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  • edited August 2008
    I'm not serious, y'know.
  • edited August 2008
    I was walking into work one morning with Taj, and a client had her Shiba in the lobby waiting to be admitted for luxating patella surgery. She stopped me as I was walking by and says "Oh my gosh you have a Shiba too!!! Wow I've never seen that color before, oh my gosh she's so tiny, is she a puppy?"
    The lady is holding her Shiba who is morbidly obese, a whale with perk ears and a curly tail. In fact the poor thing is so fat it literally cannot walk so she has to carry it. No wonder it needs surgery. It's grey and white and she says to me she's never seen a black and tan before. A normal Shiba color. I should've said "Oh this is what they're supposed to look like."
    I remember another lady that came in with a red Shiba that was pushing 55 pounds once too. It had love handles and waddled like a duck. Poor dogs, idiot owners!!!
  • edited November -1
    I kind of am. I still feel like beating him half way to unconsciousness and let the cat have his/her way with him.
    Too bad the cat can't operate garden shears.
  • edited November -1
    a grey shiba?!
    morbidly obese dogs should = animal cruelty charge for its owner
  • edited November -1
    I think we are were not serious about actually hurting the people (although we may feel like they deserve it).
    What I mean by eye for an eye, is more of an eye for an eye legislation, I believe the guy should get the same treatment as if he cut of the arm of a child. If the cat was his son and the police came to his house and he said his arm "fell off" do you think they would accept that, NO WAY, this is what I mean for eye for eye justice. We need to change animal cruelty laws so things like this are no longer acceptable. As for the animal eaters, if someone stole a child and cooked them (alive even) do you think they would walk away with a few thousand dollar fine and some probation. I think not. a life is a life no matter how different it is from our own.

    Actually, right now I am taking a class in about the power of nonviolence, focusing on Gandhi and Martin luther King. JR and Queen Liliuokalani, I am writing a paper on how the center and power of nonviolence is based in a respect for life in all it's forms. Especially, in relation to animals and the environment and how Gandhi, etc.. expressed this. according to Gandhi who's belief in nonviolence began in his choice to become/stay a vegetarian. "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." I think in america we drastically fall short in this regard.

    I also think though in the end they will get what they deserve, I believe like Martin Luther King said "the universe bends toward justice".
    But hopefully we can change the legislation to make sure they are punished in court in a equal and appropriate manner and not have to wait for the universe to do it's job!

    55lbs! Shiba that's outrageous I agree it's animal cruelty! Ive seen a 32lb cat a little while ago, it had severe back problems and attitude problem and died a very early death at the owners home lined to it's weight.

  • edited August 2008
    On Saturday, Kurt and I headed down the shore for the day and had dinner with my parents. It was a restaurant with outdoor seating, so we took the dogs to our table. A few people went to pet our pups, which is fine, but they did so without asking if they're friendly, let alone letting the dogs sniff them! Two gentlemen are the king of idiots having grabbed both sides of my babies heads! Luckily, Mika and Keigo are pretty laid back with people, but who the f*** grabs a 100lb dog by both sides of their heads AND stares in their eyes! If that isn't a recipe for disaster, I don't know what is.

    And then, my next door neighbor....Sweet Little Dahlia. She's about 4 yo. Kurt was outside working on the jeep and Dahlia KNOWS she's not allowed in the house. I'm relaxing, watching tv, having come home from open houses. The door to my bedroom (which is 100ft from the front door) opens slightly and my babies push the door open and I see a short person run like a shotgun!!! The dogs chase her to the living room and luckily, don't kill her! Keigo never got too close (I don't think), he came when I called him. Which is lucky, cause he's the guard dog. Mika was happily licking her feet. I'm so pissed about it that I couldn't sleep last night - and this happened on Sunday! I'm more pissed that when Dahlia told her mom about the incident (happily, I might add) the mom kind of laughed it off.

    If Keigo bite Dahlia, that would be the end of him! And the little brat left the doors open and the dogs could've run out onto the street - which morons regularly drive at 50mph down. BESIDES which, what if I'm a pedophile? This child regularly walks into people's homes (which is how we met) simply because the door is open and they have a pet of some sort. What if I'm a crazy person who can't have kids and oh, heres one in my home. Maybe it's mine. WHO the F*** knows what goes on behind closed doors!!!!

    edit: BTW, I'm thinking about filing a police report in case something does happen in the future, I want to protect my babies!!!
  • edited November -1
    The guys in the restaurant deserved a bite on the hand that's for sure!

    The kid thing I totally get! We have a neighbor who has a daughter that is around the same age as my niece. When they first moved in, she'd just walk in my house to see if my niece could play. It drove me nuts - we ended locking the door for a couple of months after repeated conversations with the parents did nothing. It's a "safe" neighborhood, but I didn't know this family at all.
  • edited November -1
    That's another thing, LJ. I don't know this kid. I don't live in a particularly good neighborhood. And my home, well, someone who moved out of the neighborhood came in to buy a piece for furniture. The kid thought we lived in a castle and wouldn't sit on my furniture because it was too nice! For all I know, the kid could be casing the joint. I know that's going to far, but who know????

    Stranger things have happened. Someone on just wrote a post about a thief who stole.....her orchids!!! WTF? Someone actually climbed their fence and took about 20 orchids - all of them in spike (ready to bloom) and all high end species orchids. Left the typical Phals you get a home depot and took the good stuff!
  • edited November -1
    Oh Barbara!

    Have you posed those hypothetical situations to Dahlias mom? I convinced a woman to fence her yard by pointing out (not that her dogs were killing the neighborhood cats, which they were and she just didn't give an f&*%) that her dogs could be stolen (they were asses no one is stealing them) or hit by a car. May be if she considers that; she will, oh I don't know WATCH HER DAMN CHILD!!!! And then if that doesn't hit home, point out that you could have her arrested for neglect. OR if she shows up again, call the cops. That may be what it takes to drive it home. We don't live in a world where 4 year olds should EVER be unattended. What an awful parent.

    ***I will be interested to hear what out resident social worker (Rachael) has to say on the matter)***
  • edited November -1
    Do a search on your address at and then give that to the mom. That thing pulled up a lot more stuff than I would have thought around my house.
  • edited November -1
    The first time Dahlia walked into our home, I promptly walked her to her mom and told her it could be unsafe, I could be a pedophile, etc. That was a year ago and it hasn't happened again until Sunday, but I really am thinking about talking to a cop and getting some advice. I 'm really concerned about my dogs getting put down because of this moron's kid.
  • edited November -1
    I just spent a good 20 minutes looking at my old neighborhood on that site. Geez. I am glad I moved to the suburbs. I lived around the corner from a guy who had 4 agg. assault convictions AND a murder 1 conviction. UGH

    I would definitely have a conversation with a cop.
  • edited November -1
    After I first met Dahlia, I looked up pedophiles within a 5 miles radius of my house. The number of sex offender's in that small space is SHOCKING. It took Kurt and I like 40 minutes to look at all their files. CRAZY!
  • edited November -1
    Since I have nieces and nephews that live either with me or next door, that's one thing I keep a check on - the new site even brings up other violations, such as violence. There's a guy in the subdivision behind me that was arrested for kidnapping - I never heard a thing about it in my local news - he was arrested 6 months ago. It's a little scary that all this info is out there, but I'm glad it is.
  • edited November -1
    Ok-I actually have a professional viewpoint to add to this. Kids get taken away for a lot less. LACK of supervision is detrimental for so many reasons. I would flat out keep the child in my home and call the cops. OBVIOUSLY the parents were not watching the very young child, probably didnt even know that she was gone and her very life is at risk (since we all know the dangers posed to your family and dogs by someone uninvited entering you house). No matter if it is a safe neighborhood or not, unsafe people have free access. If a child (or anybody) enters your home, and your dogs protects your home, you are at fault bottom line and that is the end of it (literally). The state will take that little girl FIRST and ask questions LATER. If you call the cops and make a CPS report the state will have to investigate and the parents will be put on notice regarding the lack of supervision. The government is now cracking down even more, and if a report is made they will take it seriously because they dont want their a$$ on the line. If a report is made and something happens down the line that is on the governments hands, and there has been too many of those incident happening lately so they are really getting tighter on it. They are at risk of loosing their child and fighting for custody. Tell them they need to get alarms on their doors if this is a usual habit of the girl (wandering out unsupervised). They HAVE to take every precaution to protect her (as do you with your babies).
    I can go on and on-I deal with these idiot parents all the time...lets say you were at a drug raid (wrong place wrong time of course) and you did test negative but you are guilty by association-bub bye baby (who happens to have undiagnosed brain cancer) and then you feel that you have the right to berate my foster parents for not making him homemade soup??????
    Oh can I go on??
  • edited November -1
    Ok-Now that you have me on this rant I HAVE to share this idiot (non-dog story).
    For those who dont know I work in private foster care for medically fragile and complex children. We are based in Atlanta and I have a baby from Savannah. She was moved to the metro area because her local hospital basically wrote her off as dead. She has been very healthy (for her) and has stabilized. She basically has no intestines left and is not symptomatic when sick (no fever and can be on deaths door and as happy as can be). Her current foster mom was able to diagnose any illness by slight personality changes such as not sucking on her hand as much as normal. WELL of COURSE we have to have her closer to her birth parents who neglected her in the first place so lets move her back to where they all gave up on her. The hospital that didnt want to save her and a foster home that does not know what to look for. Her illnesses CAN lead to a fatal ending, but lets appease the parents. Do the County worker calls us and wants US to bring her down to Savannah to move her. I called him and promptly put an end to that. You want her to move you come get her, I am not going to promote her demise. Im so scared for this baby.
  • edited November -1
    Wow! I'm so glad you are able to give your input on this. Dahlia DEFINITELY gets too much freedom. This afternoon, Dahlia was playing on the street - not with friends, just by herself on her little scooter - NO parent in sight. And while I totally disagree with her mother's 'parenting', I wouldn't want to be a party to a custody battle between her mom and the state. I think I'll have another conversation with her mom when I see her. I just need some time to calm down, otherwise, it's going to come out 'You idiot.....'.

    As for the baby. My God, Rachel. I couldn't - at all - do your job! I think you're amazing for getting up and going to work every day with what you deal with. Why doesn't the baby have intestines? Oh, heck, I don't know if I want to know. What does she have? How old is she. Ugh, how sad!
  • edited November -1
    ok I know this probably shouldn't tick me off but it does for what ever reason, when ever we take roxy out to a public place petco,petsmart, dog park, walking where ever people who see her they always say "OH she looks like a fox" or *lil kids say this* "is that a fox?* i mean yea they kinda look like foxes but seriously does she look that much like a fox to where you can't say oh wow thats a really nice/cute/cool dog you have. Oh and this doesn't tick me off but I thought I'd share we ran into the first person who accually knew what a shiba was apperantly their neighbor breeds them...but it was nice to not have some one say oh she looks like a fox. also I hate that when I ask a parent how old their child is that wants to pet roxy is and they just say WHY do you need to know, well I need to know so I can tell you if they can come close to roxy or not because if they're under the age of eight then she'll probably bark her head off at your kid and might even bite! *i don't accually say that but I do say * oh I was just wondering then if roxy starts barking then I know.
  • edited November -1
    Alex - You will need to get used to the fox comments, they never stop, ever.

    That situation with Dahlia is no fun, that's some really bad parenting.
  • edited November -1
    That Dahlia situation has loads of potential for a lot going wrong.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah Alex, count your blessing you only have a shiba. Shikoku owners (and those of us who have both) have it way worse. Try having a "fox" AND a "little coyote" or the dreaded pit bull (people literally cross the street when they see her).

    Look at it this way, you have an opportunity to teach people about a really neat dog.
  • edited November -1
    My pet hate at the moment is when I am walking my babies people ask are they huskies or malamutes, I have to bite my tongue and say no they are japanesse akitas, Then the usueal reply is god aren't they dangerous, My reply that I would like to say is F*** Off they will be if you don't go away. But instead i explain that they are wonderful dogs great around the family very loyal, but may get aggressive if they feel the family is threatened or themselves like all other dogs.
  • edited November -1
    I would suggest the response that I give when people ask about my "vicious pit bull" which is
    "Dogs are just like children, they are a by-product of their upbringing. Might I suggest that you learn to judge by the dog and not the breed"
  • edited November -1
    good response
  • edited November -1
    Sadly I have lots of opportunities to practice.
  • edited November -1
    After asking a vet about raw diets (in this case, for my ferrets), he responded "Well, you have to be really careful. In raising livestock, humans have introduced a lot of diseases into the food chain that weren't there before, like E. coli. In the most ideal situation, you should trap wild mice to feed to them."

    Excuse me? You're trying to tell me that wild, home-caught mice carry less disease than frozen feeder mice? It's a good thing I was just phoning for an opinion, and he's not actually my vet.
  • edited August 2008
    I wish I could choose a few new family members right about now.

    There was recently a death in the family (distant relation whom I may have met twice as a small child) and, as any Italians on this board may know, an Italian funeral is a production just like our weddings and the like. Everyone shows up. Ludicrously gaudy floral arrangements are purchased. The food. You get the idea. Anyway, family came in from out of town and (damn it all) stayed with me and my parents - an uncle an his daughter who's about nine. I see them a couple times a year and that's more than enough for me. This child hears the word 'no' about as often as the rest of the world gets a letter from the IRS saying 'Hey, no taxes this year!', but her father is standing firm on his no-dog-until-you-can-take-care-of-it-yourself position. I'm glad because how often is it that a spoiled child turns out to be a responsible pet owner?
    I had specifically not told them about my quest for a shiba (waiting to schedule a home visit) because I didn't want to get involved in this argument. My aunts, however, thought this plan was alienating my younger cousin and decided to tell her anyway. One takes her online and reads some article (Note: that's singular. Article.) about shibas to her and that's when they read that shibas may not be good with children if they aren't raised with them. Uproar. This is only worsened when I tell them that I already knew all of this and more about these dogs and that the particular shiba I'm looking at does have issues with small children, but none my cousin's age. My uncle is furious and tells me that I'm knowingly endangering his daughter by getting a dog that isn't great with kids because "she's obviously going to play with it." She's going to play with it, huh? Says who? I try to state my case that my household is one of adults and no one in the neighboring homes has any very young kids for me to worry about. She'll be in the house, in my separate apartment, under my supervision until walk and play times and that, since I'm not a big fan of kids anyway, it seems to be a match made in rescue heaven.
    No good. I'm now the evil, scheming, resentful, bitch-cousin who's getting an attack dog trained to go after sweet darling little angels. The little princess spent the rest of her time at my home telling me what kind of dog I should be getting (because she'd decided it will be hers once it's trained and her dad says she can take it from me) and one of my aunts has threatened to call the rescue society and cancel the whole adoption. The best bit is that none of the people complaining about the dog come to my house except on Christmas. I wouldn't have the dog roaming around the main house then anyway - too many open doors and too much easily accessed food. I'm absolutely livid. That little monster killed my opportunity of getting a shiba... maybe. Any ideas about what to do?

    Sorry the rant is so long, but if I don't get this out of my system, I'm going to say some things that I shouldn't to several members of my family.
  • edited November -1
    My advice is simple, who cares what they say. If you are in your own place, they don't get to be part of your decisions. Do what is right for you and perhaps this will be a chance to not have encounter the demon child !
  • edited November -1
    They have NO say in your life, your choices or your dog. Do they pay your bills? They dont need to come over then. A little thing called a HOTEL! I had a lot of problems with the in-laws when they visited with my dogs. Needless to say, it is my DOGS house, not yours. I will not lock my dog up because you and your children dont know the proper etiquette. You are getting a dog to fir you and YOUR lifestyle. Damn the man and screw them all! (Im a little feisty today)
  • edited November -1
    Good god. That kid doesn't even deserve to play with a dog, period. Let alone own one. What a monstrous young child.

    I think thats about as bad as the couple who brought their two year old child, and their like ... 6 month old daughter to the dog park. The 2 year old shrieks at the sight of dogs and when they lick him, and they bring baby in this gigantic stroller. And along comes their ... bulldog and miniature pinscher dog thing. Both the dogs are horribly socialized and nasty, as are the kids. And when they were leaving, the mother was like "Maybe if we bring him more, he'll get more used to the dogs!" Sure, bring them again! They came back two days later.

    The other one I hate is the Grandmother and her grandson. The kid opened both gates, and Toby was very close to escaping and well ... leaving for good. Stupid kid opens the door, and grandma is still in the car, getting her shit. Her dogs are offlead, and jumping at the gates, as someone starts to leave, then the kid opens the gate to the small dogs, and then all the dogs start running out and heading for the real exit. Come on, people. Its freaking common sense. Leave the stupid kid at home. If you can't keep an eye on your grandson, then he shouldn't be there. What was even worse -- he teased all the dogs with the toys and kept yelling at Toby and calling him a wolf. He chased Toby, and Toby kept getting really mad and barking.

    And the grandmother did NOTHING. She was too busy ignoring her dogs and grandson and blabbing off to some of the other locals to the dog park, who I'm sure didn't even want to talk to her because shes so incompetent. And one of the rules of the park is that children should be under strict supervision and should be with their guardian at all times. I'm about ready to print her a copy of the rules of the dog park and tape it to her windshield.

    Thank god i'm not home. But, my parents take Toby to the dog park a lot, and if that kid is there, you can BET he'll do it again, and again ... and again.
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