All time top breeds to own



  • edited November 2012
    Yeah, the NAID are really cool looking dogs. It looks like they have long and short coat types.
  • 1. Hokkaido (working on it)
    2. Border Collie (one of those... "I want to always have one" situations)
    3. Norrbottenspets
    4. Berger Picard
    5. Ibizan Hound

    And it isn't my list, but I have a sister that is dead-set on an Airedale Terrier. She and I met some earlier this year and they are a hoot.

    @jaffnkazuko Once we both have Hokkaido and we're both on the same continent we should have a Hokkaido party. Also, I know some people that recently got a Newfie puppy. So. Cute.

    @Crispy @Kuma123 Aw, I've seen some Mudi puppies puppies at a local agility trial. They are stinkin' cute.
  • Is the breeder with whippets and AAs Donna Bennet? Or is there another person breeding both? Donna is pretty fabulous, and I know for sure one of my future dogs will be one of her Akitas. I wish I had gotten my AA from her in the first place, because of course I love Oskar, but it would be nice to have a healthy dog.

    Just the fact that the Native American Indian dog has that name annoys me. Talk about redundant! I guess I can be happy its not the Native American Indian Eskimo dog or something like that. cool looking dogs, but stupid name (not as bad as the Klee Kai, though).

    I think there is another thread here that is like this and I had some dogs on it a couple of years ago that would not be on the list now. Like any terriers. Uh, no.

    First, there are the dogs I have: Shiba, American Akita, Kai Ken. Of those, I would like to have Kai and AAs in the future. Probably those are the dogs I will have, unless someday a miracle occurs and I get a Hokka.

    So breeds I like:

    1). CO, but probably will never have one.
    2) Hokkaido
    3). Greyhound (will never have one, but I like to fantasize)
    4) Basenji (same as above)
    5) Norwegian Elkhound (probably within the realm of possibility but unlikely)
    6) One of the Turkish LGDs. Love the look of the Anatolian, but I think they have health issues, so maybe something more like what Brad is getting? (Again, unlikely that I will ever actually have an LGD)

  • I want a Dutch shepherd after seeing those pics of Osy's dogs.
  • One thing about the Native American Indian dog is most people might get the name mixed with North American Indian dog and some wolf dog breeders are now calling their dogs either Native American indian dog or north american indian dog..

    My guess to dodge the laws that sprouted up..

    I've looked up NAID neat breed wouldn't mind meeting one to get feel of their temperament. I seen pictures of owners doing nice hikes and other things.
  • edited November 2012
    @hondru - I think a dutchie would be perfect for you :p ~
  • Yeah, I think I might get some for SAR, since they're a breed type more familiar to SAR groups. I'm confident that a NK could do SAR, but the trainers I've talked to just don't know what to do with them. I really like the Dutchies, though. There are a million and a half things I could do with a Dutchie!
  • @hondru - Oh yeah, one of Aggro's littermates is training for SAR, & I think at least one of Wraith's litter mates too. A few of them were for detection as well, some for PSA, some for herding, some for agility, some for Dual Purpose, & some for active pet homes like me LOL The diversity is pretty crazy, but I love it. I feel like I can do anything with them! Just wish I had the resources to do it! haha ~
  • edited November 2012
    My current list, in no particular order:

    1. A dog from DesertWindHounds
    2. Standard Poodle
    3. Swedish Vallhund
    4. Cavalier King Charles without the health issues (this is a wishlist, right?) Edit: or maybe a Clumber Spaniel.
    5. Maybe a NK. I'm not so sure anymore. Leaning towards either a Shikoku or Kai.
  • *G* @Nekopan about your #1 pick.
    I am actually very drawn to Saluki, but she makes some people in the breed sound batshit insane (not the blogger, but the people who attack her).

    I have to admit, some of my breed desires over the years have changed because of the way I see people "in" the breed conduct themselves, especially in regards to health issues. When we're talking about purebred dogs, I kind of enjoy being part of a breed community, but if the fans/enthusiasts themselves are nuts, that really makes me question what the breed does to its people. Maybeonlysortofjoking.
  • You just haven't met the other Saluki people. The people with the desert-bred Saluki's are rather cool to listen to. For example, John Burchard. :-)
  • I'm just getting to this thread! How fun!

    I've always wanted a ....

    Bernese Mountain Dog!!!

    I've been promised one for my 40th birthday... which lol, is coming up faster and faster these days. It sounded so far away when we first made the deal (late 20's) Now that I'm 34, I find I'm getting a little excited for that prospect! haha

    Anyone here every had one? I house-sat for someone who raised them long ago and fell in love with them. I wonder how they would be as a fit with the Kai?
  • @shibamistress yup, Donna Bennet. I love her dogs. If I was ever to get an american akita, I would go to her. Or if I ever wanted a whippet, though, i don't think they would fit with my lifestyle.
  • edited November 2012

    I've never owned one, but there used to be a Bernese Mountain Dog breeder in my city (but they moved a few hours up north of me not long after I visited). I went and met their dogs when they were having a puppy party (previous puppy owners came with their young dogs and they talked about their upcoming litter plans). Those dogs were AWESOME. And the males were huge (Again, so awesome).They were very friendly and got on well with the Golden Retriever one of the other families brought along. Berners are a breed I would love to have, too.
  • Cool! Thanks @WhoBitMe!! I swear, I haven't ever heard one bad thing about these dogs as far as temperament etc... And geesh, as far as puppy cuteness goes.....

    Need I say more!! lol ;o)
  • A two year old Bernese Mountain Dog came with his owner to Saya's puppy class. Saya loved him.

    He was a nice dog loved treats and did good with his commands.
  • @CarabooA, I've never had one, but that's another breed that seems to be extremely popular around my area. I've met a bunch and they always seem to be like the most tolerant, gentle beasts. The only thing that gets me is their short lifespan. That's something I would drill a breeder hard about!
  • edited November 2012
    :o( I know!!! @curlytails!! I LOVE bigger dogs but hate that they don't live as long! I think it's what's always kept me a bit at bay with actually getting one so far.... There aren't any around here that I know of - I think there are a few on the front range, so I'd definitely have my research cut out for me if we really decide to get one (6 years from now :o)
    @Saya - :o) thanks! See??!! Always good things about their temperament!
  • @CarabooA Yeah, I've always heard good things about them, too. Whenever I spot one while I'm out and about I always get so excited. But I did find their shorter life span to be a little sad.
  • @jellyfart said "yup, Donna Bennet. I love her dogs. If I was ever to get an american akita, I would go to her. Or if I ever wanted a whippet, though, i don't think they would fit with my lifestyle."

    Yeah, I'm going to get one of her AAs one of these days for sure. I wish I'd waited for her litter when I got Oskar, but I didn't, and we love Oskar, but it would be nice to have a healthy dog.

    Bernese Mt dogs: there was one in a dog class with me years ago. That dog was super smart and mellow. They seem pretty biddable. But they do have kind of short life spans....

    My godmother has standard poodles....well one right now and one puppy arriving next week. They are pretty cool, gotta admit it! Though I was startled by how narrow their heads are! I tease her boy and tell him he couldn't possibly have a brain in that narrow little head of his, and when he was a pup, sometimes he didn't act like he had much of a brain--he was just a wild thing running around and jumping like crazy! (but they are smart--he was just puppy nuts at that age!)
  • Heh, I never answered this

    1. Shikoku or Shiba

    2. Kishu

    3. Samoyed (Love these guys, I can totally see myself owning one in the future)

    4. German Pinscher (Everything I've heard of these guys reminds me of my min pin, whom I loved)

    5. Kai ken (I blame Brad and everyone else here who has kai for adding these guys onto my list :P )

    ...I also have this secret love affair with Borzois, Standard Poodles, and Doberman Pinschers. I'm not a fan of the Borzoi health and lifespan, and every Doberman I near about ends up having a heart problem at one point or another, so that scares me into owning one, honestly.
  • edited November 2012
    Can I chime in?
    I have to make a more general list, otherwise there would be too many...
    1) a pack of hunting spitz, no more than four or five probably of various breeds,
    2)a brace of sighthounds, deerhound lurchers or the like.
    3)Teckel or a Basset type,
    4)an Old English Sheepdog,
    5)a black Miniature Poodle (not toy);
    or I'm also open to surprises. I'm not too specific for the most part, I just want a healthy dog. I probably wouldn't work a Teckel very much maybe just for hunting rabbits, but to me its a healthier breed than the average wiener dog. I know the Sheepdog isn't the healthiest breed but I've loved them since I was a kid.
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