"Rear end" issue...

This is a little different, but want to know if anyone else that has an American Akita has this problem: I have a 9month old Akita and he has a spot above his anus that seems to be a little red and bothered. He doesn't act like it bothers him, but he has never been able to reach his rear end to clean it. Does anyone have any suggestions/info/advice? I have just been cleaning it everyday to make sure he stays clean...is this normal with Akitas?


  • edited November -1
    I know many JA and AA and never heard of it. Is it on the tail? Are these spots anywhere else on his body? What do you mean by 'it seems to be a little red and bothered' (sorry, not a native speaker). Does he have hair on this spot or it has fallen? Are there crusts/scales? How long has this been going on? How big is it? I think a picture might help.

    If it's just a bit red and a bit swollen, could it be a tick bite? Maybe you have problems with ticks over there? You should be careful, some may be babesia carriers.
  • edited November -1
    How long has he had this spot? Have you gotten the vet to test a sample of the skin to make sure it's not mange, ringworm, or other skin disease?
  • edited November -1
    The spot still has hair on it, it is the color pink because of the area its in...I just noticed it was a little dirty. Ticks and fleas aren't a possibility because of the weather right now and he is treated for such every month. There are no other spots on him...It is an area he cannot reach to clean himself. I have to take him for a nail trim soon so I will have the vet look at it I suppose. I was just wondering if anyone else has to give their Akita a "special" cleaning back there :)
  • edited November -1
    A visit to the vet seems like the best thing to do, there is no special cleaning for my akita.

    Oh, there is one case, though - not sure how to explain it, though LOL - if he eats some long grass and not all of it is ... expelled from his body ... or if he smudges himself with poop ROFL be prepared for a fit. They put on such a distraught face signalling the end of the world as we know it that you don't know how to hurry to clean the poor baby LOL
  • edited November -1
    HAHA! It's funny you say that, my boyfriend told me he had some tummy issues and loose stools so maybe he had a messy behind we just didn't notice (he's usually SUPER clean), and he DID tear apart a toy with strings everywhere...go figure. He's going to the vet tomorrow :) Thanks for sharing the laugh! :)
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