Feeding question

I really don't support free feeding, but I'm not sure how long the intervals should we keep the food out. Our puppy doesn't always finish his food when we put it down, he likes to walk back and forth eating it around the house for some reason. I would like to put the food down for a limited amount of time like half an hour? What would you suggest?


  • Did you try feeding from a Kong?
  • Most people like to keep the food down for 15-30 minutes and pick it up, finished or not. Often times, by doing so the pup learns to eat all the food within the allotted time since they know that it's not going to stay there forever.
  • Have you tried an activity ball food dispenser? My Shikoku, Panda, isn't a big eater, but she loves games, so getting her kibble from a ball seems to keep her interested in it a little longer. I also like to feed her from Kongs if she's not energetic enough for the activity ball. If she hasn't eaten everything after 20 or 30 minutes, I just take it away.
  • How many dogs do you have?
  • I have 1 dog and 5 cats. Sadly the cats LOVE the dog food and the puppy LOVES the cat food.
  • I fed him in the crate and left him in there for at least 10-15 minutes (he was usually done eating by then) It'll keep the cats away as well.
  • I portion feed as well and also use crates. Most of my dogs have learned to eat their food within a 15-20minute period. The ones that don't, we take the food away until their next feeding. If they are hungry enough later, they will eat their full next portion.
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