Hachiko: A Dog's Story Goes Straight To DVD

edited December 2009 in Akita (秋田犬)
According to posts in IMDB forum here http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1028532/board , the movie is going straight to DVD.

Blessing in disguise?


  • edited November -1
    YES!!! ~
  • edited November -1
    hmm... right on. I don't see it listed in any theatres here, I think that IS a good thing.

    We all discover breeds of dogs in different ways, so I dont object to new people discovering nihon ken. But the difference between a holiday release and people going to see SOMETHING, ANYTHING kid friendly at the theatre over vacation week is a whole different exposure experience than people choosing it on DVD for viewing in their own home.

    just thinking:
    I had never heard of akitas until the OJ Simpson trial.
    I had never heard of Shibas until Reilly's 1st obedience class when her classmate was one.
    Never heard of kai until rescue told me Sage was a kai dog mix. then I bought the Japanese Dogs books and found out about the rest.
  • edited November -1
    This is probably a good thing, for both Akitas and Shibas (used as the puppies early in the story).

    We just had a major raid of a pet store in Dixon, CA (Northern CA). Many smaller breed puppies, including Shibas, were confiscated by the authorities due to health issues with the dogs. The local Solano County District Attorney is pressing charges for animal cruelty, etc., with the couple who were selling the puppies. Solano County SPCA took in 100 puppies from this raid.

    Here is the SPCA website: http://www.solanospca.com/
  • edited November -1
    THANK GOD!!!
  • edited November -1
    This is good news I think on many levels. For the breed, breeders and persons sincerely wanting to get an Akita.

    I bet lots of breeders are sighing in relief at the news. I'm sure it is difficult enough to weigh if you think someone is right for your pups. Let alone if you started getting all these calls of "I want a Hachiko!"...
  • edited November -1
    Didn't this movie already show in theaters in other countries? I'm hoping they didn't get enough positive reviews and money from the other countries and felt it too costly to put in theaters.
  • edited November -1
    I believe it did open international and I don't think it did that well. It gets increasingly more expensive to put a movie into American theaters.
  • edited November -1
    That's really good news!
  • edited November -1
    Good news!
  • edited November -1
    thank goodness! i'm honestly really relieved :)
  • MnVMnV
    edited November -1
    I have the original 1987 version. Watch it twice.

    It always get to me how people are so irresponsible in getting a pet and not take care of it the next minute.

    The last scene when Hachiko and Professor reunite after Hachiko dies moves me deeply every time because there is a special place where only two friends can understand the love for each other.
  • edited November -1
    Agreed with the above post. I love the idea of people finding out about nihonken. In the case of the Akita where so much there is a push to mix the AA and the JA - IMO the extra demand for an Akita would encourage that type of breeding.
  • edited November -1
    Here in Holland the movie is in 17 theaters, that's not much...

    I've seen it 3 weeks ago in Amsterdam and it's a nice movie..

    and for the people that can't wait you can download it allreaddy in spanish or rusian hahahah...doesen't matter you know the story hihihh
  • edited February 2010
    Right, I've just finished crying over the American version of Hachiko and I am truly relieved that the new version made me shed only 1/3 the tears I would have shed watching the original version. Still, it was a good idea I didn't hit the theaters, I'm a marshmellow when it comes to dogs and horses.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on the movie. I admit the original version touched me much more than the American one; plus, it bothered me that they used a Shiba as Akita puppy and female akita to play Hachiko (at least part of his life). It's no rough collie, the differences between males and females are really visible.

    In case there are some people that haven't seen the Japanese one, here is a 'trailer' (caution, handkerchief needed). I think the new version is really romanticized, the Japanese one puts much more emphasis on the pain of the dog and the difficulties he had to face. In the original version the professor's family didn't want him and they passed him from one to another. The scene with the funeral at least is heartbreaking, there are no words to express the pain.


    The eyes are killing me, they are the eyes of my akita, the eyes of every JA.

    However, the new version can be seen by a normal person without crying (too much?) and I am sure the dogs on the set were better treated and I think the new Hachi has a more expressive face.

    later edit: the song, Bittersweet, is one of my favs, definitely in my Top 10. It suits the story so well...
  • edited November -1
    I just watched the American version last night....it annoyed me that they moved the story to the US...why? But it was fun to watch because of the dogs, and even though, yes, it is problematic using Shibas as stand ins for Akitas, I did like seeing the little Shibas just for my own love of them :) The American version made me sad, but didn't really get me crying, but White_bear, this trailer of the Japanese one did, and it was only the trailer....

    I was disturbed in the american version that the after the professor has died and his kids take Hachi, they just open up the gate and let him go--apparently that's the way they explain how it was that he was able to go back to the station again and again. I did think, yeah, great, now people are going to think that's ok....(Really, it amazes me how people can't figure out the difference between a movie and real life!)

    anyway, last night I dreamed of a red JA in every dream....sigh....I'm in the throes of serious puppy lust, but this is not the time for me, so I'll just have to endure it!
  • edited February 2010
    LOL i'm in JA puppy lust every second of my life!!! And it's worse for me because I'm in contact with many breeder friends that send me pictures of their pups and we meet during dogshows and they tell me stories with the little bundles of joy.... Oh, it's very, very hard to resist.

    JA owners have a saying about shibas - for us they are little akita; apparently shiba owners think of akita as big shibas LOL

    I think you need to be a JA owner for the movie to really hit you. I don't know exactly how to explain it. It's not the same even with AA. I've spent a lot of time with both breeds and there are different expressions, different reactions. An AA's eyes don't move me, they are different. I don't know how and why but all JA have the exact movements, expressions as the Hachi in the movie. You cry mostly because you put your dog in Hachi's shoes and you just can't help it. And it's not that women are marshmellows, we even made men admit it LOL It's a powerful movie. (I think it's like 8 below with husky owners - although I suppose you know it was a remake after a japanese movie and real story - again, the american version is much more popular; in the japanese version only 2 dogs survived because they hunted each other down for lack of food :-( ; or that movie with a golden retriever - or labrador I can't remember, it was last year - each has a special meaning for the owners of those breeds).

    The real story (I am not sure how real it is, but it's the original version so I stick to it) is that the daughter insists keeping the dog although the mother didn't want him at all, she was jealous and didn't like the dog; plus, not all people in the household were nice to him (the help I mean). Then the daughter no longer takes care of him, starts going out rather than taking care of Hachi; she gets married, has a baby and moves to another city. Then the professor dies and his wife no longer wants to keep the dog. The daughter doesn't want to take him. It's so heartbreaking. He goes from one person to another, escapes every time, he returns to his home but the new owners are not friendly and they want to hit him, he gets into dog fights, starves himself, some people are nasty to him. At the end he is just a shadow of what he once was, I don't even want to imagine what the dog actor went through but the last images with him - right before he dies - they are horrible.

    To my mind the story of Hachi shows people how much better dogs are in comparison to some humans. I am sure his life would have been different if the professor's family had loved him 1/2 as much as the professor loved him.

    PS: Hachi wasn't red at all, he was white/creamish and looked different than what we see today as JA. I think you can find the original version on torrents too. I know I found it a couple of years back but I can't remember where. There are some Japanese torrents, you should try there first.

    later edit: the 'trailer' is not official, I'm not sure there was an official one, it was made by a fan but it's so unbelievable, it really moves you.

    I managed to find the movie on youtube! There is a really good version with spanish subtitles!
  • edited November -1
    Yes, part of the reason I love the JA's more than the AA's is how much they look like big Shibas! lol! And you're so right about the expression in that dog's eyes...(the one in the American movie I mean). So beautiful and soulful (and I don't even have a JA...yet...!)

    I will say that the part in the US movie that made me so sad was seeing the old Hachi....clearly a different dog actor, but that old Akita did make me tear up a bit....

    It is just heartbreaking, both what the real Hachi went through, and what so many dogs do....I've been reading a rescue site (Blue Moon) that has several old Akitas that people abandoned after 10 or 11 or 12 years....it is just awful, and does show how much better dogs can be than some people...
  • MnVMnV
    edited March 2010
    Just watched the DVD last night.

    Pretty good movie overall.

    It has more Akita screentime than the original version.

    The message is different in both versions. Japanese version is more about responsibility to owning a pet (I guessing most Japanese are familiar with Hachiko story already), whereas US version IS about Hachiko's loyalty story.

    The common theme I find in both is that the bond between man and pet is something that cannot be understood or felt unless they experience it themselves first hand.

    Not a bad movie at all. I think the family will have an enjoyable movie night watching Hachiko.
  • edited November -1
    Sorry for bringing this old thread up, but Yesterday I watched Hachiko:A Dog's story and I must say I love it the shiba inu pups were of coarse cute and I just loved seeing the Akita in motion he was an handsome dog.

    I'd love to meet an Akita up close one day JA or AA I don't mind which both are cool looking dogs, but I think I like the look of Japanese Akita better.

    I loved the whole thing it made me cry it seems every movie about a dog made me cry for different reasons Marley and me since I went through that with my two boxers, Mari and her puppies made me cry seeing Mari going through her hardships made me sad, same goes for Hachiko I loved the happy parts and once it got to the sad parts I was sobbing It was so sad to see Hachi like that.
  • edited May 2010
    Thanks for doing so, Saya! My wife and I watched "Hachiko: A Dog's story" just last night and I didn't want to resurrect and old thread, either! It was great to see JA coloring nd the "regal" demeanor, some might call it "tude", of the breed represented to America, as opposed to the better known AA. Though a tweenie, that was still a very handsome dog! We particularly enjoyed the scene of Hachiko running to the station and "smiling" into the camera! While both of us liked the film, neither of us felt that it was as touching as the original from Japan in the '80's, though.

    I'd like to ask if anyone has noticed an increase in JA, or "tweenies", after the release of the DVD? I saw a "tweenie" for the first time in NJ last summer and was so excited to see, what I thought was JA, in U.S. for the first time.
  • edited November -1
    I couldn't stand to watch the American version, but maybe it's because I was away on a business trip and they were showing it as the in-flight movie. Who does that to a NK owner??? Movie couldn't finish because we were landing already. How embarassing is it to try and hold yourself together as people are gathering their bags trying to get off the plane!

  • edited November -1
    In Germany the movie went to the theatres. Not the biggest success, but it did have audience.
    The town where I live in has 237.579 people living there. Before the movie there was a Shiba-breeder (not very active though) with two or three dogs here, a family with two Shiba-girls and me. This year there are at least three or four (very young) Shibas more in town... I really hope, that their familys did NOT take a Shiba without informing about the character traits...
    I didn't see any Akitas here though. Neither before the movie nor afterwards.

    To be honest... I cried the whole second half of the movie... ;)
  • edited November -1
    That trailer made me cry. Damn. I don't know if I'll be able to watch the movies. I was uncontrollably sobbing when I watched "Mari and Her Three Puppies".
  • edited November -1
    I just recently watched it to for the first time and it made my cry a lot through the second half. I felt so bad for Hachi xD even after the movie I cried a little bit....T_T
  • edited November -1
    I bought this movie. eh it was ok kinda boring but ok I loved the dogs but it was pretty obvious that hachi was a female in the first part of the movie.
  • edited November -1
    I agree on the fact that the original version is better and she got more excited than this new edition.
    It's simple from the first minutes of the Japanese version I started to cry like a baby and that during almost the entire film.
  • edited November -1
    Where could I find a copy of the original movie? I would love to see it!
  • edited November -1
    I didn't notice Hachi was a female in the first part! I'll have to go back and watch it again. I watched both the American remake and one of the Japanese versions...the Japanese version was so sad!

    I was mostly just watching the dogs....and I gotta admit even though it was totally "wrong" I loved the Shiba pups in the beginning, Shiba lover that I am! (But they were so clearly Shibas!) I loved reading about the Shibas they used too, and how Richard Gere said "you really can't get them to do anything they don't want to do!" *lol* I did think sometimes, hmm...that is just a Shiba being a Shiba and they captured it on film....
  • edited November -1
    it showed in the cinemas here in the UK, i remember when i first saw the advert and i thought "aww, look at that little shiba puppy! no wait...now it's an akita...hey, this looks familiar..." then i realised they had just rehashed the story. i haven't seen either versions of the movie, only ever read about Hachiko as it's a very heart-breaking story.
  • edited November -1
    This clip

    and this one

    are the saddest parts of the movie. I did cry when i saw the original..
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