Wraith --- 11.19 Wraith's New Toy



  • edited November -1

    The nice thing is, when he get's older he'll outweigh most NK! [ exception = Akita ] So we're coming to get you guys & your little pups too! :p ~
  • edited November -1
    Whoo!! & I put him in his crate...& he settled down...& went...TO SLEEP!!!

    Guess desensitizing him to it throughout the day helped! :D *so happy*~
  • edited June 2010
    I'm a horrible mum, I keep forgetting to take pictures :x

    Here's one I really like... ~

  • edited November -1
    So cute!
  • edited November -1
    His floppy ear is starting to stand too! :D

    & crate screaming is about 90% over. Huzzah! ~
  • edited November -1
    I feel so bad. I didn't check this cause I'm so not into birds lol. I missed so much though.

    Congratulations he's a super adorable brindled little man!
  • edited November -1

    It was a cleverly disguised way of introducing him :p ~
  • edited June 2010
    Wraith! I love the name (well I already said that but am glad you decided on it!), and love that he has his own thread! Glad he's calmed down in his crate! He is so cute!

    I wish I could see him IRL--it's wierd that brindle just doesn't seem to look as good in photos as it does in real life. And since his coat is pretty amazing in photos, I bet he is just gorgeous!
  • edited November -1
    Moving has me quite distracted, so I missed this thread. Congrats guys! I hope things continue to go well. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Oh wow... I saw this on FB, but as most of you know, some excitement in my life has kept me busy the past few days...

    Official forum congrats on bringing the little guy home! And he is SOOOOOO adorable!

    Now stop slacking on the spam!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats Osy!!!

    He looks great!
  • edited November -1
    Aww! Wraith looks so cute! Saya would scream and whine in her crate as a pup thanks to my brother and dad she would get rewarded for screaming in crate to get out, but she is finally quiet in her crate after some talking with the two guys to let her cry.. lol

    I'll be checking this thread out to see how things go. =)
  • edited November -1
    WOW, How did I miss this!!

    Congrats Osy!!

    How old is your pup now? I can't wait to hear more about Wraith!!

    and I agree, more SPAM, please!! With all those other really nice pictures, I'm kind of surprised not to see more! LOL

    Love his coloring and great name!!
  • edited July 2010
    Thanks guys!!! I LOVE him. :D

    Kiernan - He's a few days past 9 weeks old now :)

    Not really "new" spam. [ have been moving to the new house & been too distracted to take pics ] But here's some stuff I haven't posted yet.

    First...Baby Pictures! LOL [ before we got him, he's "Red" ]


    I have a few more, but they're in the "puppy book" the breeder sent me, & I'm too lazy to scan :p

    These was taken the day we got him @8 weeks old... [ one ear still floppy! ]

    You can see his brindle best in this pic, I think.

    Totally konked out, as few days ago @9 weeks old...

    Waiting to go back into the apartment :)

    Both ears are up now too :) He looks so handsome! LOL ~
  • edited November -1
    He had his first puppy class @ Petco today. I missed it as I've been sick as a dog, but Brian took him. The trainer said he was the most well behaved of the group & he was the only one that knew "sit" LOL

    Apparently, he loved playing with a Lab puppy, was trying to get to a small furry pup, & was scared of the giant Great Dane Puppy. [ who scared all the other pups too. Poor gentle Giant. ]

    Everyone was extremely fascinated by him, & apparently he was quite popular among all the people in the store LOL [ he LOVES people, so I'm not surprised ] He was also the only pup who sat next to Bri during orientation instead of running around being a spaz haha [ which he totally is, so I'm proud! ]

    In the @home training department. Started teaching him bite-inhibition...he learns QUICK! After only one short session he no longer crunches hard & rarely puts his mouth on us. Of course, I plan to keep up with the bite-inhibition [ & other training ] through the rest of his life, but he does seem to "get it" really quickly.

    He also learned "off" & "take it" after one session! I can hold a treat or piece of kibble right in front of his nose, & he won't take it til I say so! I'm REALLY impressed with how quickly he learns. But, I've realized it also means we have to be extremely diligent. He's too smart, there's no room for error on our part!

    I can not wait til he gets a little older & I can start training him in agility! Just the "basic" stuff has been great fun for both of us. :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Also, I'm scared for when he gets a bit older & hits that "rebellious phase!" He's just SO good now!!! LOL ~
  • edited November -1
    Oh he's adorable! Huge congrats :oD Good to hear he's so clever, though that means you have your work cut out for you ;o) Best of luck with him!

    I'm really not good with acronyms, so I'm gonna have to ask - which breed is he?
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Tanja. He's a Dutch Shepherd :) [ Short Haired type ] ~
  • edited November -1
    Oh okay, I have only heard of the belgian shepherds (malinois, tervueren, laekenois and groenendael). He's so awesome and I love his color, but of course I am a brindle-freak ;oP Haha...
  • edited November -1
    Wow Osy!!! That's really great news!! Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I'm glad everything is going so well with the classes!

    It sucks for me because when I got Stella home she just missed 2 start dates for 2 different places. And the one PetSmart that was the next start date wasn't until this weekend.

    All those pics are awesome! And I Love his coloring too!! can't get enough of it! I've never heard of a Dutch Shepherd, looks like I'll have to search for new reading material, LOL.
  • edited November -1
    Tanja --- In the KNPV & "Working" Dog World, Belgian Shepherds & Dutch Shepherds are often mixed. [ mainly malinois & short haired dutchies ] The pups that come out fawn, sable, or black are "Malinois" & the ones that come out Brindle are "Dutch Shepherds" :)

    Kiernan --- Totally understand! We've had him since the 26th & couldn't get him into a puppy class til yesterday. :\ *feels behind* From what Bri has said tho, the class sounds like a lot of BS. Really, we're only forking out the $100 so he gets to interact with some other pups. I've noticed he's nervous around dogs bigger then him, so I really want to get him socialized with as man dogs as possible.

    Totally in love with this breed. But I think that's because they have a lot of quirks like an NK. High Energy, Stubborn, Extremely Clever, etc. TBH, they seem like an NK in "Shepherd" form to me lol [ I'm going to hazard a guess tho that they're 50x more biddable than an NK tho LOL ] ~
  • edited November -1
    Osy, from what I am hearing about a lot of the commercial classes, it does seem like it's not much in form of class/training and more for the socialization experience. that's also why I am looking forward to the free socialization class I found. It's held by a certified trainer/behaviorist.
  • edited November -1
    Oh! I'm glad we're not the only ones! We're doing the "free" socialization class too! I thought we were just being extra paranoid lol ~
  • edited November -1
    Yeah I read (had to research at once of course ;oD) that they are very similar, but I'd have chosen the dutch shepherd too, they are stunning and sound really amazing.
  • edited November -1
    Matea wants you to know that Wraith is actually baby Rakka.
  • edited November -1
    Sounds like things are going great, Osy! But sorry to hear that you have been under the weather... Better feel better for your move this weekend! :)
  • edited July 2010
    Tanja - I fell in love with this breed immediately. :) They are the only breed outside the Nihon Ken who have completely stolen my heart :)

    Heidi - AWWWWwwwwww!!! LOL That's too cute :) Wraith is honored.

    Casey - I hope so!! ~
  • edited November -1
    So cute Osy!
  • edited November -1
    All I have to say is that Wraith is SUPER adorable and I cannot wait for more visual updates. Come one Osy, puppy years go by fast...you need to whip out your camera and click, click, click away! -smiles-
  • edited November -1
    HEAR HEAR Corina :o)
    We want more puppy spam! He'a adorable.
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