything! I like him a LOT!"
    Me: "Um, Hilo isn't for sale, sorry."
    Jen: "@#$!@#%^&;*@#$!!!!!!!"
    Me: "Sweetie, she's a kid - lets go..."



    Jessica - A rental agreement for Hilo could be arranged tho. :o)


    Brandon - I think you would get the short end of the stick on that one - if you purchased Ahi you couldn't get you money back after she violate you and your family. lol


    I hate the "How much did he/she cost?" question... Unless its someone that knows dogs and is asking out of pure curiosity my answer is always "enough".


    The idea of someone thinking that its OK to ask to purchase your dog just blows my mind - its like a glimpse into a reality that I just don't get - at all. Like serial murders... just don't get it, never will. And I'm fine with that. :o)

  • edited November -1
    cereal murders?? who killed Cap'n Crunch? Count Chocula?
  • edited November -1
    LOL. I'd buy Hilo, if I could. :) He sounds like such a doll.

    But, I totally wouldn't pet your dog and be like ... 'so ... how much for em? ;D'

    I find it rude when people ask. But, every time people ask about Toby, my dad says it proudly. I'm not sure why. v___v;
  • edited November -1
    The only time I've asked how much a dog is, is with you guys..because I wanna know how much to save up for lmao. Besides that I really don't see the point of asking.

    Brad I think the scarier thought is someone who would sell their dog to some random person off the street who's offering to buy.
  • edited November -1
    Hahahaha Steph I totally thought of the Family Guy episode where the Keebler elves attacked Snap, Crackle and Pop.
  • edited November -1
    I love that episode!
  • edited November -1
    WTF? Sorry LJ I'm not sure why I thought Steph said that. Doh!
  • edited November -1
    LOL! I know that episode!

    I guess spell check got me again. :o(

  • edited June 2008
    No one has ever offered to buy Ninja or Portia. People always asked how much Portia was. Never Ninja - just Portia. It would mostly be at the dog park when she was a puppy. Like i've said before, Im not into breeding or showing dogs, so when choosing a dog - I don't check to make sure they meet all the standards or anything. There are quite a few boxer fans at my dog park and everytime we're out with the pups, most of the attention goes to Portia. When people asked me how much I paid for Portia, I would just tell them. (which was 400) When I tell them, they think im lying....then I really say im serious and they still don't believe me. They always say she is so pretty and her markings are beautiful and that I got a deal of a lifetime. I mean 400 is on the cheaper side for the price of a boxer, I was going to get another boxer pup from a breeder out of state, but found a breeder in San Diego who had Portia. So I decided - eh...might as well just go meet the breeder and puppies since they're local. She was the only one left and the breeder told me she was the runt of the litter. Seemed a bit odd to me why she was so cheap, so I asked the usual questions and read over the contract and everything seemed too good to be true. And she was soo cute and sweet, ended up taking her home that day!(I know - really bad move on my part, but i felt comfortable and confident in the breeder and portia was just too sweet) John wasn't so thrilled when I came home with a puppy - but now they're best buds. I still keep in touch with her breeder - he is super cool and emails me every few months to check up on her still.

    Anyway - back to the subject... Im not exactly sure what is so different about her from any other flashy fawn boxer (looks, not personality!) Does Portia look any different to you guys? I mean I think she stands out of course (since she's mine) but im sure if I didn't own her, I would think she looked like the average boxer.

    I remember at the Shiba show some guy walked up to see loa and asked jen what kind of dog she was and how much a dog like loa would cost. It got silent for a few seconds and then Jen asked Brad "how much did we pay for loa" and brad answered and the guy was like "oh ok" and walked away.

    Its kind of just odd why people ask. I mean...if they were really interested...why can't they just go online like us and do some research instead of asking a stranger how much they paid for their dog.

    I don't know where all that came from - sorry for the long post!
  • edited November -1
    Thankfully no one's asked me to buy Sasha, but someone did ask me how much Cobalt cost. I told them he was a free rescue.
    Speaking of renting- I had a dream last night that I took care of all of Brad's dogs while he was away somewhere. Somehow they all managed to fit into my apartment, lol.
  • edited November -1
    glacier - I think that was probably a nightmare! LMAO!

  • edited November -1
    More ignorance than anything else... so many people do this and blame the dog or say the dog is stupid.

    Someone who I cannot name: "Ronan! Ronan! Hey, Monkey! She doesn't want to play! Knock it off, go lay down." turns to me... "He's an idiot! He knows exactly what I'm saying to him and he's looking at me like an idiot. That dog just doesn't listen!"

    I posture to Ronan, raise my eyebrows and speak firmly. "Ronan! Enough!" and he... stops! All you pet owners who speak doglish - can I have an Bill Engvall 'Here's your sign?'

    Let's look at this from the dog's POV:

    person: "Ronan!"
    Ronan: okay - that's my name, what?
    Person: "Ronan!"
    Ronan: yeah... I'm waiting
    Person: "Heymonkeyshedoesntwanttoplayknockitoffgolaydown"
    Ronan: huh? what did you say? And why are your arms waving in the air like a chicken? <makes mental note: this human isn't stable - more nutters than a squirrel. Definitely lower in the pack heirachy. No need to listen to them again>
  • edited November -1
    LOL!!!! so true..
  • edited June 2008
    Brad- lol! it was certainly quite overwhelming having seven dogs in the home, even in a dream! I kept on running back and forth, trying to stop one dog from chewing one thing, another dog from doing something else. Ahi is running around like crazy, Loa is bouncing up and down trying to lick my face, Maui is eating the furniture, Kona is knocking over shelves, Kaia is digging a hole in the floor, Lani is barking- and in the midst of all the chaos is Hilo sleeping in the middle of the kitchen! lmao!
  • edited November -1
    WOW! You just summarized a day in our life perfectly. lol! :o)
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