Yikes, new escape artist!

Well, I guess I am revisting my Siberian experience, back to making the yard like Fort Knox.

After 2 1/2 years, Kuma has decided/learned how to climb over the fence. First time was yesterday afternoon when Dan went outside to find him outside the gate (he was unattended for about 30 minutes). But we couldn't figure out how he got out. Fast forward to later that evening...I told Kuma that I would be right out, and when I came out, he was gone. Dan and I trekked around with Sachi calling for Kuma (we spotted him within 5 minutes) but could not retrieve him for 20 minutes. He was having more fun running across our farm checking out ground hog holes (hunting).

So, we went and double checked our yard. And sure enough, my sharp eyed husband found the tell tale fur on left over on the top of 1 picket of a 4 foot picket fence, and another chunk of fur on the other side. So he climbed over was our supposition, using the horizontal fence braces.

...now back to the drawing board for how to make the yard Kuma safe. He had been 100% trustworthy until that time. Bummer....but glad he did finally come back.

Moral of the story. All the obedience in the world doesn't override the hunting drive. For instance, although Kuma is perfect in the obedience ring, he turned a pretty deaf ear on our calling him when he was in sight (and earshot) of us!


  • edited November -1
    Ok, so I shouldn't be laughing but I am a little. It sucks though to be worried about them in the yard.

    My breeder told me that she has that vinyl fence panels put on the inside of hers to keep their paws from being able to grab onto things. I don't remember if it was her or not, but I think she also had poles put on top with pvc pipe on them. If the dog gets to the top and tries to climb over, then the pvc pipe spins and they can't grab hold. You could get these in white.
  • edited November -1
    ha! I thought it was going to be Sachi.....bad boy Kuma!!! :)
  • edited November -1
    LOL - I totally thought it would be Sachi too! Kuma, you little hunter you!
  • edited November -1
    Kris, I've seen as Haru has gotten older, and her prey drive grows, that she's starting to decide for herself whether to listen when she's on the hunt. Kind of sucks, but that free thinking is why I chose the NK for hunting, so I'm dealing with it :)
  • edited November -1
    Hahaha! Yes I thought it might be Sachi since she is new and a puppy! But Kuma!

    Yes, Shigeru, it reminds me of my Siberian days for sure (the lack of listening when on the "hunt"). But still, Kuma came to us in "only" 20 minutes vs my Siberians (it would be hours...ugh)

    And the hunting drive is strong, he loves to hunt groundhogs (but we usually do it with a flexileash. :-)
  • edited November -1

    That is a great idea about the pvc pipe. I told my husband and we might try that. Because surely he did climb given the big hunk of fur on the top of the picket. :-)
  • edited November -1
    On the Invisible fence thread, Dave posted a link for "coyote rollers". They are the same concept that Tara gave you about the pvc .
  • edited November -1
    :)) welcome to the club :)
    My Kekko climbed our fence when he was 7 months - the same fence my siberians have never climbed. So the result was that we made additional wire fence on top of the one we already have and the new part is with an angle of about 45 degrees inside. So it actually looks like a real prison fence :)))) But it seems to be working as he has not been able to climb that.....yet :)
  • edited November -1
    Cool, thanks Dave for alerting me that the other Dave had posted that link. I had been busy and not read the rest of the invisible fence discussion.

    Ah, the joy of primitive dogs ;-)
  • edited November -1
    I'm sure he did it to show off for Sachi...either that or she dared him to do it! :-). Good luck with re-containment and I agree with the others, oh the perilous joys of owning a NK.

  • Well, an update. After the last time (posted above) that Kuma climbed the fence and went for a 20 minute hike looking for groundhogs, he has been very good and not left the fenced yard at all....until this week. For about 9 months now.

    Again, it was hunting that was the driving factor. Just outside our yard is the barnyard (horse barn). Now he sees cats there all the time and never makes an attempt to climb over the fence (so we never had actually installed the coyote rollers since he went back to being content to stay in the yard). This week, Dan had just been with Kuma, and went and drove around the barn to park the truck (less than 5 minutes) and I had just checked on him.

    When Dan parked the truck, he noticed that Kuma was in the middle of the barnyard (not in the fenced yard) with something in his mouth (luckily NOT one of our barn cats). In a few minutes time since we both left him briefly, he climbed the fence (same spot as before) after seeing a possum in the barnyard (it was nighttime). A big possum (about 14 lbs). Now a dead possum (for real, not just playing dead).

    So yes, Shikoku have a strong prey drive and can seemingly discriminate amongst okay prey and not okay prey (eg, the barn cats).

    I cannot say that I was disappointed that he killed the possum. But I would prefer that he would stay in the yard. Now he gets tethered if he is not directly supervised with one of us nearby.

    And yes Jesse, he was probably showing off for Sachi (she stayed in the yard and watched). LOL!

  • Hmm... Well, at least he got that possum. :)

    Will you guys be installing the coyote rollers?
  • LOL. Congrats to Kuma on the kill but yes...naughty boy...you must stay in the yard! Kotomi lost her free roam, unsupervised yard privileges as well. At least he didn't run off?

    "Don't worry mom! I'm out hunting but I'll be back home in time for dinner."
  • Haha! I like you quote Corina! I am sure that is just what he thought! :-) And I remember that Kotomi was jumping over your fence right, to visit the neighbor's dog? Bad girl... :-)

    @sunyata - well, we probably will try the coyote roller or something similar. He only seems to climb over in 1 spot and only if sufficiently motivated.
  • She decided to go rabbit hunting in the neighbor's yard as of recently (November 2010). She'll sniff their dog quickly but then will ignore him, lol.

    However, yes, when Kotomi was a puppy (and we were living at my boyfriend's house) she would jump over the wall to play with the neighbor's Chihuahua. Then climb back over the wall when she was finished playing. Apparently, she had been doing this every morning very routinely for a couple of months! The neighbor never said anything to us until that one day she had trouble climbing back over the wall and got "stuck" in their yard.
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