Picking a Breeder

edited March 2010 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
So here is the big question! I've got about a year or so before I'll be ready for a puppy. I've done A LOT of research in past year about the breed itself. Now its time to buckle down and pick a breeder so I can secure my chances of actually getting a puppy. So like I said the big question: How do I decide on a breeder?! I've kept in contact with Marsha from Mijikai Kennels. I like that she does keep in contact with everyone on her mailing list and every time I email her she is very prompt, professional, and informative. I would choose her for those reasons but I haven't talked to any other breeders (making me a bit bias) so I don't want to limit myself. Please help, not sure where to go from here!


  • edited November -1
    First off, Marsha is a great breeder. She is pretty good about going on her forum as well, and it is because of her posting that I am fostering a Kai, Maymay from Taiwan.

    Picking a breeder is difficult, and I think more difficult because they are so fractioned. Some like others, and argue with others. They are very clicky, and I think that is a detriment to the breed in N. America. It gets very politicy. :-) For instance, Marsha and Pam are friends. They do not like Marian from Classy Kennels. Brad on here is friends with Marian, however has no issues with anyone. Brad may be up in running with a litter by next year as well. So, now he's added to the list of breeders. There's Sylvia in New York, but I don't know anything about her dogs. There's also Peggy (? on that name). But again I don't know anything about her dogs. My breeders Roberta and Steve only have Joteii and Kuma (Koda's parents) that they breed. Koda's parents are Classy dogs, from Marian. Classy is kind've known as the largest and having the most champions. Pam and Marsha are currently more active in showing their dogs. Marian had a heart attack about a year ago.

    So how to choose? I struggled with this one. There are certain things that I looked for in a breeder. Accessibilty/communication; pedigree of the pup; finding brothers and sisters online to ask their owners questions about temperment, health, etc.; I looked closely at the mother of the pups and how she interacts with them for the first 8 weeks (I would not purchase a pup from a first time mother, JMO); and how the breeder was going to socialize the pups.

    I came up with a list of topics to discuss with each breeder, and just decided which one was the best fit for me. I did choose Roberta and Steve over the rest. I felt like she was very responsive to my questions. She has also come out already to visit Koda. It was a great experience, and I could tell how much her and Steve both really love their pups. They gave him so much attention, and it's hard to explain but owners get a look in their eyes when they are watching their dogs play. Kind've like how someone watches their kids. They looked at Koda like that, and I will always cherish them for that. So, ofcourse I am bias too! lol.

    Koda comes from Classy lines. His pedigree is flawless with some of the top Kai's in the nation as his grandparents. Pedigree wasn't an issue at all. Some might say that Classy dogs are the best. But, I'm sure they are bias as well. :-)

    I found a couple of Koda's older brothers and sisters online from forums, and asked their owners questions. All of them had great temperments, one being a therapy and seeing eye dog. All of the owners said that they were very laid back, cool calm and collected at home, bonded strongly with the family, and were very easy to train. I can say that Koda holds all of these qualities. He's a mama's boy. Which I love. He is also very patient with children and other dogs. He's the fav at the dog park. Everyone loves it when Koda plays with their dog because they know that there will be no issues. (Can you tell I favor him a little? ha ha ha)

    Roberta and Steve live with their dogs inside the home. Koda's parents, Joteii and Kuma, live with 3 of their pups. They also have a couple of rescues, a Klee Kai and a Malamute. Both dogs had hip dysplacia and Roberta and Steve took them in and took care of them when they probably would have been euthenized and not adopted out. I like breeders who give back. I know Pam and Marsha do rescues as well. Roberta also has children in the home, and for me this was important. My niece spends a lot of time with Koda. She chose him for me because he was the puppy who went up to her daughter the most. She is the same age as my niece. It worked out well. He loves Cierra very much, and took to her right away. Being in the home and socialized with children fit my lifestyle.

    Now as far as the mother. Many behaviorists would agree that the mother is the key player in developing your dog's mental health, well-being, and temperment. A mother who cares for her pups will produce pups that will be more secure, stable, trusting, and out-going. Jojo was the main reason that tipped me to Roberta and Steve. She lives with 3 of her children, and still mothers them in many ways, i.e. cleaning them and sleeping with them. She kept Koda and his siblings well cared for, never left their side, cleaned them all the time (Koda came to me not smelling like a puppy. He smelt good, and he likes to clean me in the morning and evening. It's his thing, but he got this from Jojo). Jojo was also very trusting of the children playing with her pups, Roberta and Steve handling them, letting strangers hold them, allowing prospective owners to come into the home, and letting them outside on the grass to play around and get potty trained. Koda came to me potty trained.

    I would ask lots of questions about the mother's temperment, how she takes care of her pups, her security level in allowing other people to go near her pups, and when she begins to ween them and how.

    Really from there, it's going to be up to you. Go with your gut instinct on whether or not this specific dam and sire are the right ones to parent your puppy and if that dog is going to fit into your lifestyle.

    Have you asked Marsha which dogs she will be breeding next year and for references from owners of their puppies? If you want to speak to my breeder, her email address is rvhsvh@yahoo.com. If you need others, I can send them to you. I just don't have them on this computer.

    Please feel free to ask me any questions. It's a big decision. Thank goodness it's only from a small pool of choices.
  • edited November -1
    All i can respond to that is fantastic! Thank you so much. I knew I could ask you and you would give me all the info i needed. There are a lot of people on this forum but I joined about the same time you got Koda, so i've been following him as he's been growing. As weird as it might sound I felt a little more comfortable asking you than anyone else. I really value your opinion and appreciate your help! I'm going to email your breeder, is it ok if I let Roberta and Steve know you sent me? I'm definitely going to start my research on breeders now that I have a starting point. I sure do have my work cut out for me.
    Thanks again
  • edited November -1
    Definitely let Roberta and Steve let you know that I referred you. She will be happy to know that you have followed Koda on here and that you are doing your research. It's a good in with any breeder. She is Koda's mommy too. :-) I tried calling her grandma, but she wasn't too thrilled about that. ha ha ha.

    Keep me posted on your progress. And please again feel free to ask me any advice or vent. lol
  • edited March 2010
    Uhh, so I just emailed Roberta a bunch of questions, that was tiring haha. I also emailed her shortly after I read your response and just touched base with her. She seemed very nice and made me feel comfortable about asking her questions. I'm excited to see what she has to say about her dogs and pups. I asked her what a typical day in the life of the dogs and pups is like. I'm really curious to what they do on a daily basis. I'll keep you posted!! Thanks again
  • edited November -1
    Roberta is really really nice. She will like that you are asking questions. Just a bit of a warning, and I should have said something sooner but she is a CPA and it's tax season. But she is usually good at getting back to people after work.

    That's funny that you asked her that question. She made me tell her what a day in the life of one of her pups would be in my home. I never thought to ask her the same question. She is not formal with her questions, but the more you talk the more you will see that she asks a lot. But no formal survey or anything like that. She will go with her gut.

    I do know that she did deny one woman who was trying to get a puppy from Koda's litter. She thought that the woman was not a good fit for having a dog at that time in her life. I'm so glad she liked me. I don't know what I would do without Koda!
  • edited November -1
    I totally understand her being busy, I'm not in any rush so she can take all the time she wants. I'd rather her take her time and answer the questions thoroughly when she has time, even if its after work is taken care of. The main reason I asked her what a day in dog world is like is because I want to make sure I can realistically offer something very similar. I'm glad there isn't a real questionnaire because thats what I always pictured, thats a big nerve racking. I'd been questioning every answer i gave asking myself if its the right answer. I'm sorry for that woman who was denied but its good to hear because it shows that Roberta really cares about her pups and doesn't allow them to go with anyone she doesn't think fit. Those are her babies and its her responsibility to place them in a good home.

    Ive got another question for you, I'm going to assure you work an 8hr day outside of your home, what do you do with Koda while youre at work or if you go out?
  • edited November -1
    Koda has quite the schedule. On Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays he goes to either doggy daycare or my mom's house. On Tuesday and Thursday, he is usually pretty tired out. He stays at home two days a week, and has the run of the house. Koda has never chewed anything, came home potty trained, and could hold it 8 hours by the time he was 10 weeks old. I have been really fortunate with him. He really is just a good dog!

    When he first came home, I put linoleum (cheap stuff) over the floors in the kitchenette and had him in an expen, but the little stink learned how to climb it in two weeks. After that I used the expen to keep him out of places I didn't want him to go like near the couches and coffee table. I kind've switched it up, rather than keeping him in I kept him out of places. That way he didn't climb it.

    On days that Koda stays home, I get off early and take him to the dog park. My long days are Mon, Wed, and Fri and I try to get out an hour early on Tues and Thurs. We spend about an hour and a half there to get him all exercised out. If you have a dog park nearby they are great to get them to really runaround and get tired. I think he pretty much sleeps when I'm not home. I should put a puppy cam in the house. ha ha ha.

    Saturdays and Sundays are spent hiking somewhere, going to an open off leash spot (yes I fully trust Koda off leash when no cars are around), or going to the park. The one thing with Koda is that he expects to go out everyday. He's kind've spoiled. :-)

    Stacey has Koda's sister Tora on here, and I think Tora stays home and Stacey keeps her active with her other dogs and walks in the morning and evening. I do think that a lot of people have their dogs at home all day. The one thing I will say about Koda is that he does great on a schedule. He doesn't care when I leave him to go to work, but he is excited to run to the door when I get home to go to the park.

    With Maymay now being here, I'm not sure what it will do to his schedule. I can't really afford two dogs in daycare. I also can't trust her in my house. She's 1 1/2 and not potty trained. Right now, she is at my parent's house. I'm still wondering whether or not she will come here full time. I would hate to crate her all day. I'm lost as to what to do. I should start a thread asking people what they do.
  • edited November -1
    I think I'd like to be Koda now, can we change places please. Haha that is quite the schedule. I'm impressed that he can go a full 8 hours without going to the bathroom in the house. I would be curious if you did put up a puppy cam to see what he does while youre not home, probably poker games with the neighborhood dogs! Did you crate him at all? My husband and I are waiting to hear back from a job offer for him, if this does happen we will be moving to center jersey near his parents. If this all does go threw my father in-law is retired and could be a puppy-sitter where he could play with two older chocolate labs. My father in-law doesn't know it yet but he would be a good puppy-sitter. : ) Roberta responded to my questions email; we are going to set up a phone date for saturday. Now I'm nervous!
  • edited November -1
    I was nervous too with my phone interview. Don't worry. Roberta really is just a cool person. She's very down to earth and she just loves her dogs. Jojo and Kuma are her kids, and they bring her so much joy and happiness that she wants to share that with other people. She is very proud that all of her puppies are still in their forever homes, have great temperments, and well really are just good dogs! She prides herself on the fact that Jojo and Kuma make a great breeding pair. I picture them as living as a married couple. lol.

    If Koda ever has the boys over for a poker game, I will kick his butt! He would probably loose all my money. I can't picture him as being a good swindler or hustler. Koda likes to play with labs. Kai's can be picky on what dogs they want to be their friends, but labs have always been fun in his mind.
  • edited November -1
    So Roberta and I had a "phone date" set up for saturday. She was suppose to call me in the morning, but i guess something came up because I never heard from her. I know you said she's been busy with taxes and what not. I emailed her yesterday to make sure everything was ok; I'm still waiting for a response. Hopefully all is well and nothing bad happened. I'm hoping I'll hear from her with week so we can puppy chat. The area my husband and I may be moving to has a HUGE state park, 9,000 acres. I called the other day to find out if they are dog friendly, so my future dog and I can take nice nature walks there. Luckily they are dog friendly as long as they are on a leash and picked up after! I was quite excited when the ranger told me that. There is also a doggie recreational park about an hour from there that is open year round. They offer swimming areas, off leash areas, and puppy lessons too! We would be located by the bay and beach as well. There is a reserve area by the beach and dogs can be taken there too! Now I just need to get my husband working up there so we can move and then get a dog! Uhh I hate waiting.
  • edited November -1
    I was also just looking there is an agility school up that way as well. This is something Kai's would enjoy right?!
  • edited November -1
    Koda likes his basic agility class a lot. He has fun and it builds his confidence. I haven't brought Maymay yet, but I think she would like it even more. Maybe girl Kai's are just more active than boys. I'm noticing that the vid's of Kona and Mochi remind me a lot of Koda and Maymay. But yes I think either a boy or a girl would like agility. Koda's other brother does it too and likes it.

    Unfortunately without a Good Canine Cert, you can only do recreational basic agility, but once you receive that then you can move onto more advanced stuff. Either way it's pretty cool.
  • edited November -1
    This is the woman's website I'm looking into right now. She does everything according to AKC. Sounds like she knows what shes doing
  • edited November -1
    She looks like she is definitely well versed, and she has the CGC test at her facility. Which is a good thing. All AKC trainers should have it.

    One word of advice..have your Kai get to know her as soon as possible. Kai's tend to not trust all strangers, but if they are introduced as part of their lives early then they will have a long and lasting relationship. Introduce your pup right away and think of bringing him/her there for doggy daycare early on even if it's just for a couple of days.
  • edited November -1
    I like that fact that she does everything: obedience, agility, and daycare. This way the trainers know the dog and what really is best for the dog, instead of jumping from place to place. I was just telling my husband I thought it was a good idea to do daycare at least once a week so the puppy and get socialized with other pups and also learn to be confident being on his own without me or my husband around, as well as taking commands from others.
  • edited November -1
    Something else I just thought of pet insurance? Do you have it? I haven't looked into it yet, i actually forgot about it.
  • edited November -1
    I wouldn't expect your Kai to take commands from anyone. lol. They will from their owners and very close people, but ignore everyone else. :-)

    I have VPI Pet Insurance, but they are saying that Koda will not be covered for some things when the policy renews because he caught a bat last year. Little stink just jumped up and got it in his mouth. I took him to the vet after. He's ok, but I don't walk him at dawn anymore. So, I'm checking out the ASPCA insurance and PetsBest to switch him over in June. I think it's worth it. Especially with a dog that likes to hunt rodents. If one bird beak scratched him or a squirrel bit back, I know that I could take him to the emergency vet if need be. They are very expensive! It costs me $27 per month for Koda since Kai's don't have any known health disparities, i.e. hip dysplacia, LP. You do have to call to get a quote since Kai will not be on their website. I'll let you know what I end up going with and why.
  • edited November -1
    Oh how did your phone call go with Roberta? I forgot to ask.
  • edited November -1
    Thats pretty dare cheap. I wish I could get health insurance for $27 a month! I didn't know anyone that had pet insurance so I wasn't sure how worth it it is. But for $27 even if it saves you $100 its worth it.

    As far as Roberta Scroll up a little bit... (10 comments ago including this one)
  • edited November -1
    That's why I shouldn't check the forum from my iPhone. I didn't see your message. That's weird because I spoke to Roberta about a week and a half ago. I forgot to send her Koda's neuter certificate, and she reminded me that I needed to. I sent it to her the other day, and I haven't heard back from her. I wonder if something is wrong. Usually she gets back to me right away, and I know that she wants me to register him with the UKC and she needs to get his full pedigree to me. I wasn't allowed the whole thing since I had to neuter him. It ensures that I will not be a backyard breeder. I'm glad that she does that.

    I know that Joteii was just about to come into season. I hope everything is ok. It is very unlike her personality not to respond to emails.
  • edited November -1
    Funny you mention that cause I was wondering if you had him neutered or if you kept his "man parts" to give Kai's in the states more variety. I don't mean for backyard breeding but for the true breeders. Ive read people are on the fence about neutering such a rare breed of dog. But anyway I hope something didn't go wrong with Roberta. I could understand why she didn't get back to me is she was busy with work, but for her to not get back to you and me that's strange! Maybe you can try to call her and see if everything is ok. I would but that might be weird cause I don't know her. Definitely let me know if you hear from her.
  • edited November -1
    Tara have you heard from roberta yet?
  • edited November -1
    I haven't I will try ang get ahold of her today.
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