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  • edited November -1
    They have no say what so ever in your life tell them this "ok ok, I'll take your OPINONS under consideration." then say screw it I'm getting the shiba its my house and could care less about your opinons. heh, no seriously though we thought roxy wouldn't be good with small children and to an extent she isn't she can deal with kinds over the age of 8 just fine but anyone under 8 she barks at doesn't growl or bite just barks like "hey hey what are you doing in my house get out get out get out now!"
  • edited August 2008
    I agree with everyone else. I mean, we're talking about a DOG here. Not some kind of explosive, but a dog.

    It's your house & you should do whatever the hell you want. When they start paying your bills, then they can start making your decisions ;)~
  • edited November -1
    Maybe they will stop coming? :-P
    Seriously, it's crazy of some relatives to think they can tell people they see once a year should do. I have a few of those and it's a pain.
  • edited November -1
    Today is the first day of the fall semester, so I'm basically working in the art department and going to class throughout the day and I am teaching one class (so exciting!) this semester.

    Around noon today, I'm getting ready for my class and the first student comes in and tells me that we need to call security b/c someone has a pit bull in a cage in the back of a truck unattended. Today is pretty warm here, almost 80 and the sun has been out all day. We call security and I head with my 1/2 full water bottle and a foam plate to find this poor dog.
    He was there, as described, sitting in a cage sleeping in the sun on a black flatbed of the truck. He was super sweet, drank the water, gave kisses. Security came, was writing their report when the owner came back to the truck. By this time, it was me, my student, 2 security officers and a group of concerned kids.
    He didn't even care, he said he does this with Bud (properly Bud Light) all the time and the dog is used to it, and he's never gone for more than 45 mins or so (he fixes vending machines).
    He had no idea why we were all up in arms. So I told him about heat stroke and sun burns and skin cancer for dogs and that the least he could do was buy a collapsible water bowl for Bud while he's fixing a machine.
    He got a ticket anyway and a warning about campus policy (no dogs allowed) from security.

    On the brighter side, my class was awesome.
  • edited November -1
    Jen that's awful! If you turn on the news down here, you'll always here about poor dogs dying of heatstroke, owners leaving them in their car with the windows closed. I mean really, it's FLORIDA people, 95 degrees outside & the car turns into an oven! [ unfortunately, people do it with their own children as well ]

    But at least the news warns about it as much as they can.

    Glad to hear your class went well! My first day of classes were boring! [ but I only have math & English this semester, so what can I expect :o ]~
  • edited November -1
    You'd think the guy would take a hint when so many people were clearly concerned for the welfare of the dog. You should have gotten his contact information and called animal control on his ass. Bastard.
  • edited November -1
    osy - i'm only taking 2 english and a math this semester, too! but i think teaching an art class will provide for a more interesting semester!!

    anyway, that idiot dog owner - when security gives a warning they file a report with the police station (they are a block away from campus) so if the owner read the fine print, he did get turned in to the police. I don't know what happens now, maybe the cops will call because of the type of offense or he'll just get even more of a fine the next time.
  • edited November -1
    Well there are some new people in a rental house near us. They let their daughter, who looks to be about six, walk the Pittie by herself. The other day I drove past this and slowed down as it looked like she was having trouble control him, saw in my rear view that he got loose. He ran down the block to a stranger and sat for petting, obviously he is a sweet dog. However no six year old should be walking any dog by herself, much less a Pittie with the stigma that they carry. I'm going to be so sad if gets loose and ends up hit by a car, or shot by police because some lunatic called the cops claiming he is vicious.

    I have never once seen the parents out with the child and the dog. The strangest part is that they have a fenced backyard. Why can't the girl just go play outback with the dog?
  • edited November -1
    oh wow. these stories are crazy.

    I have a story about a conversation between a friend and i recently.
    So we were talking about possible dog breeds we'd like to own and i tell her I might like an Akita one day.
    She goes on and on about how stupid that'd be because you have to keep a muzzle on them at all times because they will eat any dog/animal smaller than them and are incredibly vicious towards children and anyone who isn't their owner. And she kept going on and on and on about just ridiculous stuff. Eventually I got sick of it and tried explaining to her about Akitas, and what i've learned here, etc. and she got angry and was like NO I RESEARCHED THEM THOROUGHLY BECAUSE I WANTED ONE and eventually we had to drop the convo. I was really angry.

    Mind you she plans on getting a Rottie. (nothing against them they just have bad reps too so it was weird)
  • edited November -1

    your friend was probably jealous ;o)
  • edited November -1
    Yeah, we are getting that lecture as well about only response to them has been, "the key to owning any dog is training and socialization"...without either, it matters not what breed you own...from chihuahua to mastiff you could end up bitten without the proper training, socializing or control...
  • edited November -1
    true that
  • edited November -1
    I actually had a discussion with one of my co-owners once talking about how vicious Rotties and Akitas were. They were also talking about how often its reported that they bite humans. I asked him the following questions:

    Me: "Ever been around a chihuaua?"

    Coworker: "Yeah, a lot."

    Me: "Ever been bitten by one?"

    Coworker: "Oh geez, yeah. All the time."

    Me: "So...why didn't you report it?"

    Coworker: "..."

  • edited November -1
    Jesse, I'm sending you loads of respect from here!
  • edited November -1
    Good job, Jesse!!!
  • edited November -1
    So one day during the summer of 07I'm relaxing in my room when my mom calls my cellphone from the porch. "there is a dog out here i dont want to come get you and scare it off." So i go out the side door and approach calmly to see a small dog, some type of spaniel, sleeping on my moms foot. I immediatly recognize it as our idiot neighbors that leave it tied up all day, everyday. I had seen it running loose two days before and had tried to get it to come to me but it just ran off.

    I also know his owners have been out of town for over three days.

    So I rush into the house and fill a spare bowl with food and got some water and treats for him and he INHALED them. I got him some more water and he laid down on my lap licking my hands. heartbreaking to see a dog give so much affection just for being fed. So I try walking him home just in case they had gotten back to return their dog and give them a piece of my mind. He was great on the leash going back and as soon as we are about to cross into his yard he freaks out, barking, screaming, pulling back on the leash etc. I had to pick him up and carry him to the door. It broke my heart. I seriously was almost in tears. The owners weren't home so I took him back to my place and called animal control and drove the little guy over to the kennel where his owners would pick him up when they returned.

    I expressed to the officer how upset I was and if this guy ever goes up for adoption, we will gladly take him. He told me it wouldn't happen again. Never saw the dog outside again unsupervised. Whatever he said got them to take better care of their dog I guess. That dog was the ultimate example of why i dont understand people that mistreat animals. For a little bit of food he gave us all the love he had. Sigh. People make me sick :(
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