Are Akita's Active after 2 years of age?

edited March 2010 in Akita (秋田犬)
Hello everyone, I am a new Akita owner, and my puppy is currently 14 weeks of age, and she is doing very well and I am enjoying her very much I have ready and done a lot of studying about this breed, I had a pit-bull before this dog, which is why I ask these types of questions, Akita's and pit-bulls seem to have very different personalities. She is actually pretty calm for the most part, plays, jumps around and acts like a typical puppy, but for the most part since my house is pretty quite and I am single, there is not much activity in the house so she is mostly playing with her toys and just relaxing. My question to the experienced akita owners is, generally speaking do Akita's become couch potatoes after 2-3 years of age? Or will she continue to be active and run with me outside or go hiking? The reason I ask this is I can already see her getting tired pretty quickly after a long run, yes she is a puppy, but I have seen other puppies go crazy all day long, which I actually wouldnt want, but I want to make sure she does not get too lazy as she gets older. I had heard from a previous akita owner that Akita's after a few years of age become VERY non active and its hard to even get them to go out and be active. Is this a false statement? I dont want her to be active like a husky, but active enough for a run lets say daily?

2nd Question - My akita has a very chill personality, after having her now for 6 weeks she finally comes to me for a little bit of affection, but for the most part enjoys her space, and will never come sleep on my lap, etc, this is normal for an Akita correct? Dont get me wrong, she plays with me and is never ever scared of me, follows me everywhere and is always looking to see where I went, but is not a lap dog, wont mind me touching her, but if I touch her for too long she will move away, (like ok that was enough affection, I am off to play with my toys now). It seems she likes her own space, LOVES to be around me where she can see me, but will not come stay on my lap 24/7 or want my attention, she just wants to be somewhere where she can see me, but also enjoy her own space. Has anyone experienced the same with your own Akita?

Thanks again everyone.

Take care,


  • edited November -1
    Hi PJ, congratulations on getting your Akita puppy!

    My American Akita is 4, almost 5 and is always happy to go on hikes, walks and even runs with me (I'm not a runner though so I never go far). I have also, in the past, ran him alongside a bike which he did fine with, if you chose to do that and maybe even if you go on long runs, then you should get some dogs shoes as Kenji's pads got pretty torn up on the pavement. So I'm sure if you started out slow and easy with her and gradually built her up to a long run then you should be fine.

    As for the chilly disposition that is totally normal for an Akita. Kenji will go hang out by himself and doesn't particularly care if I'm there or not, then sometimes he will come to me for affection until he gets enough and will go away again. Which is fine by me since I'm like that too!
  • edited November -1
    Hi - I have two females - one is two and one is six months - and yes, they are VERY chill - my older one is more needy though - sleeps on my bed all night and loves to be pet- both follow me all around the house - they do get active in the yard, but just lay around in the house for the most part - they both love walks - i prefer the chilled out dog, so it works for me..I used to have a German Shepherd/akita mix for fourteen years who was also extremely mellow..
  • edited November -1
    Hi PJ:
    My Japanese Akita-Inu has always been very active (I wish she would calm down growing up)!
    You might be lucky to have a calm Akita!
  • edited November -1
    All Japanese Akita don't have the same temperament, as we do. Some may be very speed and other more disorderly.
    They love their independence and that is why they are nicknamed "dog-cat".
    I speak for my own experience, my males are much more cuddly than my females, but they either don't stay on my lap for hours.
    By cons is true that the Akita are often curious and like to watch us remotely.
    In fact your dog is perfectly normal!
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