Top 5 Breeds You'd Never Own



  • edited April 2010
    gosh, I would have to say 97% of dog breeds, due to lack of interest in the breeds...
  • edited November -1
    Some breeds I would never choose for myself, though I know a few I like when OTHER people own them. Like the way people feel about grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Fun to play with, but glad someone else is taking them home..Izzy and Buster, I love yas, but I'm glad you are neighbors. I dog-walk a St Bernard who I *WOULD* take home in an instant except for the slobber, which I am not sure how I'd manage to live with on a daily basis. You cannot even think about food near her or motion toward a pocket or the long strings come out. I still love her. She OOZES love. :) and to paraphrase Emily Dickinson, there's just something awesome about a dog as big as yourself.
  • edited November -1
    That's like my friend's Bulldog Chrystal. I love him, he's cute, but he plays in her hallway and there is always spit running down her hallway walls from his mouth height. EOW! No thanks. I'll take my oober clean Kais over that anyday!
  • edited November -1
    I would say Chihuaha is my #1, Pugs #2. I have the sweetest puppy, but every single pug seems to just want to bite the heck out of her.

    Lhaso Apsos are great dogs but also territorial, they dont like her either
  • edited November -1
    NO terrier (other than the bullies)
    NO "companion" or toy dog (the FCI group 9)
    NO yappers (needy, nervous, you get the gist)
    NO hounds (too messy)
    NO grossly proportioned dog that will have trouble living (English bulldogs are an example)

    These kind of overlap and take way more that 5 breeds, might even take the majority of breeds :-/
  • edited November -1
    Despite ...I find something interesting in most of the pure breed dogs...I will never have one of the following:

    Chinese crested dog
    Mexican hairless dog

    One dog I really like, and I probably will never have is the Great Dane Arlecchino. I love it, but he/she would walk me instead of me walking him/her.... Actually the main reason is because Great Danes Arlecchino have many genetic problems, and do not live long.
    Anybody has one Great Dane Arlecchino?

  • edited November -1
    I think I have to steal from Casey...

    1 - Any breed whose standard weight is less than 15 pounds.
    2 - Any breed that drools on a regular basis.
    3 - Any breed that serves no function. (Probably because I grew up on a farm)
    4 - Any breed that has a tendency to be 'needy'
    5 - (And from Rui) - no yappers

    I am surprised at the JRT dislike, but I have actually been around some good ones, so maybe I just don't know the horror stories.

    I will absolutely NEVER own a chihuahua...for many unfortunate reasons.
  • edited November -1
    Amber: its funny, at the rescue I volunteer at there are a lot of very social, well behaved chihuahuas and yet I have never once considered adopting them...even though I really like them as individual dogs I just think its all the bad experiences I've had overall with the breed
  • edited November -1
    Araks - I believe the breed and I developed a dislike at a very young age. My great-grandmother had two not so friendly ones. And my great-grandmother was not always the nicest woman either, unfortunately- she reminded me of the older woman on beetlejuice, the one who is helping the couple out. Anyway, I remember visiting her and she would be sitting wrapped up in a blanket on her couch and holding her cigarette. She had one chihuahua beside her who was blind as can be, so the dogs eyes were pools of milky white. It would stand beside her and growl and yap and shake. The other was younger and could see and would jump off the couch and come running toward us yapping and growling and try to bite. I was quite young, so the whole thing was a bit unnerving.

    In general though, they are one of the few breeds I have been around that has a tendency to want to bite me...
  • edited November -1
    Amber: same here with the biting part haha.
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