That is one of the hidden expenses I didn't consider before getting a Shiba...getting them new toys all the time! Lucy's toys need the needle and thread after one play session, sometimes as short as 30 second. And the worst possible toys out there are the "battle tested ones".
Dave, I'll get Lucy a present she can't easily destroy. I have a few Jake's had a while. I've learned what to buy, albeit I still buy those he destroys because he enjoyes them so much.
LMAO! Niko meticulously pulls all of the stuffing out obsesively!
Omg that pic is too cute!
Too bad Kiba doesn't pull out the stuffing from his toys....he only pulls out the stuffing in our couches
I should have taken pictures of it...but he chewed up my digital camera too
BAD, BAD KIBA!! Mika and Keigo get yelled at when they even look at the furniture.
Stuffing all over the house is a familiar site, for certain. Kids toys are stronger and last longer.