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  • edited November -1
    Romi, regarding your neighbor with the Chihuahua puppy. Our neighbors just bought their kids a Golden Retriever puppy and the dad was out with the puppy while Paul was walking Tenji. The dad complained to Paul about the puppy's chewing behavior. Paul told him that puppies have to chew and that perhaps he could buy some chew toys for their new dog.
    The guy was totally clueless. Paul told me the story so I went across the street with some of my "puppy books" and suggested that the kids read them to learn about puppy behavior. The guy was soooo grateful. Maybe you could loan your neighbor a book about puppy behavior. Good luck!!
  • edited November -1
    There are a lot of dogs in the apartment building where I live, so there are a lot of poop bags in the garbage dumpster. there are 2 dumpsters, one which is filled basically to the point where it's overflowing, the other is about half full. every week for the past 4 weeks, the garbage truck comes and empties only the dumpster that is partially full, completely ignoring the overflowing one! so now it stinks like heck, with clouds of flies are buzzing around. today I'm going to go and complain to the management, which is pretty bad here.
  • edited November -1
    This afternoon I was walking Nemo and as we were headed down our final stretch of sidewalk, a Bassett Hound walked around the corner of a garage. These are long row garages for the apartments we were walking in between. I stopped and waited for the owner of the off leash hound to pop around the corner and call him over. I then realized that no Hounds live on that stretch anymore. I walk there everyday, I know the dogs who bark out the window or sit patiently at the door.

    The Hound was fairly aloof about Nemo and I, he came over to try and sniff, but I pushed him away as I did not want Nemo to latch onto one of his ears. I carry a second leash with me (I use it to attach the flexi to my belt, comes in handy for strays) so as I was undoing that I was trying to figure out what the best thing to do here would be. The Hound had a collar on, with tags, so we were off to a great start. While I got the leash ready he was just peeing on things and sniffing (obviously).

    Nemo was not too interested in being this guys friend right off the bat so I had to keep him at arms length while trying to leash up the Hound with the other arm. I must have looked like I needed help because a girl (woman I guess) came out of her apartment and asked me if I needed help. I explained that I had spotted this dog walking by himself and could use some help holding onto him while we tried to call the owners. She got out her phone and made the first call, no answer, so she left a message. She asked what I was going to do. I said I could possibly take him and hold onto him for a few hours, unless she wanted him. She explained that her dog was very aggressive towards other dogs so that would not work. She noticed that Nemo was being a bit snarky and offered to help me walk Sam (name on tag) to my place. That was very nice of her. We got Sam and Nemo to my place and called the number again, no answer. I put Nemo in one bedroom and then put Sam in Nemo's crate while I figured out a plan. Sam was whining a bit so I let him out to hang out with me in a separate bedroom, he behaved very well, a sweet dog, but he sniffed stuff, all the time.

    I called the owner for the third time and he answered. I explained that I had his dog, he was pretty confused as he had been at work all day, then it dawned on him "My roommate must have left the door open"! The owner was very thankful that I had kept Sam from any possible harm and drove over to my place right away. He said right as he got off the phone with me, his roommate called to try and explain that he had just lost the dog. The owner was not an idiot, but the roommate must have been one. That would be a tough phone call to make, "Uhhhh hey buddy, you know your dog, well it's gone".

    Sam had a shock collar on, for barking he said. It went off on him once, looked like it hurt as Sam spun in circles. I sparred the owner any of my lectures (Sam was not neutered) because his owner obviously cared about him a great deal. He said thanks like a billion times.
  • edited July 2008
    ugh.. poor Sam. well, i'm glad he found you to take care of him in the meantime b/c any hound I knew can follow their nose right in front of moving vehicles w/o knowing it and it becomes a dead hound.

    i really miss the basset I fostered for 8 months, he was a wonderful dog, but very true to the breed and we just weren't compatible.. but he was a love. a smelly, constantly sniffing love.
  • edited November -1
    Last night I was walking Nemo and Whiz (yes he's here again) and from a distance I hear that real sharp whistle that people do to get their dog back, so I realize there is a loose dog in the area. We keep walking, going slow, and I'm keeping an eye out. I spot the owner at the bottom of the hill, and then I see the Border Collie coming towards us. The Border Collie was not charging, or running fast, or acting mean, just coming to say "Hi", but Whizzer does not like being approached on leash and Nemo doesn't care for it either. Whizzer starts going ballistic, and Nemo is barking a Little bit too, but the Border Collie didn't get the point. He kept trying to come closer, and circling and coming closer. The owner is running up the hill as I am doing what I can to shorten the leashes and pull my dogs closer and keep the Collie back. The owner gets up there and of course offers no apology, and does not even acknowledge me. She tries to call her dog but he isn't listening at all, he comes closer again and so I step out and push him back with my foot. After I push him she turns and looks at me, and she looks really pissed, like this whole situation is my fault. I looked at her and said "Listen lady, If you don't get a leash on your dog, it's going to get attacked, my dogs aren't nice".

    She turns around and storms off trying to chase her dog down whistling and using some commands that the dog is completely ignoring. She did divert the dogs attention enough so that we could keep walking as he played keep away from her. Also this whole thing happened next to a really busy road and about 200 yards and a fence hop from the interstate.
  • edited November -1
    Brandon, its amazing how irresponsible people are. Just because certain breeds of dog are relatively reliable off leash, doesn't mean that every dog of that breed it, nor does it mean they can be without training, nor does it mean that every place is appropriate for it. That person needed a bit more of a talking to than you gave her. Bravo for keeping your cool.
  • edited November -1
    I go out on a walk last night with all 3 of my dogs and I decide to go through a neighborhood I haven't ventured into yet. Within the first 10 seconds of turning onto the road I see 2 dogs not tethered just sitting in their front yards. For some strange reason they both decide to sit quietly in their yards and not come up to us to say hello. Weird!! We make it all the way back to my road and my lazy neighbor who is rather large and old, is sweeping her porch or something and her long haired doxie comes running at us and barking his little weiner warnings. She stands there screaming "Taz!!!! Taz COME!!! Taz COME!!!" I think by the 15th time you've screamed it lady you might want to move that rear end off the porch and come get your dog because he apparently rules the roost over at your house. Luckily Mr. Taz sizes my dogs up and realizes he is outweighed and outnumbered and never got close enough to get my guys riled up, although they gave him plenty of stink eye. Earth to neighbor lady, get a fence and a clue!!
  • edited November -1
    Well, this isn't really an idiot story -

    John just gets home tonight and opens the garage door and yells "Romi there's a tiny dog loose in the parking area with no collar or leash and no one is outside" So I run downstairs and go out to the front. It is a tiny white shaved pomeranian. I know this dog. Almost every morning I see this dog and a chihuahua being walked by their owner. I kneel down and he comes to sniff me. He starts running towards my garage, so I run forward and hop back and turn the other way. He starts to play bow and wag his tail. I kneel down and say "come here, come here!" he comes and I pick him up. Im not exactly sure where the owner lives, but have a good idea of the general area. I walk through each row to see if there is a door open or garage open. Luckily I see a garage barely open in the general area where I think the owner lives. I walk up to the common area of those units and I see a gate with some smaller bars put up - assuming they were there so the dogs can't get through and the door is open. So I yell "HELLO???" after a few seconds a chinese man shows up and I say "I think this is your dog - I found him running outside in the street" He looked super shocked and says "Oh my god, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for bringing him home!"

    It made me feel really happy that I was able to reunite this dog and his owner. Especially since Ninja ran away not too long ago - Im sure the owner was feeling the same feeling I did when I opened the door and saw Ninja standing there.
  • edited November -1
    On a trip to the city (New York), I was on my way to dinner with a friend. As we were walking to the restaurant talking about my continuing search for my shiba, one rounded the corner with its person. He was a lovely golden-ish red with white markings and gorgeous dark eyes. Are you sensing the jealousy? Anyway, this was a hot (upper nineties, I think), humid evening. No one wanted to be walking anywhere. His owner has her exercise gear on and was ready to go. Her enthusiasm was not mirrored on the other end of the leash as her shiba, panting heavily, just stopped in the middle of the side walk and looked at her as if to say "OK, I'm done. It's a bit hot out here for me to be jogging. Note the fur." He looked so tired and thirsty. She took a quick drink from her water bottle and tugged on the leash. He didn't move so then she started off jogging again and he was just being towed along behind her. He got no water.

    My friend and I were upset by this and spent a while discussing it as we got to our destination and had our appetizer. My friend could see out the window behind me and though she saw the same woman jogging in the opposite direction some time later - I don't know how long it was, but we had our drinks and main courses by then. I don't get it - if you're thirsty on your jog in 95+ degree heat, then what on earth would make you think your dog wouldn't be. He's a dog, not a camel! I wonder how long her jog actually was since he looked so beat when we first saw him.

    Maybe my dog-less state makes me hypersensitive, but stuff like this incenses me. Sorry for the rant.
  • edited July 2008
    santuzza -- you are right on with your feelings. Not only is that type of heat uncomfortable for a Shiba, making a Shiba run in that heat is very dangerous. You can run the risk of heat stroke and possibly a heart attack if the dog becomes too over exerted. The woman giving herself water but not the dog is just absurd. I don't walk Nemo for more than 10 minutes if it is that hot out, and that is a slow walk, where he spends most of his time flopping over on the ground in protest about the heat.

    Nice job returning that dog to it's owner Romi.
  • edited November -1
    Moto can barely make it down the block and back if it is hot and humid. Especially because he is black. He will lie down and just look at me like I am the meanest mom in the world for wanting him to pee.
  • edited November -1
    Moto and Nemo are truly long lost brothers. I always feel so bad for the black dogs out in the sun, their fur can get so hot. You go to pet them and it feels like they are on fire.
  • edited November -1
    santuzza, you are dead on, that is a horrible thing to do to a shiba!
    we wake up an hour earlier than normal in the summer just to get them out there for a good walk when its early AM chilly with dew on everything. Then they go out only in the yard briefly during the day and then for another slow leisurely walk when it starts to get dark out again at night in the summer heat.
    They have double coats! waaay too hot for them! Especially black shibas, Hachi lays down after 2 or 3 blocks on the PM walk!!
  • edited July 2008
    Sasha is an all weather dog. having very short fur, she takes the heat pretty well even though she's black. she actually likes the heat, she goes and lays on out on the balcony sleeping during the day. and her thin coat seems to be pretty good for it's length in the cold snow when I lived up north, though if it's below freezing she usually wears a coat. She'd also lie in front of the fireplace or over heat vents in the colder climate. she doesn't like the rain though.
    Tengu on the other hand gets huffing and puffing pretty quickly if I walk him during the day in this heat. I usually give him a longer walk in the evening instead.
  • edited November -1
    I'm not a fan of the heat and Jazz really isn't - even our meetups during the summer were planned inside at dog care places - that's just cruel to do that to any dog.
  • edited November -1
    we decided to venture into a nice development for our walk last night that we rarely go into..
    There is a lady and her husband pulling weeds out as we walk by their perfect lawn and they say
    "oh boy look at those dogs! you got yourself an eskimo dog, a schipperke and a basenji, eh?"
    we say "actually, they are all Shiba Inus"
    "Shiba wha?"
    "Shiba Inu, its a Japanese breed of dog"
    "get out, they don't look at all alike!"
    so we smile and keep walking... they all have pointed ears, curled tails, same size, same sort of coat, clearly same type of dog?!?... it just seemed like more work to explain that...
  • edited November -1
    I'm just kind of stunned that the person knew what an Eskimo dog, a Schipperke, and a Basenji were but didn't know what any of them looked like.
  • edited November -1
    I've gotten "Is that a miniature German Shepherd?". "Oh mommy look at the cat!". "Wow, is it mixed with fox?". And always the Shiba whatta phrase.
  • edited November -1
    My favorite is the fact that in spite of the fact that I have JUST said "Shiba Inu" or "Shikoku" they STILL cannot pronounce it.

    I will get lots of SHIBU UNU and SHIKUKU

    or when people ask "Shikoku. Is that a mix of shih tzu and what else" LOOK AT HER PEOPLE!!!! HOW THE HELL COULD SHE HAVE ANY SHIH TZU IN HER???
  • edited November -1
    how bizarre, that these crazy mutt-designer breeds have taken over common knowledge of breed types.
    Someone just told me about the "Imo Inu"?!? Its an American Eskimo/Shiba cross. How annoying.
  • edited November -1
    someone once told me that Tengu was "one big shiba mix". another asked me "is that a new breed of shepherd?"
    and I ALWAYS get the "miniature doberman" comment with Sasha. there's no such thing! there's a doberman pin, a german pin, and a min pin. no mini dobe.
  • edited November -1
    Yesterday we went to enroll Keiko in her puppy preschool classes and the woman (who seemed at first to know what kind of dog she was) spelled it 'Shibu Emo' ... *sigh*

    There are a lot of Shiba/American Eskimo mixes at the pet stores here, they call them 'Shiba Mo' so maybe that's where her confusion came from... but I assure you Keiko is not at all emo ;o)
  • edited November -1
    I don't have a shiba yet! unfortunately, but I'm working on it!
    But I I have plenty of idiot stories working as a veterinary technician!
    A few months ago this guy came into our clinic with a cat whose tail was smacked in a door or some other traumatic event occurred. So the tail was attached but dead and rotting as the guy waited to bring him in to see if it would get better! After the appointment we recommended amputating the tail or else the infection would spread.
    After receiving the estimate the owner does not want to pay to get it done instead he demands the Dr. tell him how to do it himself! He says I could just do it with garden shears! and unless you tell me how to do it Ill just do it the wrong way, of course the Dr. refuses but we lower the estimate and talk him into setting up a surgery appt. telling him all the negative things about if he tried to do it himself other than that it is illegal, there would be no pain medication or anesthesia or antibiotics, etc.
    So he takes the cat home to bring it back in for surgery the next day, but Dr. had her reservations but he wholeheartedly seemed like he changed his mind.
    THe next day comes and guess what the guy does not show up in the morning for the appt. and we call the Humane society police, and they go to his house.
    Guess what! the cat has no tail!!! The guy tells the police "It just fell off" and the police say they cant do anything about it even though we tell them there is no way the tail could have fallen off. They say unless they saw him do it they cant do anything! What crap! So this guy cut off the tail of his cat with garden shears,no anesthesia, no sedation, no pain medication, no antibiotics, no idea how to do it! If the cat didn't bleed to death the infection is probably going to kill it. Imagine the pain of having a limb chopped off! We sent a warning to all the clinics about him! THe animals laws need to be changed this is just disgusting this guy got away with it!

    Also I a not as horrible idiots story, I was doggy-sitting my friends pug the past two weeks and walking him in my neighborhood. I live in a condo in a very pet-friendly condo building there are dogs everywhere in my little neighborhood. But im not sure if it is a cultural thing here since hawaii is a melting pot of cultures. I was walking him down my street and this is a pug mind you. Just about everyday for two weeks there was at least on person so terrified of me waking this dog down the sidewalk that they stopped dead in their tracks on seeing me and the dog and got off the sidewalk waked into the street to make a big circle passed the parked cars to pass by me. It's a pug for crying out loud he weighs 20 pounds soaking wet! The dog could care less about you!

    Oh well I have plenty more idiot stories but I have to go study my organic chemistry! fun fun fun!
  • edited November -1
    Andrew, my husband and I want to fly to Hawaii to go cut a limb off that guy with garden shears! I am watching my language right now but how the hell can they not press charges! Oh my God I am fuming....

    (waits a few)

    The pug thing is hysterical. My sister lives on Maui in Lahaina. And apparently there it more "hippie-ish" as she puts it and no one has their dogs on leashes at all. She has the opposite problem. Everyone wants to pet or play with her dog and her dog is aggressive. He is a pit bull/ rhodesian ridgeback with a horrible past and doesn't like most people or other dogs.

    ACTUALLY...Wanna let me know where that guy lives? I can just send my sister to go chop a couple limbs off him...She's closer.
  • edited November -1
    That guy is a stupid moron. He deserves his teeth pulled out with pliers, one by one, no anesthesia. And then salt and vinegar on the holes.
    How can anyone be so stupid/cruel/clueless? I honestly feel like beating the guy up.
  • edited November -1
    I agree with both of you the laws regarding animals are ridiculous they need an eye for and eye policy. That guy is a moron! lol... I wish I could give you the address and your sister can borrow my garden shears! I was revolted,disgusted and super pissed about this guy. but there was little I could do as the laws just are not on the side of the animals, they are considered property in the eyes of the law, animals no different than a lamp. A object to do with as you please. We need some serious overview of our legal system.
    I saw this as well with our quarantine to bring animals here, a couple brought their cat over from the mainland the quarantines policy is a official from the airline must bring your pet to the quarantine facility. So the cat was taken form the owner, as the airline personnel was carrying the cat to the facility the cat somehow got away,(perhaps the foolish person opened the cage to pet him?) regardless how it happened the cat was lost on the airport tarmac for three months until he was picked up and taken to the humane society where luckily he had a microchip and his owner was notified, However the cat was so emaciated and starving he had severe liver disease and was basically hallucinating and was uncontrollable flipping around and around banging into the sides of a kennel, he was brought to our clinic right away and nobody thought he would make it. But we had to keep him constantly sedated so he would not hurt himself flailing around. After a few weeks he was stable and although he needed a surgery really his owners opted to take him to a cheaper clinic, so IM not sure what happened to him. The crappy part they now had tons of medical bills and neither the airline or the state quarantine would give them any restitution. In the end after being prodded by my Doctor and a lawyer the airline offered them $50.00 the cost of a lost baggage, because thats all they considered it! Horrible.
    Another evil idiot story is here recently I wasn't involved but it was all over the news and it was my girlfriends boss's best friends dog who she and her husband, (it was a little terrier mix i think? ) would take everywhere with him. ONe day he got permission from the golf club he went to to ring the dog and left it with someone at the clubhouse. THe guy apparently tied the dog up and we the husband returned to get his dog it was not there! It was found out later that a couple of the guys who worked at the clubhouse stole the dog, killed it and ate it. There was outrage from the general public about it but I think they received a punishment for it but nothing deserving of this heinous crime.
    And another just evil story, Recently we also received two dead cats form the humane society they wanted to have my Dr. do a necropsy (animal autopsy) on, Apparently there was this guy whose friend turned him in for boiling cats ALIVE!!! to eat them. I was so disgusted by this, what horrible person could do this ,apparently he put them in cages and dropped them in alive to boil!!! Why on earth would you do this! I cant comprehend it at all!
    I agree with you guys and would welcome Jessicarabbit and your husband and sister and leonberger to come and give these people their own medicine that guy needs a beatdown to see how it feels! The rest of these people all need to have the same treatment done them and see how they like it! Unfortunately their so stupid they probably still would not learn!

    JessicaRabbit: LOL, yes maui is much more "hippieish", lol maybe your sister should walk with a pug too and they will be so scared they leave her big and aggressive dog alone!
  • edited November -1
    damn, I just want to stick my sword right through these idiots! and then twist it slowly through their guts. that's just horrible, Andrew. where's this all happening? I want to go punish these guys right now, and have enough weapons to go around if anyone wants to join me...
  • edited November -1
    i've got access to guns, but not to the islands...however, I'm of the belief that they should be treated like they've treated others - no mercy...
  • edited November -1
    oh my... I don't really get into violence. An eye for an eye, but the cat owes him that.
  • edited August 2008
    Im truly not a violent person, but I have always had problems with people who pick on other people or animals that can't fight back. While I grew up shooting guns for target practice I dont believe I could ever use one unless my life was in danger. I am not a big believer in kharma, I do believe what you do can come back to haunt. I pray at some point in these peoples lives they come to understand the horror they have given to these animals.
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