Japanese Shiba calendars?
A friend is looking for two large (28-30" long) Shiba calendars, one page per month with photo on each page. She thought the Japan Kennel Club used to sell them but couldn't find them on their website. I used to get Akita calendars that look like that from Japan but don't remember where they came from. If anyone knows where to buy these calendars, please let me know.
Edit to add, it's being printed by Cafepress which does ship internationally.
http://www.amazon.co.jp/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&url=search-alias=stripbooks&field-keywords=カレンダー 2014 柴犬&rh=n:465392,k:カレンダー 2014 柴犬