Which of the six NK would you not own?

edited August 2010 in General
Thought this would be fun ;)

Of the six Nihon Ken, [ Shikoku, Kai, Shiba, Akita, Hokkaido, & Kishu ] which would:

---> would you not own?
---> have never considered owning?
---> show the least interest in?
---> would not own again? ~



  • I would not own a Shikoku or Kai - I don't think that I am up to their activity level, honestly. I have been interested in the others - mostly the Akita.

    I've never considered a Kishu or Hokkaido because of the rarity.

    My least amount of interest is in the Kai - I think they are cool looking and have some great characteristics, but they just don't match up to me.

    Having only owned a shiba, I have no answer for this.
  • Akita, simply because they are too big. It wouldn't fit in my Honda Fit with my other dogs, and it would be really hard for me to pick it up if I ever had to. I said at one time years ago I wouldn't get another Kai, but I've changed my mind since, Kohji's an awesome dog. I would get another Shiba, but not a female.
  • Not own? If I had to pick one, it's probably the Akita. I'd say Shiba here too, but I already own two of those. Shiba are definitely on my not-own-again list though.

    Never considered owning: none.

    Show the least interest in: Akita, Hokkaido.

    Would not own again: Shiba.
  • ---> would you not own?
    I have never really had any interest in Hokkaido or Kishu. Don't have anything against them. Just never was interested.
    ---> have never considered owning?
    Those are the two I have never considered I have also never considered.
    ---> show the least interest in?
    see above
    ---> would not own again?
    I will never say never, but I have no plans to have another shiba or shikoku. I loved Moto and I do adore Miko but I just don't see my family having either breed again. Miko and Moto were/are always the primary causes of all mischief in my house. I could see myself having a kai. But the reality is I cannot imagine ever getting a dog from anywhere but a shelter.
  • edited August 2010
    Guess I should answer too huh? lol

    ---> would you not own?
    >>> Akita...WAY too many health problems, & not active enough...
    >>> Kishu...They feel a bit too...I don't know..."un-osyish" lol

    ---> have never considered owning?
    >>> Hokkaido...don't know enough about them + Rarity makes the idea difficult.

    ---> show the least interest in?
    >>> Hokkaido...again, little info on them.
    >>> Shiba...too cat-like!

    ---> would not own again?
    >>> n/a!

    *** Nothing against Akita, Hokka, Shiba, or Kishu...I love pretty much all the NK, & think any of them could fit in with my lifestyle, however, I feel aforementioned breeds are lower on the list. Some are missing certain traits I look for, & some who have those traits are in the extreme. [ for example, shibas / kishu = too independent, Akita = not independent enough ]

    I think I'd be happy with any of the NK, but happier with a Shikoku or Kai. ~
  • Lol, great question!

    ---> would you not own?
    I guess the shiba. I am not that good with small breeds, and I am a bit scared of the shiba scream lol
    ---> have never considered owning?
    Kishu and Hokkaido, I think there is not even one kennel in Europe.
    ---> show the least interest in?
    Kishu and Hokkaido.
    ---> would not own again?
    I've only had JA, and I'm definitely getting more!
  • edited August 2010
    ---> would you not own?
    Shiba. But even then, maybe I'd take a Jomon Shiba out of hunting lines.

    ---> have never considered owning?
    Shiba. I never really considered owning a Kishu either, but look how that turned out.

    ---> show the least interest in?
    Shiba. Was never really drawn to the Kishu either. Hokkaido I just haven't been around many.

    ---> would not own again?
    I've liked the Kai and Kishu. Took a while for the Kishu to grow on me though. I guess there's no NK I'd never consider owning.
  • ---> would you not own?
    Apart from the Akita, none of them are big enough for me :-P and pretty much all of them are too restless.

    ---> have never considered owning?
    I have never considered owning any of them, except "maybe" a Shika, but that passed quickly.

    ---> show the least interest in?

    ---> would not own again?
    I only have Kuma and I'd have another Akita, especially if it was like Kuma.

    White_bear - there is a Hokka kennel in europe, at least. It's from a member of this forum, ktrebor.
  • ---> would you not own?

    Akita. mainly because of health problems. I like them as a breed but I just wouldn't own one.

    ---> have never considered owning?

    none. considered all at one point

    ---> show the least interest in?

    Akita, and maybe Hokkaido because of rarity.

    ---> would not own again? ~

    can't answer that yet hehe.
  • edited August 2010
    ---> would you not own?
    Akita and Shiba. Maybe a Joumon ken like Shigeru.
    ---> have never considered owning?
    Akita, not really into that big of a dog and dont want to deal with the behavior and genetic issues associated with Akitas.
    ---> show the least interest in?
    Akita and Shiba
    ---> would not own again? ~
    I dunno yet

    Only been around Kishus and one Hokkaido. I'm really pleased with the Kishus I had and curently have maybe eventually every one in here will convince me to get a Kai or a Shikoku.
  • I'll stick to my Kais. Definitely a dog I will probably always own!
  • ---> would you not own?
    Hokkaido, just not interested in them... Too small for me, I guess.

    ---> have never considered owning?

    ---> show the least interest in?
    Hokkaido... Maybe Kishu, but Shigerue and Gen have actually pushed the breed pretty high on my list now.

    ---> would not own again? ~
  • ---> would you not own?
    Shikoku, Hokkaido

    ---> have never considered owning?
    Shikoku, Hokkaido
    I am fascinated and interested in these dogs, but they are probably not suited for my family environment and I don't think I have enough experience to handle one.

    ---> show the least interest in?
    Kishu - these dogs have not captured my interest

    ---> would not own again?
    Can't answer that
  • edited August 2010
    Poor Shibas! They're not doing well in this survey are they? *lol*

    I don't think I can really answer this, because I don't think I know enough about the breeds, really, to make a judgement.

    I think I am least interested in the Hokkaido since I know so little about them. I would probably not own a Shikoku. I think they are gorgeous, but seem like they might not be the dog for me (though who knows--I might meet one and love them!) The Tosa wasn't on the list, but I'm really not at all interested in them.

    Though this wasn't the question, I'm probably most interested in the Kai and the Kishu for dogs I haven't had.

    One I'd not own again? I don't have an answer for that. I love my Shibas and my Akita, even though the Shibas are difficult as hell.

    If we were to expand this to other breeds, I'd say I'd not own a GSD again, and probably would not get a Pitbull or pit cross either.....I found both too needy and sticky for me. Great dogs, both, but not for me.
  • ---> would you not own?

    Maybe the Shikoku. I get the impression that "No" doesn't sink in very readily for them.

    ---> have never considered owning?

    The Akita based on their size. Though I've met a 35 lb female Japanese Akita, they're not generally that light, and I want a dog that I can pick up by myself in the event of an emergency. It's an awful feeling wasting time searching for someone's help in getting a dog to an emergency vet while the dog is suffering.

    ---> show the least interest in?

    Maybe the Shiba or Kishu. Most of the Shibas I've met, I haven't felt a mature aura around them. Some are very well trained, but not very deep. I prefer a deep thinker. For the Kishu, it's just that they resemble Jindos so much. I don't think I would be experiencing anything new.

  • edited August 2010
    ---> would you not own?
    At this moment the Kai is the only one I would consider owning.

    ---> have never considered owning?
    I've considered owning them all at some point lol.

    ---> show the least interest in?
    Man I read this question wrong lmao. I would have to say the shiba.

    ---> would not own again? ~
    Shiba. Only NK I've owned and they're just not what I'm looking for in a dog anymore.
  • Of NK, I would only look into Kai seriously, if/when I were to seek a purebred dog. The rest are fun to know, though. I really like Jess' Miko but am not willing to jump through all the hoops to get a shikoku, and I think what my pack needs next is not what most shikoku are likely to be like, either. I am easily turned off/away by the hype and Not-For-You attitude rampant in breed fancy, and I dont need that. But I do love the Kai traits of my rescue boy, and I still think it would be wonderful to have a Kai that I raise right and is better off from the start than Sage was when I got him. I'd jump through some hoops for that, I think.
  • I think Sage would do really well with a Kai. Sounds like Reilly would do well with anyone. :-)
  • Hmmm. Well pretty much the only NK that I want to own is a Shikoku. None of the others really interest me at all.

    I would be least likely to own a Shiba or Akita, and more likely to pick a Kishu over a Kai.

    Shiba are way too small and way to independent for me. Akita have too many genetic issues, are too laid back, and I don't particularly like their look.

    And to ayk, both my Shikoku are REALLY well behaved and I don't have any issues at all with them not listening to "no". That is my experience, but then I was used to Siberians before them, so Shikoku seem really easy to train. Kuma NEVER does anything wrong (and I am serious) and Sachi is really not that bad either. As she gets older, she is becoming very obedient too.
  • Man the Kishu ken gets no love. Is it just the lack of info on the breed or they just dont have that "wild" features like the shikoku and the Kai?
  • Honestly, I have never cared for white dogs.
  • I think the Kishu suffers a bit because they are all white and the fact there's only one breeder in NA. If I own another NK, a Kishu would be a definite consideration for me. But this thread is about NK we wouldn't own, not would. :-)
  • I like the Kishu, and I don't usually like white dogs....:)

  • My thoughts on Kishu are that they would be so hard to get and I have not met one. There is one puppy that was just imported Japan into my town. We shop at the same store to get food, but I have yet to run into him. I really want to meet him. I'm Kishu stalking in the
  • Gen: Kishu is actually my second preference after shikoku :)

    I actually love white dogs so they caught my eye right away.
  • Hmm... This is an interesting discussion...

    ---> would you not own?
    Probably the Akita Inu... Their personalities and energy levels do not really match what I would look for in a dog.

    ---> have never considered owning?
    Akita Inu... For the above listed reasons.

    ---> show the least interest in?
    Akita Inu... And maybe the Kishu. Although, after hearing some owner's stories, I am starting to show a bit more interest in them.

    ---> would not own again?
    Well, since I have only owned Shibas, I am not sure I can really answer this. I know what happens when you say never on this forum, so I am not going to say I will never own Shibas again... But I think Bella and Nola might be my last Shibas. At least for a while. :)
  • In Europe we have at least one Kishu kennel and I know two Hokkaido kennels. Maybe I will answer the original questions later :D.
  • I would not consider an Akita, simply because of the size factor. We have some great looking Akitas that come to the dog park and while I admire their grace and movement, at this point in my life, an Akita is simply too much dog to handle. However, I do work with the local Akita Meetup organizer on joint "rescue" interests.

    Disappointed to see all the negative feedback on Shibas. I first became familiar with Shibas through my brother who has bred Shibas for 20 years. Five plus years ago when I was looking for a new dog, I was thinking of another Border Collie, but then I saw Sukoshi and something just "clicked". Have not regretted getting Sukoshi or rescuing Hoshi since then. While independent and stubborn each in her/his own way, both dogs are intelligent, affectionate little gems. I am the organizer for a Shiba Meetup and most of the Meetup members are pretty happy with their Shibas, despite the occasional Shiba "quirks".
  • I don't think anybody is saying they are unhappy or disappointed with their Shibas. I didn't read that in others' comments, and I certainly didn't intend for that to come through in mine. I think people are saying they have interests in exploring other possibilities. It's not a value judgment.
  • ---> would you not own?
    I don't know enough about Hokkaido and Kishu. They seem similar to Shikoku, but I don't know what differences there are that might rule them out as a dog I'd like to own.

    ---> have never considered owning?
    I've considered all of them, but like I said, I really haven't found out that much about Kishu and Hokkaido and they seem the hardest to obtain, too.

    ---> show the least interest in?
    I guess Akitas.

    ---> would not own again
    Noah and I have both said that we don't think we could own another shiba. Not because we didn't like owning one or found it harder than we had hoped, but mainly just that, emotionally, I don't feel like I'd want a shiba that wasn't Tojo. He was really just our little baby and when it was just Noah and I, we raised him from a puppy and he made us feel like more of a family. He was with my through a lot of rough times, and he was so unique and special that he just has a place of honour in my heart. Since he went missing recently (and is presumed dead), I've found it the hardest to deal with of any pet loss I've ever experienced. He was so dear to me, there was no closure, and his disappearance was totally avoidable caused by negligence (he was staying with my in-laws and they were leaving him outside and unconfined at night in the country with coyotes everywhere - didn't know this until later, because they swore up and down they weren't letting him run loose until he disappeared, then they had to explain how that happened). There's a certain lasting aching to the loss, and even seeing other shibas is sometimes hard. I dream about Tojo a lot. I know I'm really babbling here, but my point is that I don't think I will ever own a shiba again, but it's for emotional reasons, mostly. I just feel like any other shiba would just remind me that Tojo's gone.
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