Eclectus Parrot and Akita Inu?

edited April 2010 in Akita (秋田犬)

Does anybody have experience in Parrots and Akita relationships?


  • edited November -1
    I love female eclectus! They're so pretty!

    Several of the forum members keep parrots & nihon ken. However, the general consensus is they are not be left alone together, or together unsupervised.

    A dog can easily take a bite at a parrot that would be fatal. [ the saliva alone would be deadly ]

    I have several birds; cockatiels, greencheeks, & a sun conure. My dogs will never ever be left alone with them unattended, regardless of breed / prey drive / etc.

    It's much safer to keep them apart then to worry about the dog getting overexcited & accidentally hurting them. I'm sure with enough training, the dog can learn the birds are to be left alone, but it's not a chance I'm willng to take unless I'm there to supervise.

    Hope that helps :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Hello, all I can add to this is what my breeder told me and that is "No Way, unless the Parrot is securely locked in a cage at all times whilst the Akita is around" he actually told me a story about a lady who wanted to purchase from them and at the time one of the questions he asked was do you have any other pets and when she answered that she had a parrot he asked how she kept that she replied, I dont have a cage for it he just flies around the room. The breeder in question explained that an Akita would most likely kill the parrot and thought it best that he returned her deposit to her in fear of being responsible for the death of a pet. However a few months down the line he had a phone call explaining that maybe she should have listened to him as after he had turned her down she went to another breeder who sold her an Akita which subsequently killed her Parrot one day when they were left together. Moral of the story, listen to those who know best and dont take risks!!
  • edited April 2010
    Hi Sangmort and Akita_Lover_UK:

    Thanks for your answers.
    I will not let my Akita in the house when the Eclectus is out of the cage. I actually succeded in making my Eclectus and my Bengal Cat becoming friends...but I guess Akita and Eclectus would not work!
  • edited November -1
    i think the Akita can learn to be fine in the house with the Eclectus out of the cage, I just would not leave them in a room alone together. If you are there to monitor / watch the Akita, I don't see any problem with that.

    It will also help if you get the akita from a young age & train him to stay away from the bird's cage.

    They can learn to coexist, but only when you're there to watch & make sure nothing goes wrong ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    Hi Sangmort:
    My Akita-Inu is 19 months old right now and she never killed any wild bird or cat in the garden. My past Pekingese was killing birds all the time, and killed few of my neighbors’ cats too! I think my Akita is not aggressive and I can trust to introduce the Eclectus to her...
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