Koda and I are on the mend



  • I really hope they get that bastard!!

    I hope you'll soon feel better, it sucks being bruised like that! I know the feeling, I went off a horse with a big thud and cracked a rib, and I hit the ground so hard that I lost feeling in my legs and despite my protests, an ambulance was called. They gave me painmeds in a drop and ofcourse I went all silly and babbled, with everybody still watching (be thankful you at least didn't get to experience that). Afterwards my friends told me all the weird stuff I'd been saying! -.-'
  • Wow! I am so sorry. I am glad you guys made it with minor physical injuries. What an a$$! Hopefully he gets caught!!
  • That's terrible! . . . I'm glad that you and Koda weren't seriously injured, and that Koda seems to be recovering from the trauma of the experience! What a horrible human being to hit a person and her dog and just take off!!!
  • Hope you and Koda are doing well after a few days of rest. So glad there were witnesses and they grabbed the plate numbers to report.

  • Thanks everyone again. Koda is ok. He is still having bad dreams and yesterday he slept until 2pm. He's still alseep right now as a matter of fact. I'm hoping that his body is just healing from the bruising.

    He's a bit scared of cars. I took him out to greet a couple of my friends on new years. We just had a dinner party here. When we walked out, their car was still on and so were the lights. He totally freaked and started crying. I felt bad.

    I'm doing better. Still pretty upset about the situation, and angry at the driver. Sometimes I just want to cry. All in all though, I think we will be fine.

    Now the next step is to wait for the rain to stop and walk him past the spot. It's time for us to face that together.
  • edited January 2011
    If you want to cry then you should, it's the healthy thing to do. You will feel better.
  • Glad that both you and Koda are doing better. I know that it will take some time for you both to heal and get over the trauma. Just be patient.

    And yes, if you feel the need to cry, let it out. I bet Koda will come snuggle with you and lick your tears away. He seems to be a very sensitive soul (just like my Nola).

    Hope you are having better luck getting the rain to stop than I am... I think the sun has forsaken 2011 so far... Have not seen it since sundown on the 31st!
  • Wow! I'm glad to read that you and Koda weren't seriously injured and are recovering well! I hope that jerk is picked up, soon!
  • Koda and I took a walk by where we were hit. He did really well. We first walked across the street the opposite way of how we got hit. He was a bit unsure, and kept his eyes right on mine the whole way while I gave him some words of encouragement.

    Then we walked the field where he likes to go potty and came back just like we did that night. He started getting really nervous on the way back. I think the pattern was familiar and he started to get worried. But with me smiling and encouraging him, he did really well.

    We got to the corner and he started to cower. I just kept positive. When we went across the street, he again kept eye contact, and walked pretty fast. After that, he jaunted back to the house. I think that was enough for him for one night. I'm really proud of him.
  • edited January 2011
    Good on both of ya!
  • Wow! Go Koda! Hopefully he will bounce back soon and be able to take that route like he has done before.

    How was it for you? You talked about Koda, but how are you feeling?
  • He did so well! :D I really hope he will recover from this without any permanent damage, mentally...

    Give him kisses and treats from me. He is such a brave boy :)
  • I am glad that you guys were both able to walk that way again. I am sure a few more times, and he will be just fine going by there. :)
  • Good on you. I hope to follow your example as a great pet owner.
  • So proud of you both! This is a gigantic step in the right direction and I know it couldnt have been easy. I can only agree with Wildsolo, I hope to be as great an owner as you and that Kaiya and I build the same kind of relationship you and Koda have.
  • Good boy Koda! :o)
  • Super late, but I'm so sorry you guys had to go through something like that. I've been hit by a car twice in my life. Both times the adrenaline pumping through me made me not realize how hard I'd been hit until much much later. I'm glad you and Koda both got checked out by a Dr. And I'm glad you both seem to be recovering nicely. It will take time, but the two of you will get through it together because you have each other. All the best.
  • @WildSolo @brittk Thanks, I kind've feel like a crappy owner right now for this happening. I always am inspired by everyone on here.

    @jujee Honestly, I was so impressed with Koda. When Koda was younger, I always used to think crap I am never going to get him to focus on me when he loses it. Koda is so calm naturally, but when he gets worked up there's no reasoning with him. He becomes a wild/reactive dog.

    I was soooooo impressed with him keeping eye contact with me. He ended up comforting me.
  • I'm so glad you both were able to handle it so well....good for him for checking in when he got scared....

    they are really so affected by stuff like this, and have a strong sense of a place a bad thing happened...Toby is now afraid to come in the living room because Bel attacked him there last week....he really has to check to make sure he knows where they are, and he's really nervous, poor boy!
  • I'm so glad things are going well for both of you :)
  • I'm glad you made it there OK.

    If you need to cry then cry I did it a lot during times after my dad yelled at me or a bully got to me at school. Crying seemed to help and having a dog to comfort me helped too..
  • I am late to this, but I wanted to say that I am sorry this happened, but glad that you both are on a good road to recovery.
  • I hate to bring this up with Hana sick, but I'm at a loss here with what to do with Koda.

    We went out for a walk tonight. A different way than where the accident was. He was doing ok, a bit on edge, but ok until we heard them, firecrackers. They were probably a couple miles away but with the hills all around us they were echoing off the walls. Koda started to flip a bit. I couldn't get his attention, I couldn't get him to calm down. Then he got diarrhea. I'm sure from nerves. We got back home, and he happily ran inside.

    He was clingy, wanting to sit right up on me. I decided to take out a book and just lay in bed with him. That's when he just lost it. He started to shake, his nose is running a bit, and I think he's drooling a bit. He's been shaking for an hour and a half from fear. Anytime I talk, he shakes worse, gets whole body tremors like he did the night of the accident when I would go near him.

    I offer to rub his belly, his favorite passtime, and he puts up his leg but he looks at me like I'm the scariest person in the world and starts to shake again.

    I finally wrapped him in my coziest thick blanket. I mean he can't be cold, but it seems to be soothing him a bit. He's going to sleep, but if I talk he starts shaking again. I'm at a loss. I don't know how to comfort him when I seem to be the cause. But he doesn't want to leave my sight. My poor Koda Bear.
  • What about putting DAP around his collar while you walk or some DAP sessions where you both just sit in each other's presence and meditate. You don't have to touch him but your presence plus the DAP (or lavender smell) may start reversing the stress association you feel is happening.

  • Jesse a man after my own heart. I put lavender on Koda's harness. We also have lavender on the bed and in the room. I actually thought that was helping, but maybe just me. lol.
  • Are there any scents that Koda finds especially soothing? If so, try spraying them in your room and see if that helps him calm down. In my experience, the smell of roses, or vanilla, or pumpkin/spice (as in pies) seems to have a calming influence on dogs.
  • Hey Tara,
    If you don't think lavender is working...what about the phermone spray?


  • Thanks Jesse i'm getting it. I'll do anything at this point not to witness Koda like this again for two hours. He's still shaking in his sleep but wrapping him up like a baby kind've helped.

    I really am sad and pissed right now that Koda has to go through this.
  • That's rough. And after he was doing so well, too.
  • Poor little Koda! I really hope he will calm down soon. I don't know what I'd do if my Eowyn got like that. Probably panic... I hope he will soon feel better.
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