The adventures of Rollo the Shikoku



  • Saki looks great! Pretty neat how Rollo got his moms colours, almost identical too.
  • Rollo's happy place!

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  • He looks so good after a grooming! Did he recently blow coat? He looks more naked than before :P
  • edited December 2015
    It must have something to do with taking pictures with my potato (iPhone) and funny angles. If anything his coat is actually thicker now than it ever has been. When you run your hand through his coat along his aides your fingers almost my dissapear. The lady who groomed him sure made him fluffy.

    That last picture does make him look pretty skinny and small!
  • That's good! I was worried he'd be cold :p He looks so grown up now :')
  • No kidding! If he blew his coat now he'd be in for a rough winter I think. It's finally cold here, first day of -20 weather today. We'd have to buy him a jacket if he lost his thick winter fur.
  • Well, one year ago today we brought Rollo home with us. It's so awesome to have him around every day. He has such a great personality. It's been a great first year with him. I can't wait for more adventures!
  • Rollo says 'Merry Christmas!' He also says 'I hate santa, and I don't want to be here'.

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  • Santa looks pretty undaunted by the difficulty though!
  • Santa was great with him. Had to get down on the ground and reel this squirmy dog in. He used up all of the 'nopes' he had been saving up over the last couple of months!
  • Ahahahaha Rollo! :x He's soooo big now!
  • He's filling in a bit now, but not too much. Last weigh in had him at 44 pounds at the vet. Vaccination boosters are due on Wednesday so we'll post his weight here. He looks very sturdy and he's really strong for his size.

    Ahhh! He's blowing his coat. I guess he doesn't need his winter coat anymore. It was -20 this morning so I think it's a bit too early. Hoping we don't have to buy him a jacket or anything silly like that. Has Anyone else living in a cold environment on here dealt with a mid-winter coat blowing before? We get him outside for a couple of long walks each day but I'm guessing he got too warm indoors over the last couple of weeks...
  • Wow, Rollo is 47 pounds! He's not portly either, according to the vet he is the perfect weight for his frame. He's a big Shikoku!
  • Wow, Rollo is 47 pounds! He's not portly either, according to the vet he is the perfect weight for his frame. He's a big Shikoku!
    Looks like some big boys from this litter. Yuki weighed in at 49 at his annual checkup. He's losing his coat too. He might be a bit chilly by the end of the winter
  • We took Rollo on an adventure last weekend to Banff and Lake Louise. What a great trip!

    Rollo was at the edge of the lake, and saw a squirrel. He posed pretty nicely for this one.
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    At the info booth with my wife Amy. He saw horses in this shot and he was NOT impressed.
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    Out on the lake when the ice fog started to roll in.
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    Hot chocolate break! He wanted his head in frame, so that's where it ended up.
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    He was awesome on this trip. The long drive, at doggy daycare while we were snowshoeing, and he loved he adventures we had. He had lots of fun, and slept hard every night at the hotel.

  • Looks like a wonderful trip! :) I'd love to go to Banff one day.
  • Awesome! Can't wait to join you next year.
  • How come he couldn't go snowshoeing? I bet he would have loved that!
  • Legs are too short! We had big snowshoes and even with the tails that we bought to increase the surface area of our shoes we went up past our knees in powder with each step. We would have had to carry the poor guy!

    That and this was at the top of a ski resort, so I'm not sure how he would have handled the chairlift haha
  • edited February 2016
    We went to Banff and dropped Rollo off for the day on the Saturday. We took our snowshoes, food, water and campstove to Sunshine village ski resort. Went to the top of the resort, and walked through the out of bounds area to snowshoe 'on top of the world'. It was about 2400m above sea level here. The views were awesome and there has to have been 4+ feet of powder.

    Views from the top!
    This one is right after the chairlift.

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    Went a little further and looking over Sunshine meadows. This was a lot of hard work. I'd highly recommend it! And really though, Sunshine is a pretty amazing ski resort.

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