Katana the Hokkaido -



  • @Losech - I need more pictures woman! D< ~
  • Katana and Conker went on a short hike with me today.

    Conker shows Katana how a Man Dog takes a piss. Katana stands with all four feet on the ground when he pees, and sometimes hits his front feet. I really hope he grows out of that and starts hiking his leg soon...

    Hokkaido in Motion Blur!

    I worked with Katana on his leash manners on this hike. He mastered heeling in under 5 minutes! Smart little dude. Now only if i can get him to stop his horrid noises when he's in a crate and I walk more than five feet away...

    Bonus Conker butt n' face picture.
  • @Losech I used to give him a hoof to chew on when I needed to leave him in his crate. He usually gets pretty busy with it. He did learn to be quiet in his crate after a while when he was hear, so I'm sure he'll figure it out again.
  • edited October 2013
    Been a while, so here's some pictures.
    I finally got myself a non-cellphone camera. It's not that great, but for $50 I can't complain much.

    Note his dark nose in this picture.

    I make no apologies for this hilariously embarrassing picture of Katana taking a shit.


    Eating grass.

    The other day we investigated some bobcat scat in the driveway.

    Relaxing while I dink around on the 'net.

    I'm not fond of the flash, but I like how it brought out Katana's red undercoat in these pictures.

    Hardish to see here, but his nose is not black anymore. I believe this color change is called "snow nose".
  • And here Katana attempts to eat his foot.
    Nom nom nom.
  • edited October 2013

    His undercoat is very ruddy! I like it. :) London's is like that, too. It's hard to see because he's grizzled with black/grey, but he's actually "cream" underneath.

    PS: I think embarrassing poop faces should become a thing now.

    ETA: OMG, foot-eating pictures. Adorable! Another thing London did as a puppy. He "grew out of it", I guess.
  • oh yeah- his nose isn't black anymore...? Is his 'eyeliner' also pinkish now?
  • Yeah, it's also pinkish. It was black when I got him, which makes me think it's that seasonal snow nose thing. Could be permanent (I hope not) but it doesn't much matter either way.
  • He's beautiful, your place looks like heaven for a Hokkaido
  • Thanks. It's a pretty neat location. I live right on the side of a hill, so the terrain on the other side of my fence gets pretty steep real quick. Katana is very agile and can navigate it incredibly well. I haven't investigated the BLM too much, but now that it's getting colder I'll go out more often since it's easier for the dogs when it's not hot.
  • I think I remember someone saying this is actually a Dudley Nose. He is growing up!
  • Aww, Katana is so cute! I really love the flash pictures. His coat is gorgeous!
  • Katana and Conker playing.

    When he's not running around like a loon or bopping the other dog's face with his feet, Katana will flop over and play from the ground like in this video.
  • Awww, they're playing so nicely. :)

    Very cute! I'm jealous - I wish my boys would play.
    I'll settle for one not murdering the other, though.
  • edited November 2013
    Most of the time they sound like they are killing each other. It got real quiet outside, which is usually a bad thing since it normally means a dog is being naughty, so I peek outside and I see this.
  • Conker is gonna be left in the dust s Katana gets older. :) I'm curious, what nicknames do you get from Katana?
  • Love all the pics of Katana!! So handsome ^_^ and he looks SO happy :D
  • Katana's nicknames are: Katchi, Scarface, pupPUP, and Yo.

    He's sexy and he knows it :P
  • "Ladies...do you like what you see?"
  • "Ladies...do you like what you see?"
    Hot young stud will soon be available dates with promising Hokkaido ladies! :P
  • Wow, how did I miss this?? Yet another Hokkaido in North America. How is his nose now? I have never heard of a dog's nose changing color.
  • His nose went from black to pinkish, it's a common occurrence in cream (recessive red) dogs. It could be permanent or temporary (seasonal) I don't know yet since I've only had him for a short time.
  • Wow, how did I miss this?? Yet another Hokkaido in North America. How is his nose now? I have never heard of a dog's nose changing color.
    You know Brad has two Hokka puppies, too, right? :) :) :)

  • @jeffnkazuko - about nose changing color (my experience):
    Seta and Maru have super blacks but when Seta came in season, she was dark brown her nose for a few weeks. After her season her nose is black again!
    Now I have seen that her nose's color has started be dark brown, she comes in season soon.
    Maru has black always :-)

  • Is Katana bigger than Lobo now? I wonder how they would get along now that Katana is a little older and isn't just getting off long ass flight into a whole new world.
  • edited November 2013
    I don't think he's bigger than Lobo yet. Lobo is a beefcake, Katana is still in his scrawny puppy stage. I'm expecting him to get a bit taller than he currently is and fill out a lot more, but I think he's going to stay relatively smallish. He's not too much bigger than Conker right now.
    They would probably get along much better now. Katana has learned a LOT of manners, mostly from the Girls. He's still got no clue how to properly greet another dog but he's better than before.
  • Okay time for a Katana photodump!
    I've been in Arizona for the month of December and due to limited internet have not been doing much posting.

    I've started Katana on coon and fox (he is hanging from a coon skin.) When we get back to Oregon we are really gonna crank this up. I hope to have him treeing coons really soon.

    Katana in the desert somewhere.

    He is a very talkative dog. I can hardly ever take a picture of him without him making some sort of noise.

    The dogs have been enjoying the Arizona sunshine and warmth.


    Katana really likes my youngest brother.

    He is basically constantly happy.

    Starting to look like an adult. His manfur is growing in.

  • Love the new pics! I hope coon training goes well. :)
  • Aw! He looks like he has lots of personality! What a handsome guy.
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